Berlin opera house forced to reschedule Hitler¿s favourite Wagner work set for Nazi leader¿s birthday

David Baker

Last updated at 12:03 PM on 4th February 2012

Gaffe: Opera bosses in Germany have been forced to revise their plans to put on a production of Adolf Hitler's favourite Wagner work on his birthday

Gaffe: Opera bosses in Germany have been forced to revise their plans to put on a production of Adolf Hitler’s favourite Wagner work on his birthday

Berlin’s biggest opera house has been forced to reschedule plans to stage a version of Adolf Hitler’s favourite Wagner production after uproar about it being launched on the Nazi leader’s birthday.

Deutsche Oper, the biggest opera house in the German capital, had planned to stage Richard Wagner’s Rienzi, a work that is alleged to have been found in Hitler’s bunker following his suicide, on the dictator’s April 20 birthday.

According to the Independent the opera house’s current director, Christoph Seuferle, had penciled in the date for the opening performance to coincide with celebrations marking Deutsche Oper’s 100th birthday.

But following the announcement of the
original plans German daily newspaper Die Welt lead the concern as it commented ‘Hitler’s opera
staged in Goebbels’ opera house during it’s anniversary year on the
Fuhrer’s birthday: bad idea.’

The plans have since been revised and a statement issued by the Deutsche Oper said ‘Staff have stated during in-house discussions that for personal reasons they find holding the premiere of this opera on this evening to be difficult or impossible.’

Opera: Hitler was a huge fan of the opera and in particular the work of Richard Wagner

Opera: Hitler was a huge fan of the opera and in particular the work of Richard Wagner

Row: Berlin's biggest Opera House, Deutsche Oper, is at the centre of a row after it planned to stage Hitler's favourite opera on his birthday

Row: Berlin’s biggest Opera House, Deutsche Oper, is at the centre of a row after it planned to stage Hitler’s favourite opera on his birthday

Although the plans have been altered following the complaints, however, the premiere will still go ahead, a day later, on April 21.

Rienzi, which tells the story of Italian folk hero Cola di Rienzi, who leads an uprising against the nobility, is said to have become a favourite of Wagner fanatic Hitler when he first saw it as a teenager.

It has even been suggested that he admired the work so much that the prelude to the composer’s 1842 production was used at Nazi rallies and often prefaced his speeches.

He is said to have been such a fan of the production in fact that he asked for a manuscript of the work for his 50th birthday and historians suggest it was found with him following his death in 1945.

Favourite: Hitler was a huge fan of composer Richard Wagner, in particular his 1842 production Rienzi

Favourite: Hitler was a huge fan of composer Richard Wagner, in particular his 1842 production Rienzi

It is not the first time that the Berlin based opera house has been at the centre of a row and in 2006 its plans to stage a production of Mozart’s Idomeneo sparked furious political debate.

Politicians in the capital called for the production to be canned because of the final scene in which the severed heads of Buddha, Jesus, Poseidon and the Prophet Muhammad, were displayed on stage.

The production was called off at the time but was staged in full two months later.

Honoured: Adolf Hitler at a ceremony in which a monument to composer Richard Wagner was unveiled

Honoured: Adolf Hitler at a ceremony in which a monument to composer Richard Wagner was unveiled

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That day is now reserved for weed smokers as the way the date is written out in America (4/20) coincides with the observance of having a puff 20 minutes after Teatime.
Der Fuhrer wouldn’t have approved of such things, naturally.
Unfortunate that the current Fuhrers around the globe are equally hostile to people immolating a harmless herb.

Seems like a good day to have the concert if he was such a big fan.

Oh heck – 20th April is my wife’s birthday and she loves Wagner’s operas.

Germans have got to get over Hitler. He keeps haunting them time and again from the grave.

Still a sensitive subject for millions of people.. Personally I find it amusing .. Germany showing its true colours !

Maybe we should also ban the use of Volkswagen cars every year on the 20th April. I hear Hitler was rather fond of them.

Seems strange to us, but politics and music are still much more intertwined in Germany than elsewhere. After all, Wagner himself spent more than a decade in exile from the country under potential threat of a death penalty after his involvement in the 1849 revolutions, but his real political statement was Siegfried as the archetypal fearless German hero in the Ring, not Rienzi as a Roman champion of the people. When people think of the 1940s they think of Wagner’s later music dramas, thundering base trumpet arpeggios and whaling Valkyries, so if I were running this opera house I’d be performing Rienzi as scheduled (not least because of the favourable international press coverage).

It’s worth remembering as well that Wagner’s first complete opera was called “The Fairies” and the greatest opera he sketched but never wrote was to be about the honour and chivalry of the middle eastern king Saladin. The man Hitler thought he was – I think not!

Hitler had been presented with the autograph score of the opera – not just a printed edition – which may partly explain why he had it with him near the time of his death.Quite dreadful music and not worth reviving, unlike Wagner’s later works. Probably, Hitler’s birthday is the best time to perform it. It may also be mentioned that Wagner’s handwriting was very elegant, so the score was probably nicer to look at than to hear.

Almost as daft as being offended by Top Totty.

– Peter, England, 04/02/2012 12:01
Just don’t like the tash and hat too or you will be up for race hate crimes!!

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