Big Pharma’s shame: emerging markets bribery

According to a signal from the electronic tag around his ankle, Nenad Borojevic last left his apartment building at 6.25 p.m. on January 10. It was the festive season in Serbia; the capital was enjoying the lull between Orthodox Christmas and New Year.

Police said Borojevic, a doctor, headed to Kosutnjak park, a popular wooded area in Belgrade dotted with restaurants and criss-crossed by jogging paths.

Borojevic had been one of Serbia’s most eminent doctors, a director of the Institute for Oncology and Radiology. Now he was due in court in five days to face charges brought by the public prosecutor that he had taken bribes from international drug companies as incentives to use their products. The electronic tag was a condition of his 500,000 euro ($660,000) bail.

The next day, around noon, a passer-by found Borojevic hanging from a tree on a nylon rope five millimeters thick. Police found a suicide note in the mailbox of his wife, from whom he was separated. It had been sent from a local post office. “I couldn’t take it anymore,” it said.

Borojevic’s story, some of which emerges here for the first time, is a particularly gruesome example of what even people in the global drugs business concede is a growing problem: bribery and corruption in emerging markets. The 51-year-old cancer specialist was one of a group of 10 Serbia-based doctors and drug company officials charged in 2010 with taking, or offering, more than 500,000 euros in bribes to persuade the medics to use specific products. The doctors are alleged to have personally gained from the choice of medicines used; the drug company representatives with illegally offering the incentives.

In recent years, Big Pharma has forked out billions of dollars to settle scandals involving improper promotion of medicines in the United States. Now bribes paid to foreign doctors and other state employees are shaping up as the next major legal liability threat for the industry. A Reuters examination of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings by the world’s top 10 drug companies has found that eight of them recently warned of potential costs related to charges of corruption in overseas markets.

One factor driving the trend is a search for new business. Companies whose profit margins have been squeezed in the developed world are increasingly turning to thinly regulated emerging markets for growth. At the same time, U.S. and European governments are toughening up on bribes paid by companies overseas. The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Britain’s new Bribery Act, which came into force last July, are both targeting drugs companies for special scrutiny, providing new impetus for the industry to clean up its act.

“There’s clearly a legal risk from violating laws with the current drive into emerging markets, so mis-selling cases in these markets could become a significant legal threat for the industry,” said Chris Stirling, European sector leader for pharmaceuticals at KPMG in London. “The business practices in these countries are very different from the sort you find in Western Europe and the United States.”

Borojevic’s suicide – police have ruled out foul play – means certain aspects of his case, which is being investigated at a national level, may never be known. The trial of the other men and women in the group is continuing. All the defendants have pleaded not guilty, though one of the six drug company representatives involved agreed a plea bargain and another turned witness for the prosecution.

Operation Crab

The probe of Borojevic, which police called Operation Crab, started with a tip-off in March 2007, according to a police source involved in the investigation.

At a later point, police received information from a former mistress of one of the accused, the investigator said, declining to name her. “After they broke up, she came to us and recited everything – names, places, contacts, how they operated, how much everyone received and from whom, when and where,” said the investigator. “She even gave us some concrete evidence which helped us a great deal.”

Some of Serbia’s tabloid media said the informant was a former Serbian model, Katarina Rebraca, who herself, in a separate case, had in April 2010 faced charges of embezzling funds at a breast cancer charity she ran. Borojevic, the doctor, had been called as a witness for the prosecution against her, although he died before testifying.

Rebraca declined to comment. Her lawyer, Dragan Mrakovic, said: “It is not in the best interest of my client to give any information whatsoever” about the Borojevic case. “This has nothing to do with my client’s case, nor does my client have anything to do with the pharmaceutical corruption case.”

The informant led police to a rented apartment in Medakovic, a neighborhood of communist-era apartment blocks and family homes in Belgrade. Here a group of doctors and drugs company sales representatives would allegedly meet and hold “raunchy, loud parties with Belgrade babes, three or four times a week,” said the police investigator. It was not possible to confirm who had rented the apartment.

In June 2010 police arrested Borojevic: the charges against him and four colleagues included running a criminal conspiracy in cancer drugs from 2007 to 2009. The indictment said that the alleged scheme, whereby drug company representatives gave inducements to the doctors to use their companies’ products, had increased sales of a number of generic chemotherapy medicines as well as branded cancer medicines including Roche Holding AG’s Avastin and Erbitux, made by Merck KGaA of Germany.

For Borojevic, the alleged gains were significant, especially in a country whose GDP per capita the IMF puts at just $6,500 a year. In total, he was accused of receiving a total of 11.2 million dinars ($138,000) in kickbacks from drug companies.

Officials at drugs companies AstraZeneca Plc, Sanofi SA and Actavis confirmed they were served in July and August 2011 with criminal indictments related to allegedly improper payments to physicians including Borojevic at his state-run institute, and said they had filed certain procedural objections. Icelandic pharmaceutical company Actavis gave the most expansive statement: “The allegations include bribery of state officials in order to obtain preferential status when it comes to the sale of oncology products in Serbia,” said the company, which moved its headquarters to Zug, Switzerland in 2011.

All declined further comment on the proceedings. Also charged with alleged bribery in the case were representatives of Roche, Merck KGaA and PharmaSwiss – a unit of Canada’s Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc – all of whom declined to comment.

Reps take the rap

In one instance, the police allege, Borojevic and his colleague Zoran Bekic, head of the Institute for Oncology and Radiology’s pediatric oncology ward, received 95,000 euros from Goran Orlic, a representative for Actavis. Orlic allegedly paid the men for inside information about its business plans.

The Actavis representative received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony ahead of the trial, the court said in a statement. Actavis said Orlic left the company in 2009. Neither Bekic, the pediatrician, or his lawyer would comment. Orlic could not be reached.

Another of those charged was Merck KGaA’s representative, Jasmina Gutovic. She reached a plea bargain with prosecutors and admitted giving bribes, according to the judge who heard her case. While Gutovic was convicted, the court will not say what punishment she received while the rest of the case is being heard. Merck KGaA confirmed she left the company in June 2011 and she could not be reached for comment.

The indictment against Borojevic also states that he and colleagues did a deal with unnamed drug company sales staff to develop “new therapeutic applications” using their companies’ drugs, as a way of further boosting sales of the products. In the months before his death, Borojevic was portrayed in Serbian media as a poisoner of children, based on suggestions in the media that he had overprescribed.

Borojevic was released on bail in November 2011. He repeatedly denied all the charges against him, saying he was the victim of a media witch hunt. “Nothing is true from the indictment,” he said in a statement in May 2011.

His lawyer, Strahinja Kastratovic, said that the day before Borojevic killed himself, he had learned the apartment he had bought with his estranged wife would be seized by the court. “He said, ‘I can’t take this anymore, I don’t know how to fight this or against whom I’m supposed to be fighting,'” said Kastratovic. He declined to elaborate.

Temptations increase

Corruption is rife in Serbia, which is ranked 86th out of 183 countries in Berlin-based Transparency International’s corruption perceptions index. The drugs business is particularly exposed to corruption, Transparency International says: pharmaceuticals create vast opportunities for graft across both rich and poor countries. Its 2011 Bribe Payers’ Index ranks pharmaceuticals and healthcare 13th out of 19 industries on probity – a lower ranking than defense firms, though above mining and construction.

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