South Australia’s calls for more water to be returned to the Murray-Darling river system have been rebuffed again by upstream states, SA Water Minister Paul Caica says.
Mr Caica asked for a fairer deal for South Australian irrigators at a ministerial forum of Murray-Darling Basin states held in Sydney.
But little progress was made at Friday’s meeting of state and federal ministers, he said.
Mr Caica wants the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to conduct further modelling on the effect of returning higher volumes of water, as much as 4000 gigalitres, to the river.
A draft plan to return 2750GL to the river is insufficient and would place communities and wetlands in South Australia at risk, Mr Caica said.
“The Murray-Darling Basin Authority needs to respond to our request to model higher volumes of water recovery,” he said in a statement on Friday.
“It was obvious that 2750GL would not return the river to health.”
The river runs though Queensland, NSW and Victoria before reaching South Australia.
Mr Caica said east coast states were not interested in returning water to the river system.
“The upstream states maintained their positions that they wanted to look at ways less water could be returned to the basin rather than more,” he said.
“The authority also needs to acknowledge the efforts of South Australia in capping our take from the river more than 40 years ago, and not punish us for the waste of upstream water users.”
“South Australia will strive to achieve a better plan through the current process, but we will not accept a compromised plan.”
NSW Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson said she remained unhappy with the basin plan in its current form.
“It is clear that there is still a lot of work to be done, and we will be meeting again soon to progress these issues,” Ms Hodgkinson said in a statement.
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