Batman Shooter Displays Classic MKUltra Manipulation

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
July 25, 2012




James Holmes, the Batman shooter , was an intern at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies.

One of the mind control studies conducted at the Salk Institute, was inquiries into neurological activation and inactivation with regard to behavioral manipulation in monkeys. With the injection of an adeno-associated virus (AAV1), visual impairment and suggestive behavior was confirmed. These monkeys could be given suggestions that controlled their ability to perform physical and emotional functions. While this study is experimental, it is recommended that further study be conducted to know the wide range of effects and usefulness.

In 2006, Holmes was so impressive to those monitoring his progress that he was given laboratory experiments that would be under his oversight.

While at Salk, Holmes was, according to his resume , the author of computer programs where the utilization of flicker fusion , a form of mind control was being implanted in movies and video games.

Holmes wrote papers , entitled “Temporary Perceptions of Causality” during his time as a student on programming and mind control.

Considering Holmes’ background, it begins to piece together a puzzle that has begged questions about how this man could have committed this egregious act of mass murder for seemingly no reason at all .

Out of character, Holmes, who has no priors or criminal background, dyes his hair red, calls himself the Joker and becomes an automaton who behaves as if he is brainwashed and these acts and motivation has been implanted into his mind from an outside source.

Mind control techniques were perfected with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) use of MKUltra .

In 1977, the US Senate Committee on Health and Scientific Research investigated claims that the CIA were conducting mind control experiments in the 1950s; preformed on unwitting human subjects. Coincidentally, 16,000 pages of declassified CIA documents were released about MKUltra, the secret project into mind control techniques which ran from 1953 to 1964.

The CIA’s Technical Services Division was to provide the support for MKUltra experiments. They supplied any instruments, biological, disguises, chemicals, drugs, gadgets, that the agents required to conduct their experiments.

The TSS Chemical Division and its director, Sydney Gotlieb is the first head of the MKUltra project. Gotlieb spearheaded the experiments into LSD. Paid college students volunteers were used, as well as incarcerated prisoners.

With the death of Frank Olsen, the CIA had to back off from their overt experiments into mind control and become covert to protect their operations.
The combination of mind control drugs and false flag operations are nearly synonymous with the restriction of freedoms and usurpation of government into the private lives of its citizens. The Holmes, Batman short case is no exception.

Purchases of firearms have been steadily increasing. The mass execution of Americans at the Aurora Theater has opened to the door to conversations about stricter gun controls, while the UN is finishing up their Arms Trade Treaty in New York and Obama is promising to have the votes necessary to ratify the ATT in the US Congress to get a handle on gun purchases and the continued armoring of American citizens.

Holmes apparently lawfully purchased an AR15 assault rifle, 12 gage pump shotgun, and .40 calliber semi-automatic Glock pistol; as well as 6000 rounds of ammunition, body armor and a gas mask. Since last year, when gun sales skyrocketed, the US government has been monitoring suspicious purchases. This type of purchase by one individual should have set off alarm bells and warning signs.

The Hegelian Dialectic at work here is obvious. The US government is concerned about the American population arming themselves and being able to defend themselves against any violent action by their own government. The UN and the Obama administration are trying to have personal gun ownership outlawed, but how do they get around the Constitutional Right of the 2nd Amendment?

Problem – Insert false flag psy-op with a pasty under CIA mind control drugs to perform a horrific act that causes a problem.

Reaction – Then create a national debate that is controlled by the mainstream media and implant the necessity to finally gain a foot hold on this Americans being able to own guns problem.

Solution – Restrict the freedoms of the 2nd Amendment with the intent to ultimately eradicate it after the UN’s treaty is ratified in the US Congress by incremental means so that martial law can be used to force Americans into “internment camps” being built across the country under FEMA.

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