Barack Obama’s gay marriage stance divides black churches

Reverend Dr Emmett Burns told the Rising Sun Baptist Church in Baltimore that
he would abstain from voting as a result of the White House’s position.
“People are saying that they don’t support this, they don’t like this,
they’re disappointed with the President and they’re planning to stay home,”
he told CNN.

While Mr Obama enjoys overwhelming support among black voters, polls show they
remain resistant to same-sex marriages with 49 per cent of opposed compared
to just 43 per cent of whites. Like the rest of the country, opposition has
weakened since 2004, when 67 of African Americans said they were against
marriages for gay people.

However, the issue is unlikely to be a major factor in November’s election
with 60 per cent of Americans saying it would not affect their vote,
according to Gallup.

Same-sex marriage continued to dominate the national discussion, fueled by a
Newsweek cover showing Mr Obama with a rainbow halo above the headline “The
First Gay President”.

The article, by the prominent gay British journalist Andrew Sullivan, argues
that Mr Obama’s struggle with his own racial identity mirrors that of many
of gay people seeking acceptance.

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