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View All ArticlesThe 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”Global Research E-Book, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Updated October 2021By Prof Michel ChossudovskyGlobal Research, October 12, 2021
This E-book consists of a Preface and Ten Chapters. 
We are dealing with an exceedingly complex process. 
In the course of the last 20 months starting in early January 2020, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the timeline and evolution of the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic.
I suggest you first read the Highlights (below), the Preface and Introduction before proceeding with chapters II through XIII. 
Alternatively you may wish to View the Global Research Video entitled: The 2021 Worldwide Corona Crisis (released in February 2021), which provides a 25 minutes summary.
Each of the thirteen chapters provides factual information as well as analysis on the following topics:
What Is Covid-19, what is SARS-CoV-2, how Is it identified, how is it estimated? The timeline and historical evolution of the Corona Crisis, The devastating economic and financial impacts, The enrichment of a social minority of billionaires,Social engineering and the destabilization of the institutions of civil societyHow the lockdown policies trigger unemployment and mass poverty Worldwide, The devastating impacts on mental health.
The E-book includes analysis of curative and preventive drugs as well as a review of Big Pharma’s Covid-19 “messenger” mRNA vaccine which is an “unapproved” and “experimental” drug affecting the human genome. (It is a dangerous drug. See Chapter VIII)
Also analyzed are issues pertaining to the derogation of fundamental human rights, censorship of medical doctors, freedom of expression and the protest movement. The last chapter focusses on the unfolding global debt crisis, the destabilization of national governments, the threats to democracy including “global governance” and the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” proposal.  
This E-Book is made available free of charge with a view to reaching out to people Worldwide. it is accessible in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website Drop Down Menu on the top banner of our home page. 
If you wish to make a donation click here to cover the costs of the book (e.g. $10-$20 dollars, that would be much appreciated).
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Please help us in this endeavor. Kindly forward to family, friends and colleagues, within your respective communities. 
Since its publication in mid-December 2020, the E-Book has been consulted by more than 300,000 readers. 
Readers can reach Prof. Michel Chossudovsky at [email protected].
VideoThe September 2021 video featuring Prof. Michel Chossudovsky provides a broad picture of the ongoing crisis as well analysis of the experimental Covid-19 “‘vaccine”.To view the video on Bitchute and/or enter a comment, click the link below:
We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred.
Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.
The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair. 
More than 7 billion people Worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis.
The COVID-19 public health “emergency” under WHO auspices was presented to public opinion as a means (“solution”) to containing the “killer virus”.
If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is (according to the WHO definition) “Similar to Seasonal Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright.
The first stage of this crisis (outside China) was launched by the WHO on January 30th 2020 at a time when there were 5 cases in the US, 3 in Canada, 4 in France, 4 in Germany. 
Do these numbers justify the declaration of a Worldwide public health emergency?  The fear campaign was sustained by political statements and media disinformation.
People are frightened. They are encouraged to do the PCR test, which is flawed. A positive PCR test does not mean that you are infected and/or that you can transmit the virus. 
The RT-PCR Test is known to produce a high percentage of false positives. Moreover, it does not identify the virus. 
From the outset in January 2020, there was no “scientific basis” to justify the launching of a Worldwide public health emergency.
In February, the covid crisis was accompanied by a major crash of financial markets. There is evidence of financial fraud. 
And on March 11, 2020: the WHO officially declared a Worldwide pandemic at a time when there were  44,279 cases and 1440 deaths outside China out of a population of 6.4 billion (Estimates of confirmed cases based on the PCR test).
Immediately following the March 11, 2020 WHO announcement, confinement and lockdown instructions were transmitted to 193 member states of the United Nations. 
Unprecedented in history, applied almost simultaneously in a large of number countries, entire sectors of the World economy have been destabilized. Small and medium sized enterprises have been driven into bankruptcy. Unemployment and poverty are rampant.
The social impacts of these measures are not only devastating, they are ongoing under what was described as “A Second Wave”. There is no evidence of a “Second Wave”. Amply documented the PCR estimates are flawed. 
The health impacts (mortality, morbidity) resulting from the closing down of national economies far surpass those attributed to Covid-19. 
Famines have erupted in at least 25 developing countries according to UN sources.
The mental health of millions of people Worldwide has been affected as a result of the lockdown, social distancing, job losses, bankruptcies, mass poverty and despair. The frequency of suicides and drug addiction has increased Worldwide.
“V the Virus” is said to be responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment. That’s a lie. There is no causal relationship between the (microscopic) SARS-2 virus and economic variables.It’s the powerful financiers and billionaires who are behind this project which has contributed to the destabilization (Worldwide) of the real economy. And there is ample evidence that the decision to close down a national economy (resulting in poverty and unemployment) will inevitably have an impact on patterns of morbidity and mortality. 
Since early February 2020, the Super Rich have cashed in on billions of dollars.
Amply documented it’s the largest redistribution of global wealth in World history, accompanied by a process of Worldwide impoverishment. Image: Copyright fernandozhiminaicela, PixabayThis E-Book is made available free of charge with a view to reaching out to people Worldwide.
If you wish to make a donation click here to cover the costs of the book, (e.g. $10-$20 dollars) that would be much appreciated.  Please help us in this endeavor. Kindly forward to family, friends and colleagues, within your respective communities. 
Readers can reach Prof. Michel Chossudovsky at [email protected]Preface 
The fear campaign has served as an instrument of disinformation.
