Barack Obama apologises for Koran burning

An Afghan military official said the man, called Hekmatullah, had then escaped
into the crowd. The shooting came hours after the Taliban had urged all
those in the Afghan armed forces to rise up against foreign troops.

Foreign bases were also besieged by protestors in Laghman, Kapisa and Faryab

A protest of around 500 people turned violent in the capital Kabul, with
police and plain-clothes intelligence officers charging demonstrators
wearing bandanas and hurling rocks and sticks, firing low above their heads
and sending them fleeing.

Larger protests were feared for today after the biggest prayer-gathering of
the week. The uproar could complicate efforts by U.S. and NATO forces to
reach agreement with the Afghan government on a strategic pact that would
allow a sharply reduced number of Western troops to stay in the country,
well beyond their combat exit deadline, to oversee Afghan forces.

Hundreds of protesting students in Jalalabad rejected any strategic pact with
the United States, saying they would “take up jihad” if one were sealed.

Shaida Mohammad Abdali, deputy national security adviser to Mr Karzai, said:
“Protest is an obligation when the holiest of religious books are treated
this way.

“But what is important for us is to figure out whether this was intentional or
an act out of ignorance. So far we have had reports that the man was
completely ignorant about all of this.

“Not knowing the language and our religious values the man was dealing with
those books.

“Given the nature of incident we accept the apology, but there must be a
future guarantee against such incidents.”

A new report by Amnesty International meanwhile found that 400 people join the
ranks of half a million displaced in Afghanistan every day, while the
government has been hampering international efforts to help them. The new
report said more people have fled their homes as fighting has spread to
areas of the country that had been relatively peaceful. According to the
report, the Afghan government has little political will or resources to help
them find adequate shelter, food and water.

Many are left to starve and die, even in the capital Kabul.

“If you go to these informal settlements, the images will haunt you,” said
Michael Bochenek, legal and policy director for Amnesty, describing a
shelter near a mosque in Herat province where latrines were leaking into the
ground so that “people were walking and living on top of raw sewage.”

Up to 35,000 of the internally displaced are living in temporary camps in the
Afghan capital, according to the more than 100-page report. Their plight has
been aggravated by the worst cold snap and heaviest snowfall Kabul has
experienced in 15 years.

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