Awful Kamala Harris Debate Performance Boosts Trump Reelection Chances

Kamala Harris put in a terrible performance at last night’s Vice Presidential debate, often appearing robotic and repeating memorised “facts” that blatantly contradicted things Joe Biden had said in last week’s debate.

Harris also appeared lost and confounded whenever Mike Pence interrupted her to point out such inconsistencies, as if she had been thrown off course from reading a script.

A prime example off this occurred when Harris claimed that Biden is not going to raise taxes, to which Pence pointed out that last week Biden himself promised to repeal Trump’s tax cuts.

Pence then eloquently explained the Trump administration’s comprehensive tax plans:

On Coronavirus, Harris declared that “frankly this administration has forfeited their right to re-election because of this,” but then outlined the Biden-Harris plan, which Pence pointed out is pretty much exactly the same as the Trump administration’s, adding the zinger “It looks a little like plagiarism, which Joe Biden knows a little something about.”

Pence also noted that when Trump prevented flights from China in January, Biden labeled it “xenophobic.”

When Pence framed the debate by saying the American people have bravely fought against the virus, Harris got riled and snapped:

Pence tore Obamacare apart, leaving Harris defenseless:

On the climate, Pence declared that The Green New Deal, sponsored by Harris, “would crush” American energy, while noting that “The US has reduced CO2 more than the countries that are in The Paris Accord.”

When Harris noted that Biden will not ban fracking, Pence pointed out that “Both of you repeatedly committed to banning fossil fuel and banning fracking.”

President Trump took to Twitter to note the inconsistency:

When the debate turned to China, Harris accused Trump of losing the trade war with China, to which Pence shot back “You said Trump lost a trade war with China, Joe Biden never fought one.”

The Vice President also labelled Biden “a cheerleader for communist China.”

When the debate turned to the Supreme Court, Pence asked if Democrats would pack the court, a question which Harris first attempted to avoid, then eventually had to address:

Harris claimed that “Trump packed the district courts with white people!” prompting Pence to explain what the straight answer to his question is:

Donald Trump Jr chimed in on Twitter, explaining why Harris avoided the question:

The final zinger came when the debate turned to the topic of transfer of power, should Democrats win. Harris urged voters “Please vote. Vote early,” where as Pence noted that the Democrats have “spent the last three and a half years trying to overturn the results of the last election.”

Harris’ performance was so dire that the leftist media immediately played the ‘sexism’ card:

Some were not buying it though:

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