Media lies sustained the image of a killer virus which initially contributed to destabilizing US-China trade and disrupting air travel. And then in February “V- the Virus” (which incidentally is similar to seasonal influenza) was held responsible for triggering the most serious financial crisis in World history. 
And then on March 11, 2020 a lockdown was imposed on 193 member states on the United Nations, leading to the “closure” of national economies Worldwide.
Starting in October, a “second wave” was announced. “The pandemic is not over”.
The fear campaign prevails. And people are now led to believe that the corona vaccine sponsored by their governments is the “solution”. And that “normality” will be restored once the entire population of the planet has been vaccinated.
The SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
How is it that a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which under normal conditions would take years to develop, was promptly launched in early November 2020? The mRNA vaccine announced by Pfizer is based on an experimental gene editing mRNA technology which has a bearing on the human genome. 
Were the standard animal lab tests using mice or ferrets conducted?
Or did Pfizer “go straight to human “guinea pigs.”? Human tests began in late July and early August. “Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm.” Our thanks to Large and JIPÉM
This caricature by Large + JIPÉM explains our predicament:
Mouse No 1: “Are You Going to get Vaccinated”Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”
And why do we need a vaccine for Covid-19 when both the WHO and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed unequivocally that Covid-19 is “similar to seasonal influenza”.
The plan to develop a vaccine is profit driven. It is supported by corrupt governments serving the interests of Big Pharma. The US government had already ordered several hundred million doses and the the EU is to purchase an additional 1.8 billion doses from Pfizer (four times the population of the European Union).
It’s Big Money for Big Pharma, generous payoffs to corrupt politicians, at the expense of tax payers. 
In the following chapters, we define the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the controversial RT-PCR test which is allegedly being used to “identify genetic fragments of the virus” as well establish the “estimates” of the so-called “positive cases”. (Chapter III) 
In Chapter II, we examine in detail the timeline of events since October 2019 leading up to the historic March 11, 2020 lockdown and confinement.
We assess the broad economic and social consequences of this crisis including the process of Worldwide impoverishment and redistribution of wealth in favour of the Super Rich billionaires.(Chapters IV and V). 
The devastating impacts of the lockdown policies on mental health are examined in Chapter VI. 
Big Pharma’s vaccination programme which is being imposed on millions of people Worldwide is reviewed in Chapter VIII. Chapter IX recalls the circumstances of the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic, which turned out to be a scam, sponsored by the WHO. Chapter X focusses on the “Identification” of the Virus. Was SARS-CoV-2 Isolated?
Chapter XI focusses on the Derogation of Freedom of Expression and the authoritarian policies imposed to ensure social compliance. Chapter XII focuses on Crimes against Humanity and the Nuremberg Code. 
Chapter XIII concludes with an analysis of the World Economic Forum’s proposed “Great Reset” which if adopted would consist in scrapping the Welfare State and imposing massive austerity measures on an impoverished population. 
This E-Book has been revised and updated since its publication in December 2020. There is a sense of urgency. People Worldwide are being lied to by their governments. 
A word on the methodology: our objective is to refute the “Big Lie” through careful analysis consisting of:
A historical overview of the Covid crisis, with precise data. Quotations from official documents and peer reviewed reports. Numerous sources and references are indicated.Scientific analysis and detailed review of “official” data, estimates and definitions,Analysis of the impacts of WHO “guidelines” and government policies on economic, social and public health variables.
Our objective is to inform people Worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a pretext and a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the Covid-19 “vaccine”. 
This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: 7.9 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings Worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument. 
I remain indebted to our readers, our authors and the Global Research team. 
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 11, 2020, [email protected] 
(Latest revisions and updates on October 12, 2021, including the addition of three new chapters)
Spread the word. Please forward this text to friends and colleagues.
Copyright: Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). December 2020.
The preface and Introductory chapter can be crossposted with a link to the complete E-book. If you wish to use or reproduce the text of the E-Book or sections thereof, kindly contact Michel Chossudovsky at [email protected] About the Author
Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.
He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (19791983).
He is the author of eleven books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005), The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015).
He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia. He can be reached at [email protected].
See Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note
Michel Chossudovsky’s articles on Global ResearchTable of ContentsChapter I.Introduction. Destroying Civil Society. The Fear Campaign
Chapter IIThe Corona Timeline
Chapter IIIWhat Is Covid-19, SARS-2 : How Is It Tested? How Is It Measured? 
Chapter IVEngineered Economic Depression
Chapter VThe Enrichment of the Super Rich. The Appropriation and Redistribution of Wealth 
Chapter VIThe Impacts on Mental Health
Chapter VII“There Is No Cure”. Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), A Cheap and Effective Drug 
Chapter VIIIBig Pharma’s Covid Vaccine
Chapter IX Remember the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
Chapter XHas The Virus been Identified? Has SARS-CoV-2 been Isolated?
Chapter XIFreedom of Expression. Categorizing The Protest Movement as “Anti-Social”
Chapter XIIThe Worldwide CoVax Operation and the Nuremberg Code. Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide
Chapter XIII“Global Coup d’État” and the “Great Reset”. Global Debt and Neoliberal “Shock Treatment”
Read the full E-book here:The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”
Copyright © Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 2021Our Newsletter may be free of charge but it costs us money to provide it to you. Please consider supporting Global Research by making a donation or becoming a member.Global ResearchPO Box 5501911 Notre-Dame OuestMontreal, Qc H2Y 4A7, CanadaEmail UsSource

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