Asian-Americans More Apt to Die in Hospital After Heart Attacks

TUESDAY, Jan. 10 (HealthDay News) — Asian-Americans are more
likely to die in the hospital following a heart attack than whites, new
research reveals, although this disparity was reduced over time in
hospitals participating in a quality improvement program.

In the study, doctors examined certain measures of care — such as
whether a patient was prescribed aspirin or ACE inhibitors (heart drugs)
at the time of discharge — on 107,403 Asian-American and white heart
attack patients. The study encompassed five years, from 2003 to 2008.

Asian-Americans were less likely to be given aspirin or counseling on
how to quit smoking after they left the hospital. They were also more
likely than whites to receive lipid-lowering therapy.

The study also showed that Asian-Americans were nearly twice as likely
as whites to die in the hospital following a heart attack.

However, as the quality of care improved for these patients, health
disparities between the two groups decreased.

The statistics came from the database of the “Get With The
Guidelines-Coronary Artery Disease” program developed by the American
Heart Association. The study appears Jan. 10 in the AHA journal
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

The researchers said the difference in heart attack deaths could be due
to Asian-Americans in the study being much older, with other risk factors
for heart disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart failure and
smoking. The health disparities could also be the result of language
barriers or other cultural differences, they said in the release.

After taking these additional risk factors into account, the study
found the differences in death rates between whites and Asian-Americans
were still reduced under the quality improvement program.

“This improved care is more significant and sustainable the longer
hospitals participate in the program,” study leader Dr. Feng Qian, a
research assistant professor in the anesthesiology department at the
University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, said in the AHA

Health disparities are a serious public health concern in the United
States and we’ve seen that different racial and ethnic groups often
receive unequal treatment for the same diagnosis,” Qian said. “For that
reason, different ethnic and racial groups may have different outcomes.
Future studies should look more specifically at differences in care among
racial subgroups as well as at more long-term outcomes.”

More information

The U.S. National Institutes of Health provides more information on health disparities.

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