Bernard Matthews bugged my car, claims animal welfare campaigner

Keith Gladdis

Last updated at 6:47 PM on 22nd December 2011

An animal welfare campaigner has accused turkey farmer Bernard Matthews of using private detectives to spy on her by putting a tracking device on her car.

Wendy Valentine runs the Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norwich and has campaigned against factory farming practices for more than 15 years. 

Investigators from her sanctuary secretly filmed Bernard Matthews staff appearing to play ‘bat and ball’ with live turkeys in one of its farms in 2006. 

Court proceedings: Wendy Valentine from the Hillside Animal Sanctuary, Norwich claims Bernard Matthews hired private detectives to tag her car with a tracking device

Court proceedings: Wendy Valentine from the Hillside Animal Sanctuary, Norwich claims Bernard Matthews hired private detectives to tag her car with a tracking device

A year later undercover footage obtained in another Hillside investigation appeared to show a Bernard Matthews worker playing football with live turkeys. 

Now the turkey firm is accused of using the similar covert techniques by commissioning private investigators to spy on Hillside boss Wendy Valentine for at least five months.

Papers lodged at the High Court claim a GPS tracking device was found underneath Miss Valentine’s car when it was parked outside her home last August.

It was discovered by Hillside employee Richard Holland who deactivated the tracker – which contained a T-mobile SIM card – by pulling out the battery.

The surveillance device is designed to emit a signal every 20-30 seconds which allowed investigators to monitor all Miss Valentine’s movements.

Court papers claim: ‘Having de-activated the device, Mr Holland waited to see whether the device was claimed or an attempt was made to change the battery.’

Bernard Matthews: The turkey farmer's company is alleged to have spied on Miss Valentine

Bernard Matthews: The turkey farmer’s company is alleged to have spied on Miss Valentine

At around midnight a silver Lexus 4×4 containing a man and a woman is alleged to have driven up to Miss Valentine’s house in Hainford, Norwich.

The papers add: ‘The woman got out of her car and walked towards the Claimant’s car where she crouched down under the car where the tracking device was attached.

‘The Claimant came out of her house whilst Mr Holland approached the woman and the woman retreated to her vehicle where a man was waiting for her.’

Miss Valentine reported the incident to police and Hillside conducted its own investigation which revealed Bernard Matthews Ltd used a detective agency called Richmond Day and Wilson.

The silver Lexus was later observed on the driveway of the house and registered office of Kenneth Day of the Richmond Day and Wilson detective agency in Epping, Essex.

Court papers claim the man and woman who arrived at Miss Valentine’s home were identified as Mr and Mrs Day from photograph on the detective agency website. 

Bernard Matthews has confirmed it uses the Richmond Day and Wilson agency as part of the security for its turkey farms.

Factory: Animal welfare activists have campaigned against the company

Factory: Animal welfare activists have campaigned against the company

The agency provides services including private, undercover and covert investigations and boasts on its website about using its own method of remote vehicle tracking. 

It says: ‘The system operates using a mobile phone SIM card and GPS satellite tracking.

‘The GPS signal is received at our own offices where the signal is imported into our bespoke computer program.

‘The program will identify the exact position of the vehicle within the UK, an icon will appear on a mapping system to show the vehicle’s physical location, speed and direction of travel.’

The agency promotes the tracking system to be used with the permission of the vehicle owner such as a haulage company wanting to track its lorries.

But Miss Valentine, 62, has accused Bernard Matthews and Richmond Day and Wilson of using the tracking system to monitor her movements. 

She is now suing them for harassment and the misuse of private information.

Her claim says: ‘It was particularly distressing to her that Mr and Mrs Day… were prepared to visit her home, prowl around her property after dark, interfere with her vehicle, and to do so within hours of discovering that the tracking device had been deactivated. 

‘Such behaviour leads her to believe that the tracking was constant and active over a long period and has made her feel unsafe in her own home.’  

The Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Frettenham, Norwich has campaigned against factory farming since 1995 and has conducted a series of high profile investigations.

In June 2007 a Hillside investigator filmed a Bernard Matthews worker kicking turkeys like a football eight times in a shed on a farm at Wreningham near Wydmondham, Norfolk.

A year earlier the same Hillside investigator filmed two Bernard Matthews staff appearing to play bat and ball with live turkeys at a plant in Haveringland, Norfolk. 

Turkey catchers Daniel Palmer, 27, and Neil Allen, 30, were ordered to carry out 200 hours of community service after admitting ill treatment when they appeared before Norwich magistrates in September 2007.

They claimed they were influenced by “peer pressure” and part of a “culture” at the plant.

An RSPCA inspector described the video of the pair as the worst case of cruelty to farm animals he had heard of.

A spokeswoman for Bernard Matthews said: ‘I can confirm that Bernard Matthews uses the services of Richmond Day and Wilson along with other security firms for the security on the company’s farms. 

‘Bernard Matthews obviously works closely with the police to deal with break-ins thefts and unexplained bird disturbances which jeopardise the welfare of their turkeys and also cause significant distress to the birds. 

‘Bernard Matthews can also confirm that the company has been cited as a co-defendant in a claim by Wendy Valentine against Richmond Day and Wilson Limited.

‘As this subject to legal proceedings we can’t comment any further.’

PSB Law, solicitors for Wendy Valentine said: ‘We can confirm we have today lodged papers at the High Court against private investigators RDW Limited and the turkey producer Bernard Matthews on behalf of our client. 

‘The case relates to the covert tracking of our client’s car, misuse of private information and harassment.

‘We have nothing further to say at this time.’

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