‘Austerity cuts fail to protect euro’

Press TV has conducted an interview with Robert Oulds, director of The Bruges Group, to further discuss the issue.

The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV: How do you assess this drop in the euro’s value as well as the significance of the election results in both Greece and France?

Oulds: The measures are designed to underpin the euro. The government cutbacks are not helping and, of course, they are unraveling and are creating a climate of poor economic performance, deep economic recession, high unemployment and they’re not sustainable. They cannot go on like this.

That is why people are recognizing that the euro is, of course, failing.

That is why governments that are advocating the tough measures that are designed to keep the political project of the euro in place have fallen. The government of Greece has fallen. The French president who was behind a lot of austerity, he’s been voted out; the Spanish government, the Irish government

Eleven governments in Europe behind the austerity to protect the euro have been voted out by the people of Europe because they’ve had enough. They cannot take anymore of the pain which the austerity of the government cut backs and tax rises that are designed to protect the euro which is a failing currency.

Press TV: Realistically, what measures exist at this point for the likes of [Francois] Hollande to move France forward?

Oulds: He has very little room for maneuver. He can reverse the government cutbacks. He can change the balance of taxation affecting plain citizens. But of course, to stimulate economic growth, he needs to have his own currency rather than the euro.

People talk about the euro and the problems there as one of being a debt crisis; now there is a debt crisis within the Europe Union but there’s actually at the moment a more severe crisis and that is a growth crisis and a jobs crisis.

The euro, because it’s the wrong currency, it’s at the wrong value for many different countries; it only really suits German, Dutch, Finnish economic interests but hurts everybody else. It means that those countries’ economies do not grow. In fact, they’re going backwards. They’re in recession. They’re declining. Unemployment is going up.

As long as these countries remain within the euro, they will not be able to get out of the growth crisis. They will not be able to create new jobs. They will not be able to get their economies moving again which is the answer to paying off the debts that these countries have put together.

Press TV: I wanted to ask you about the German factor here. Germany has been fighting for the euro to stay strong, etc. Will it lose out because of these elections?

Oulds: The people are voting against German economic policy which is being imposed upon their countries; that’s what’s happening. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany has wanted the euro to be a high valued currency and to have government cutbacks and tough measures which actually hurt ordinary working people and, of course, creates longer unemployment queues, all to protect the stability of the euro.

The people cannot take that anymore and are saying that we want to have our own countries, running our own economic affairs for our own best interests rather than having the German-led economic policies forced upon them.

There is a revolt going on throughout Europe at the moment. The writing is on the wall for the euro. It’s a failing currency. It’s just created economic pain for most people within the European Union and it’s time that the currency was wound up.


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