Beyond the call of duty: Best man donates his kidney to his friend’s bride to ensure their future together

Damien Gayle

Last updated at 7:02 PM on 2nd January 2012

A best man at a wedding is to go one step further in his service to the married couple by donating his kidney to the bride.

Stuart Kilgannon, 39, from Beverley, East Yorkshire, was best man for his friends Shaun and Leanne Stefanovic at their wedding in Cyprus last year.

Now, having made sure the big day went off without a hitch, Mr Kilgannon is helping to ensure the newlyweds are able to enjoy a happy future.

Generous: Stuart Kilgannon, left, is preparing to donate his kidney to friend Leanne Kennedy after being her husband's best man at their wedding last year

Generous: Stuart Kilgannon, left, is preparing to donate his kidney to friend Leanne Kennedy after being her husband’s best man at their wedding last year

Mrs Stefanovic, 30, has suffered from kidney disease most of her life but, thanks to Mr Kilgannon, hopes this year will be the one she finally returns to health.

She was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2007, leaving her with constant fatigue and on dialysis for nine hours every day.

But after finding out he was a match for Mrs Stefanovic, Mr Kilgannon put himself forward and the transplant is expected to take place at St James’s Hospital in Leeds next week.

Mrs Stefanovic said: ‘I really feel like I’m ready for the transplant now. Lately, I have felt more tired than normal.

‘I feel really rundown and I want to get a spring back in my step again.

‘Stuart is putting himself on the surgery table for me. I’m extremely grateful because I could have been waiting another five or ten years.’

Mr Kilgannon is due to undergo the transplant operation at St James's Hospital in Leeds next week (file picture)

Mr Kilgannon is due to undergo the transplant operation at St James’s Hospital in Leeds next week (file picture)

Despite his life-changing gesture, Mr Kilgannon was modest about what he is preparing to do. ‘Leanne calls me a hero – but I’m not,’ he said.

‘I’m starting to get a little bit nervous now. It’s more painful for the donor than the recipient because it’s more of an invasive operation.

‘They are taking something out and your body has to get used to something being missing.

‘But to see Leanne’s life improve dramatically, it will be worth it 100 per cent.’

Mr Kilgannon said he knew how much of a struggle life was for Mrs Stefanovic.

‘It’s starting to affect her more and more and her energy levels seem to be dropping more,’ he said.

‘If she goes anywhere for a great length of time, she has to take everything with her. Lots of things we take for granted, such as a weekend away with your partner, she can’t do.’

Mrs Stefanovic said she hoped the transplant would mean she and her husband could think about starting a family.

‘At present, that choice has been taken away from me,’ she said. ‘I have been told not to get pregnant because I could die and the baby could die.

‘Having a baby puts strain on a healthy person’s kidney, never mind someone whose are in failure.

‘There is something missing in our lives. I can’t wait to get my freedom back.’

Mrs Stefanovic added that she is also hoping to be able to further her studies in law after graduating from the University Of Hull in July.

She said: ‘I won’t have to have dialysis any more. I will be able to climb into bed and not have to set a machine up. I will be able to be independent.’

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The article doesn’t mention her husband… would think he would be overjoyed by the fact that his friend is saving his wifes life!
– jan new, fl. usa, 02/1/2012 23:22
I know Leanne and her husband and I can assure you her husband is one of the nicest people you could ever meet. It is typical of the DM not to tell the whole story. Leanne’s husband Sean wanted to give her a kidney but he was tested and was not a match, that is why his friend stepped in. Of course he is over the moon that his friend is doing this. People like you with the sort of attitude that immediately assumes there is something sinister are just the type that would never consider doing something so selfless.

What a star!

Same old music but a different tune to “Man discovers ‘best-mate’s organ’ inside bride-to-be”!

The article doesn’t mention her husband… would think he would be overjoyed by the fact that his friend is saving his wifes life!

Best man? A wonderful man.

To donate your kidney the other kidney must be super duper fantastic, otherwise there is a very high risk for it to fail later…
That is why a person should only donate it to someone really meaningful/relative so that when your remaining kidney fails later you won’t regret the decision.

A best man,in every sense of the word,a wonderful gesture,I hope it all goes well for everyones future.

Wonderful heartwarming story. What a great friend.

why is smithy ,stoke being red arrowed. they indeed look like brother and sister.nothing nasty about saying that .lovely human article .wish them the best.

good grief they look like brother and sister!!

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