Associated Press Can’t Tell The Truth Either… Deliberately Lies About Government Ammo Purchases


Often is the time when the mainstream media has been little more than a
shill or an echo chamber for President Barack Obama, but when an
organization flat-out lies about a well-documented truth, what little
credibility remained within that organization should evaporate – unless,
of course, you, too, are one of the president’s Obama’s ardent admirers. ~ JD Heyes

(click image to enlarge)

Editor and founder of natural News, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and others began documenting a year ago ( that the federal government – and the Department of Homeland Security specifically – began purchasing hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition.

Those purchases, we reported, grew into the billions over the course of the next several months (

our reports and those of the very few other alternative media outlets
willing to tell the public the truth were trashed and ridiculed by the
“sophisticated class” as out-of-touch extremists with an avid
imagination and hostile anti-Obama agenda – even though our reports were based on the government’s own Federal Business Opportunities request for bids… 

…(such as this one for 360,000 rounds of .40 cal. “jacketed hollow-point” ammunition), a type of bullet that is much more expensive and are not used as “target” rounds.

The government really is buying all that ammo!

it took a while – DHS officials repeatedly denied the purchases of ammo
even existed – but eventually, after a couple other responsible media
outlets chimed in and some U.S. lawmakers began inquiring, the
department finally admitted that, yes, orders for billions of rounds
indeed have been placed, but only as a means of saving money.

Here is the lead paragraph of an AP story dated April 8:

enthusiasts fearful of new weapon controls and hearing false rumors of
government hoarding are buying bullets practically by the bushel.”

Purchasing in bulk, you see, is cheaper (though in a subsequent follow-up investigation we couldn’t find an instance where a government agency other than the Pentagon ordered so much ammunition and then tried to cover it up).

at any other point in our nation’s history, such ammo purchases – made
in conjunction with the purchase of 7,000 assault rifles ( and…

…thousands of armored vehicles ( by a federal agency that is not the military would have raised mega-suspicion among members of the professional (or pretend?) media.

Instead, most outlets have ignored this burgeoning story. Some, like The Associated Press, have even lied about it.

AP plays the role of useful idiots

false rumors of government hoarding?” That is about the most blatant
lie you can tell regarding this story, especially after the department,
albeit reluctantly, has even admitted it is buying ammo
by the billions of rounds.

This kind of bald-faced storytelling is not
simply false and deceptive, it is completely antithetical to the
historical role of a free press in America – that of a watchdog on
government, and not just when a Republican administration is in office
or in control of Congress.

DHS has played a huge part in this lie
as well. Secretary Janet Napolitano, as well as every lower-level
flunky spokesman in the department, has said the ammo is going to be
used for “training.”

Even the FBO requests say that. Only, hollow point ammunition is not used for target practice. Cheaper “ball” ammo is, and any law enforcement officer or shooting enthusiast will tell you that.

And something else about the purchase of all of this hollow-point ammunition that the vaunted Associated Press
and other “media outlets” have failed to follow up on or even ask

Hollow points are outlawed for use in war by the Geneva
Convention, in which the U.S. is a signatory. These purchases are NOT
going to the military

This would have been news if Obama weren’t in office

the AP and others have not bothered to ask why the government is
hoarding (or stockpiling, or whatever else you want to call the purchase
and storage of large amounts of ammunition) so much ammo, so many
weapons and so many armored vehicles.

Wouldn’t the purchase of these
items, if they were being made by, say, the George W. Bush
administration, have been deemed “newsworthy” (as they should be)?

Associated Press has shown its hand as little more than a propaganda
wing of the Obama White House on this issue.

That should answer any
questions you may have had regarding the perspective AP editors and
reporters will take in reporting any abuses of We the People by this
administration’s “homeland security” thugs, who will be using the very
ammunition and weapons the news organization refuses to even acknowledge. Those, too, will be “rumors.”

get something straight. This is not about “Obama the Democrat” or “Bush
the Republican,” though there is definitely a political perspective on
the part of the AP in play here.

What this should be about exclusively
is that our own government is looking for all the world like it is
arming itself to the teeth, and is doing so absent any obvious reason or
logical explanation. Any presidential administration should be
hyper-scrutinized for it, and the press is supposed to play that role.

The AP clearly is not, but, to be fair, they aren’t alone.


JD Heyes – April 11, 2013 – posted at NaturalNews


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