Atheism Is a Religion

Small-sized round badge, displaying the slogan ‘I’m a born-again atheist’. Photo: wiki commons.

OK, atheists. Let’s have a talk. Pull up a chair, sit down, relax.

There’s so much I want to say to you in so little time, so let’s just get straight to it.

We’re not so different, you and I. Me, an Orthodox Jew. You, a non-believer. We both argue vehemently for our points of view, we both have a certain vision for the world, we both think we know the truth about life.

I know that it may be hard to hear, but the truth is that atheism, while supposedly based around logic and intelligence, is a religion just like any other.

Now, please, I told you to relax. Have some tea.

But let’s be honest, it’s true.

Let’s look at the arguments atheists make: they say there’s absolutely no evidence for the existence of G-d, and that the burden of proof is on the believers, etc., etc. Now, these are great arguments, and I will be the first to admit that my belief is beyond logic.

But atheism is not agnosticism. It doesn’t claim to simply point out the fallacies of belief. Instead, it has created a belief system out of not believing. It takes a defiant stance, saying that there is absolutely 100 percent no chance there is a god in the world.

So, let’s be honest, dear atheists. Do you really believe that your argument is based around science, around logic, when you say that there is absolutely no chance there is an intelligent design behind the universe?

As soon as anyone makes such a stance, and makes it unequivocal, they are going from the world of logic to the world of belief. We’re both religious, you and I. The only difference is that your belief is based on the assumption that everything you see and touch and feel is real. I base my belief on the assumption that not only is the tangible world not real, but that books thousands of years old and men with beards know more about the universe and spirituality than I do. Yeah, I get it, that’s a bit crazy, and easily argued against in the world of logic and science. But so can yours, my friend, so can yours.

Quantum physics, ironically, has already made a good case that all we see and touch and feel isn’t real. So, even science disagrees with you. Now, I know you’ll be able to bring about a bunch of scientific evidence to prove me wrong even in that respect, but the truth is that that argument would end up being circular. We would continue to debate and debate and get nowhere, just like every debate between religion and atheism.

Because at the end of the day, no belief will ever be 100 percent validated by evidence. That’s why there are democrats and there are republicans. That’s why some people like Pink Floyd and some people like Justin Bieber (G-d help us). Not to say there aren’t good arguments for either belief, but simply that any time you decide to take a stand, to say something is 100 percent true, you are automatically taking a stance that is beyond logic.

There was an atheist conference a few years ago where someone suggested they make something comparable to a church. A place where their leaders can come and speak and guide their congregants. Of course, this was quickly shot down. Why do what every religion does, when we aren’t a religion, the atheists asked.

Atheism will never truly develop as a movement until it accepts it is a religion. A religion that should have churches and bibles and all that good stuff. Because you can’t take a stand in this world without something comparable to those institutions. Why do you think so many political movements have conventions and books and leaders? They’re beliefs! Religions! And that’s totally cool, that’s just the way it works with belief.

And so, my dear atheists, I hope you haven’t left the room yet, because, well, I think that we really do have a lot in common. We’re both believers. Believers with only an ounce of logic to back us up. You think the tangible world is all that’s real, you crazy bastards. And I think Moses split the Red Sea. We’re both insane. Let’s just admit it already.

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