Arranged marriages or nothing in the Indian village that banned love

“Police must act against anyone issuing such diktats. If anyone takes action
against any young man or woman based on illegal village courts, then they
must be arrested,” Chidambaram said at a press conference. Leaders of the
panchayat justified the new rules by stating they were intended to safeguard
women from “bad elements” in society.

“It is very painful for the parents, especially the girl’s family, because
such marriages dent their respectability,” said Sattar Ahmed.

The measures were swiftly condemned by women’s rights groups. Sudha Sunder
Raman, the general secretary of the All India Democratic Women’s Association
said: “This notion that women up to the age of 40 need protection and need
to be controlled is extremely chauvinistic and undermines all basic norms.”

The head of the National Commission for Women, Mamta Sharma, said the council
rulings were “laughable” and unenforceable.

“Panchayats do not enjoy constitutional powers. And if there are no powers,
there is no need to follow the orders,” she said. Panchayats are an
unelected group of elders, who are seen as the social and moral arbiters of
village life.

Although their rulings carry no legal weight, they can be highly influential
and have been blamed for numerous abuses, such as sanctioning “honour
killings” of women whose actions are deemed to have brought shame on their

Last month, a man in western India paraded his daughter’s severed head through
his village, after he killed her because he was upset with her way of life
and “indecent behaviour”. Ogad Singh beheaded his daughter, Manju Kunwar,
before surrendering to authorities. The 20 year-old had been living with her
parents in the Rajasthani village of Dungarji, 250 miles from Jaipur, after
leaving her husband two years ago. She then apparently eloped with another

last month topped the Thomas Reuters Foundation poll as the worst place, out
of the top 19 economies in the world, for a woman to live.

The village rulings come at a time when police in Mumbai have themselves
launched a crackdown on the city’s morals.

In recent weeks, police in the city have raided a series of bars and clubs,
shutting them down or fining them for being overcrowded. Dozens of women
were arrested in the raids, accused of being prostitutes, leading to protest
marches across the city.

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