At least one Miliband is cleaning up

Andrew Pierce

Last updated at 1:09 AM on 2nd January 2012

Cleaning up: David Miliband has amassed £400,000 in the last 15 months

Cleaning up: David Miliband has raked in £400,000 in the last 15 months

No wonder David Miliband, the lost leader of the Labour Party, hasn’t the slightest interest just now in coming back to frontline politics to help his embattled little brother.

While Red Ed languishes behind David Cameron in the opinion polls — despite the economy teetering on the brink of a double-dip recession and public spending cuts triggering protest marches — his big brother has been busy feathering his own nest.

In the 15 months since he unexpectedly failed to win the leadership, he has amassed a small fortune of more than £400,000 from speeches, lectures and consultancy work.

The latest hefty paycheck for the former Foreign Secretary comes from Californian firm VantagePoint Clean Tech. The company’s website boasts: ‘The goal inherent in our search for clean technologies is very exciting: a delightfully diverse safe, healthy and just world, with clean air, water, soil and power — economically, equitably, ecologically enjoyed by all.’

Miliband knows all about the search for clean energy. He was once Environment Secretary in Tony Blair’s Cabinet — which is why VantagePoint is paying him the mighty sum of £23,210 a quarter, which adds up to an annual payment of £92,840.
Gordon Brown is the only MP who has earned more in the past year than Miliband.

But at least the former PM, who has grossed more than £500,000, is giving his money to charity. Miliband is keeping the lot and has even set up his own company to provide a tax-efficient vehicle for these substantial earnings.

Remember the Fabian Society? It’s the Left-wing think tank that is close to Labour leader Red Ed Miliband.

The general secretary of the Fabian Society when Tony Blair swept into power in 1997 was Stephen Twigg — the young turk who knocked Michael Portillo off his Enfield Southgate perch in what was considered to be a  Conservative stronghold.

Young Twigg and the New Labour party machine then went on to introduce the National Minimum Wage, to ensure that the downtrodden got a decent slice of the cake.

So, no doubt, the Fabian Society is totally opposed to the exploitation of unpaid interns?  Not quite.

Its new website boasts of the range of jobs undertaken by interns in the organisation — which include everything from event organising to research and media relations — all for no more than a travel card and a clutch of luncheon vouchers.

Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe

Make the Panto dame a peer!

Having watched Ann Widdecombe bring the house down in Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs at Dartford’s Orchard Theatre, I would say it’s surely only a matter of time before the Prime Minister does the right thing. He should give Widdy a peerage so she can bring that House down, too.

The Cabinet papers released under the 30-year rule revealed a lengthy feud between Margaret Thatcher and French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing. The Iron Lady took her revenge on the haughty Frenchman, according to one retired diplomat, by always organising official photographs in 10 Downing Street under a painting of the Battle of Waterloo.

Without a shred of remorse

Labour shadow minister without portfolio Michael Dugher was quick off the mark in attacking the Tories for knighting hedge fund trader Paul Ruddock, whose company made millions betting on the collapse of Northern Rock.

Ruddock used a practice called ‘short-selling’ to profit from a fall in the share price of the beleaguered bank.

But what of Dugher? He was a senior spin doctor for Gordon Brown in Downing Street — the same Brown who was behind the knighthood for Fred Goodwin, the former boss of Royal Bank of Scotland, which posted the biggest financial loss in corporate history.

Goodwin was given the gong for services to banking. Not a word from Dugher about that, of course.

Quote of 2011

Charles Walker, the Tory MP for Broxbourne, cut to the quick in the Commons debate on an EU referendum: ‘If not now, when?’

Bet of 2012

Paddy Power is offering odds of 2-1 on Chris Huhne, the Lib Dem Climate Change Secretary, being the first to leave the Cabinet. Huhne is being investigated by police over claims that he dodged a speeding penalty, asking his wife to take the points for him.

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What would the Marxist academic (and professional Anglophobe) Adolphe Miliband have to say about his lad so wholeheartedly embracing capitalism?

The words “Fabian Society” send a chill down my spine. Leading member George Bernard Shaw thought that social undesirables (he didn’t just mean criminals) should be “liquidated”. Published in the Attlee years, his book “Everybody’s Political What’s What” preached that a socialist elite should decide who was to live and who was to die. No wonder Churchill thought that Labour rule would eventually lead to a police state. And I’m sure than George Orwell had the Fabians in mind when he wrote 1984.

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