WHIPPANY, N.J — As part of an effort to increase access to contraceptives, the pharmaceutical company Bayer and the organization Direct Relief have announced the selection of four entities to receive $40,000 each in grants, including two offices of the abortion and birth control giant Planned Parenthood.
The grants are part of a Bayer initiative called “We’re for Her,” which involves the donation of intrauterine devices (IUDs), the provision of capital to various family planning facilities, as well as the distribution of educational materials.
“The We’re for Her initiative is a total package approach to increasing access to contraceptives,” Dr. Yesmean Wahdan, who oversees U.S. Medical Affairs at Bayer, remarked in a statement. “This new grant program from Direct Relief will enable health clinics to create resources that meet the unique needs of women in their communities, allowing them to make educated decisions about contraceptives with their healthcare providers that will impact the trajectory of their lives.”
According to a press release, Bayer — the maker of Kyleena, Mirena and Skyla — seeks to provide “100 million women across the world with access to contraception by 2030.”
“Bayer is committed to the reproductive health of women, and we work hard to ensure that every woman can feel empowered and confident when it comes to her reproductive decisions and health,” its Kyleena website states. “This means supporting every woman’s access to effective contraception.”
The company has a three-year partnership with Direct Relief, a humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Santa Barbara, California.
Direct Relief selected four entities as part of the “We’re for Her” effort to grant $40K each to provide contraceptives and sexual education to low-income individuals: Adagio Health in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Maternal and Family Health Services in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Planned Parenthood Great Plains in Little Rock, Arkansas.
“The nonprofit health providers receiving this funding from Direct Relief already provide high-quality reproductive health services for their patients, and this support, generously provided by Bayer, will allow them to continue to expand these essential services,” Paulina Ospina, Direct Relief’s associate director of Maternal and Child Health, said in a statement.
Planned Parenthood also praised the endowments, as President Alexis McGill Johnson remarked in a statement, “We’re grateful that Bayer and Direct Relief support sexual and reproductive health care and education, and understand that all people deserve access to the care they need, when they need it, no matter what.”
Planned Parenthood Great Plains said it would use the funds to “pilot a program to bridge the gap in transportation disparities [for ethnic minorities] and increase access to high quality sexual and reproductive health care.”
According to Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report, the organization performed a record number of abortions during the 2018-2019 fiscal year, as 345,672 babies were murdered in their mother’s womb, up 12,915 from the year prior and up 24,288 from two years ago. Government funding was also at a record high, as Planned Parenthood received over $616 million in reimbursements and grants.
Planned Parenthood, founded by the late Margaret Sanger, was originally named the American Birth Control League. Sanger was a proponent of eugenics against the physically and mentally disabled, using birth control to prevent undesirables from reproducing and to keep healthy women from producing large families.
In 1939, she also launched the “Negro Project,” offering birth control in African American communities — especially in the South, where there was significant poverty yet multiple children in a household. She thought that cutting down on the number of children born would better the economic status of a region and consequently the quality of life for society as a whole.
According to New York University, Sanger’s secretary, Florence Rose, wrote a report on “Birth Control and the Negro,” in which she opined that “negroes present the great problem of the South,” because they have “the greatest economic, health and social problems” yet “still breed carelessly and disastrously.”
Psalm 127:3 states, “Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward.”
1 Thessalonians 4:2-8 reads, “For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication, that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor — not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God.”
“For God hath not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man but God, who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit.”
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