Bank Forecloses on Wrong Home & Steals Owner’s Belongings

susanne_posel_news_ iQu99tdXPx1kSusanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
July 29, 2013






Katie Barnett, a resident of McArthur, Ohio has had her home foreclosed on by First National Bank in Weilston (FNBW). The problem is that her home was not scheduled for foreclosure.

Barnett said: “GPS had led them to my house, the president of the bank told me. They also said my grass hadn’t been mowed so they just assumed that was the house.”

Since the home actually being foreclosed on read 514 and Barnett’s home is 509, the mix-up is hardly explicable. It shows the lack of empathy of all involved as well as a disregard for efficiency on the bank’s part.

FNBW had mistakenly placed Barnett’s home on the foreclosure schedule instead of a home across the street.

Barnett returned home from work one night to find the locks had been changed on the front door, her possessions were missing and to top it off, when Barnett called the police; they claimed she was a squatter.

A representative from FNBW told the police that Barnett was living in a foreclosed home which was mistaken for Barnett’s actual home.

To add insult to injury, Barnett is not a customer of FNBW.

FNBW claims they are trying to work with Barnett and come to agreement.

Barnett explained that the bank insulted her when she offered an estimate of her belongings as $18,000 to replace the things that was stolen out of Barnett’s residence.

Tony Throne, president and CEO of FNBW, refused to pay Barnett demanding receipts for every item that was stolen out of Barnett’s home.

Throne said that they would not pay retail to compensate Barnett for their thievery.

In fact, Thorne claims that Banrett has provided a hand written list of items that “inconsistent with the list and descriptions of items removed that was prepared by the employees who did the work.”

Barnett said: “[The bank president] got very firm with me and said, ‘We’re not paying you retail here, that’s just the way it is.’ I did not tell them to come in my house and make me an offer. They took my stuff and I want it back. Now, I’m just angry. It wouldn’t be a big deal if they would step up and say ‘I’m sorry, we will replace your stuff.’ Instead, I’m getting attitude from them. They’re sarcastic when they talk to me. They make it sound like I’m trying to rip the bank off. All I want is my stuff back.”

Rightfully so, Barnett said she plans to sue FNBW: “We are definitely going to bring a lawsuit,’ she said. I gave them a chance and they are not willing to work with me.”

An online petition was begun in response and support for Barnett and her family for the mistreatment and disregard for the actions of FNBW.

This petition has over 13,000 signatures for persons that demand “First National Bank pay Ms Barnett her money immediately ‘so she can get her life back again.”

The unscrupulous practices of banks with regard to foreclosures have been at the heart of the issue since the housing bubble burst.

Bank of America (BoA) was sued in 2010 for foreclosing on a home in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

BoA authorized a new lock on the front door of Charlie and Maria Cordoso and removed all items inside the residence.

BoA did not respond to the Cordoso’s complain; yet claim to have contacted the Cordoso’s attorney “to have the opportunity to work with them to properly assess and address their allegations.”

In Florida, BoA foreclosed on a homeowner in error, which triggered such anger in Warren Nyerges, the homeowner, that he initiated a foreclosure on the BoA branch.

Nyerges had paid for their home in cash in 2009 and was not a customer of BoA. He explained that he “talked to branch managers, I called anyone who would listen to me. I wrote a certified letter to the [bank] president. No response, nothing.”

After hiring an attorney, the foreclosure was dismissed. After being granted court costs and attorney’s fees, Nyerges was awarded a lien on the branch of BoA in lieu of payment on the judgment.

Lanette Worles, like so many others before her, was unfairly treated by the bank that repeatedly lost her paperwork which resulted in her inability to keep her home from being foreclosed on.

Worles responded with a legal complaint and was denied her settlement payment.

As part of a payout for those being abused by the banks, Worles was entitled to a portion of a $3.6 billion settlement. To date, Worles has not received her money.

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