BILDERBERG: More Secret Meetings with Trump Advisors, US Senators

1 Bilderberg copyMark Anderson
The Truth Hound

The danger-ridden, tyrannical goal of creating an all-consuming corporate-ruled world superstate dubbed ‘One World Ltd.’ -incrementally advanced since Bilderberg first met in Holland in 1954 under the auspices of Jesuit-trained European consolidator Joseph Retinger and his agent, Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands – explains why Bilderberg goes to such lengths to keep the details of its inner-workings so secret, while functioning as an off-the-grid world networking and planning forum for private governance benefitting the banking and general corporate classes. A core tactic is to parallel but eventually supersede the nation state itself, thereby canceling effective, genuine nationhood altogether.

Bilderberg’s gatherings, for the record, consist of about 140 mainly North American and European corporate moguls (including select big media), government ministers, treasury officials, parliament members, high-technology leaders, certain royalty (including Bernhard’s daughter, Netherlands Queen Beatrix) and central bankers who annually skulk into the world’s top hotels, in order to cross-pollinate to pursue One World Ltd. and related financial and political dealings.


It’s highly notable that President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, is listed as an attendee for this year’s Bilderberg meeting June 1-4 in Chantilly, Va., at Westfields Marriot. Other U.S. officials attending who are currently serving in public office are Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). While Graham jetted to last year’s Bilderberg meeting in Dresden, Germany, Cotton evidently is attending his first-ever Bilderberg meeting.

The 65th Bilderberg gathering this year has 131 participants from 21 countries having confirmed their attendance. The entire attendee and official topic lists (but not necessarily complete) can be found at this link [note on this list the large amount of serving Trump Administration officials, and this year’s Bilderberg features more active duty US officials than any other previous meeting].

McMaster, Graham and Cotton all share a neo-conservative ideology of aggressively patrolling the world, in conjunction with the UK and the EU, to push Western “democracy” and monopoly capitalism, while fostering hostility toward Iran, Russia and Syria, for the benefit of Zionism, among other things. This fits the Bilderberg credo of using—one might say leasing—U.S. military power and other influence to control the natural resources and economic machinery of as many nations as possible, while co-opting or overthrowing those nations that stand firm with their own sovereignty.

The Virginia gathering marks Bilderberg’s first North American meeting in five years. Last year in Germany, according to the group’s officially shallow “press release,” they discussed (in their own words):  Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Chemical Weapons Threats, Current Economic Issues, European Strategy, Globalisation, Greece, Iran, Middle East, NATO, Russia, Terrorism, United Kingdom, USA and U.S. Elections.

The group’s press releases, a marvel of “revealing simplicity,” typically present bluntly-worded topics, such as “Russia,” “Iran” “United Kingdom,” “European Strategy” and so on. Such topics are clearly indicative of Bilderberg’s objectives and concerns for maintaining Western hegemony over Russia and its allies, Iran and Syria, which could include war or the risk of war with Iran and does include targeting Syria under the guise of “fighting” ISIS…

Continue this story at The Truth Hound

NOTE: The May 24 North American premiere of “Bilderberg, the Movie,” produced by researcher and author Daniel Estulin and covered exclusively by The TRUTH HOUND among national mainstream and alternative news outlets, stressed one point that cannot be overstressed: The Bilderberg Group above all is in pursuit of  “One World Ltd.” On that note, the movie’s promotional flyer asked: “What do people who have $1,000,000,000,000,000 talk about in private?”

While the Estulin movie itself, of course, could not be filmed, videographer Ron Avery shot footage of Estulin’s question-and-answer session immediately afterwards. WATCH:

READ MORE BILDERBERG NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Bilderberg Files


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