Benjamin Fulford Update for Jan 28th

Benjamin FulfordThe Sabbatean Mafia and Vatican P2 Lodge Are on What Will Be Their Final Offensive

The Vatican P2 lodge, with their plan for a fascist world government, has started a massive world-wide offensive on multiple fronts. In Davos, Switzerland, for example, they are making wonderfully optimistic pronouncements that are totally in contrast the underlying reality. In Japan, meanwhile, they handed out massive bribes via Lord Sassoon to set up an 82-member faction of MPs within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, according to White Dragon Society sources. In the US, their man Obama and his gun-grabbing campaign has blown up in their faces. Also, old and powerless old war-horses like Henry Kissinger are being trotted out (and ignored) as they threaten war with Iran for the umpteenth zillionth time.

These moves are all nothing but symptoms of severe panic as underlying moves, that are being coordinated purely by hand-delivered letters, are taking place outside of their ability to monitor. For example, the letter from the Japanese Prime Minister delivered to the Chinese President led to an agreement to shelve the dispute over the Senkaku/Daiyu Islands and concentrate instead on kicking the Sabbatean mafia out of Asia, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. There was a lot more in the letter and accompanying tape-recording but, much of the information will never be made digitally available for reasons of security.

Meanwhile, the wholesale bribery and blackmail of Japanese politicians aimed at setting up an 82 MP faction of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party led by Shinjiro Koizumi, the son of the traitorous Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is not going to make any difference. The powers that be in Japan know that he is just the slave boy of Mossad agent Michael Green. Michael Green has slandered me in the past by saying I was a woman beating amphetamine addict. What are you still doing in Japan, Green?

There has also been a significant heating up of talk and maneuvers concerning the Japanese royal family. Essentially, there are two rival claimants to the throne. One, Naoshi Onodera, is based in Yokohama and has the backing of a powerful Buddhist group. The other is the three-legged crow secret society based in Kyoto that is promoting a rival clan. This group has powerful backing among the Shinto priesthood.

Inside the Royal Family now located in the palace, meanwhile, strife continues between Emperor Akihito, his eldest son Naruhito and his second son Akishino. The Sabbatean mafia and their Japanese slaves were hoping to take over the throne by using Princess Masako and Crown Prince Naruhito as puppets of a junior royal family member working for the Rockefeller family. The traditionalists are not going to let that happen.

In any case, a fundamental decision has been made in Japan to shift the focus of Japan’s foreign policy closer to Russia and China and further away from the fascist regime in Washington D.C. (not to be confused with the Republic of the United States), according to Japanese military intelligence.

Meanwhile in North Korea, elderly military types are being encouraged by the Sabbatean Mafia to continue to make provocations and to marginalize Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un. The Chinese are not going to allow this to happen, according to North Korean sources.

Also, if anybody is wondering why more bankers are not being arrested, they should take note of what is going on in Singapore:

Massive arrests have already begun in this place as well as in Hong Kong and China as part of an ongoing purge of Sabbatean influence in the region, according to multiple sources.

One focus of particular interested is the trading room located on the 11th floor of HSBC’s headquarters in Hong Kong, according to CIA sources. This is going to be shut down, according to a CIA source. A White Dragon Society asset in London is attempting to get comment about this and about the bribery of Japanese politicians from Lord James Sassoon.

The other new development in Asia has been an agreement between the CIA and certain Chinese factions to set up Myanmar as a major heroin, amphetamine and other illegal drug manufacturing and distribution center to replace North Korea in the amphetamine trade and Afghanistan in the Heroin business, according to a CIA source.

Meanwhile, back in Europe, here is how an MI5 source described the big cabal conference at Davos:

“It seems that several contributors form outside the EU were not very optimistic about the world economy whilst the event became bouyant in mood as EU-centric speeches were given about the EU being strong now a banking system was being proposed. This was of course accompanied by massive market manipulation as the dark pools of liquidity were brought into play and saw stock markets, including the FTSE 100 on highs. Meanwhile simultaneously out in the real world, the UK is in a greater slowdown than in the Depression, Spain has 26% unemployment, and Catalonia is proposing to sell it’s assets to Deutsche bank in a split from Spain. Whole countries are being sold to banks at cents to the dollar. This is the Great Depression but on a much larger scale. The Euro is suddenly set to strengthen. If not by market manipulation, how? This kind of bubble-like activity can only be happening because vast support funds are being brought into play for the Euro markets via Goldman Sachs and JPM and many of these funds are the direct funneling of QE which is avoiding real economies and being channeled via bonds into banks. The optimism at Davos is about the banks seizing the chance to use taxpayers support funding to buy taxpayer’s assets and leave countries crippled with debt and without the economic structures to recover, ever. The corporate government plan as envisaged by Fascists such as Mussolini and latterly praised by Berlusconi has been endorsed at Davos.”

End of quote.

There is really not much to add to what he says other than to say that the situation in the US is quite similar. The only difference is that in the US the cabal is now back-pedaling furiously away from their attempt to grab guns following the Sandy Hook psy-ops.

Finally, a Vatican Middle East expert responded to the CIA claims in last week’s report that Shah Pahlavi will be returning to Iran by noting the following that the Shah was so hated for the murders and torture carried out by his secret police that he would be killed as soon as he returned. Also the Shah could not even speak Persian very well because “he was sent to LE ROSAY in Switzerland to give him European polish and this alienated him even more from his people.” The best claimant, the source said, is Prince Amini Khajar, heir to the Khajar dynasty removed by the Western powers .” He just happens to live in a splendid villa in Rome.

The story about the Shah is probably similar to the story of many proxy leaders installed by the cabal worldwide. When the cabals access to the money creation process is finally cut off, doubtless the repercussions will be felt all over the planet.

As usual, there is a lot that cannot be written at this point in order not to tip off the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and give them an opportunity to sabotage efforts to remove them from world power. The news is good but please only believe it when you see it.


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