The slaughter of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty in Benghazi, as a result of the Obama administration’s and Hillary Clinton’s tragic and criminal decision to let these men die has weighed heavily on all Conservatives minds. Liberals? They couldn’t care less. Black lives matter, cops are evil and give us our free sh*t.
Can you imagine having this murderer, Hillary Clinton as our president? For God’s sake, she is nothing more than an evil, senile corrupt old hag that isn’t fit to legitimately run a lemonade stand. Just like Hussein, our Muslim in chief.
Clinton is scandalous and like I said, she is directly responsible for the deaths of these four Americans in Benghazi.
The patriots who survived the terrorist attack agree- and that’s why they are backing DONALD TRUMP for President!
Former CIA security contractors at Benghazi Mark “Oz” Geist and John “Tig” Tiegen, coauthors of 13 Hours, endorsing Donald Trump
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 28, 2016
As America’s Freedom Fighters previously reported, security operators Mark “Oz” Geist, Kris “Tanto” Paronto and John “Tig” Tiegen were at the secret CIA annex which is about 1 mile away from the compound when the attacks began. They reflected on the events and what they have to say completely destroys the story that Clinton and Obama put out there for the public.
They insisted they were ready to go help but were told by a CIA officer to stand down even as distress calls were coming in from the compound.
Tiegen told Megyn that he was surprised during the attack that they were given a “stand-down” order and offered no help, even after Amb. Chris Stevens had been missing for hours.
Tiegen said that Tontos was told to “wait twice and he (the CIA officer) told me to stand down.”
The heroes decided to defy their orders and headed to the consulate during the attack to help save the lives of the people that were trapped inside. When they requested back-up they were apparently denied- no one ever arrived.
“13 hours. Nobody comes. That’s the big deal,” Tanto said.
What these brave men did is nothing but heroic!
The men revealed that if they had been given the green light to go in when the first distress calls were received that the four men who lost their lives in the gruesome attack would definitely still be alive today!
Hillary Clinton and the White House have relied on Congressional investigations that concluded there was no “stand-down” order given at the annex.
Paronto said it’s “just silly” and Tiegen pointed out that investigators believed everything else the men testified about.
“It’s kind of funny. Everything we testified to, they agreed with us 100 percent. Pretty much from us eating a candy bar to shooting all our ammo, but for some reason they don’t want to believe that we were told to stand down,” said Tiegen.
Geist said that despite the lack of help from the U.S. military, he was confident that their team, which had nearly 100 combined years of experience in counter-insurgency operations, would overcome the odds.
The testimonies from these men as well as many others confirm what we all know- Clinton, Obama and a score of other corrupt official let these men die- FOR NO REASON AT ALL! It also confirms that they lied to the American public over and over. Yet the mainstream media refuses to report the truth and choose to hammer those of us that DEMAND the truth labeling us RIGHT WING WACKOS!
Call me what you will but these scumbags that let our men die in Benghazi are LEFT WING TRAITORS, TRASH, FILTH AND BELONG IN PRISON.
Look, Hillary lied and 4 men died. End of story.
These patriots are backing DONALD TRUMP!
We have to defeat Hillary or else America will be destroyed for eternity.
Do you agree? Let us know in the comments.
God Bless.
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