Aroosa Jannisar, 17, who slashed face of love-rival Sabby Mir is locked up

  • Victim asked doctors to cover mirrors in hospital so she couldn’t see herself
  • Judge says attacker should be named and shamed but bans publication of pictures of her
  • Victim will be left with ‘permanent and significant’ disfigurement

Richard Hartley-parkinson

Last updated at 9:54 AM on 22nd December 2011

A teenager girl slashed a love rival’s face seven times with a razor blade during a pre-planned subway showdown, a court has heard.

Aroosa Jannisar, 17, struck out at student Sabby Mir near Bury College, Greater Manchester, with the blade she pulled from her pocket leaving her victim needing 400 stitches.

Rather than pulling the girls apart, onlookers shouted ‘fight, fight’ while Miss Mir reeled in agony with blood pouring from her wounds.

aScars can be seen on Sabby Mir's face where she was slashed seven times with a razor blade by Aroosa Jannisar

Scars can be seen on Sabby Mir’s face where she was slashed seven times with a razor blade by Aroosa Jannisar

Bolton Crown Court was told that she was left looking ‘like a pot of red paint’ had been thrown over her.

While in hospital, Miss Mir asked doctors to cover up mirrors to stop herself seeing her reflection and plastic surgeons told her she has ‘permanent and significant’ disfigurement.

Jannisar was jailed for three years and four months after admitting grievous bodily harm with intent. Judge William Morris ruled that she could be named, but put a ban on the publication of her picture and address because she is still a youth.

He said: ‘Your victim displayed neither hostility nor aggression towards you and your actions were grossly disproportionate.

Miss Mir, pictured arriving at Bolton Crown Court, watched from the public gallery as Jannisar was sentenced to three years in prison

Miss Mir, pictured arriving at Bolton Crown Court, watched from the public gallery as Jannisar was sentenced to three years in prison

‘Her injuries were terrible and I have seen the photos taken after the attack where you struck her not once, but seven times with a blade.

‘She could have lost the sight in her eye and there were some 400 stitches required to repair these injuries. This was a sustained and ferocious attack’.

Miss Mir watched from the public gallery as Jannisar was taken down. In a victim impact statement she said: ‘It’s been five months but it feels like yesterday. I feel
insecure about my life and everyone around me.

‘I feel unwanted and I
wish it wasn’t my face. I don’t sleep and I see my blood everywhere.’

police interview Jannisar initially claimed Sabby’s injuries were self
inflicted but later admitted the attack saying she had ‘made one little

Prosecutor William Donnelly told the court that the attack happened on May 26 after the pair had arranged to meet in the underpass.

‘At the time, Sabby had been on friendly terms with the defendant,’ he said. ‘But they had a falling out over boys and that caused a rift between them.’

Their friendship deteriorated after the animosity grew over Facebook and through text messages before they agreed to meet to resolve their differences.

Mr Donnelly continued: ‘It’s perfectly clear that there was bad blood between them, but what then happened was far beyond anything envisaged by Sabby.

‘A number of young people who were present heightened the tension and when the defendant heard shouts she removed a razor blade out of her pocket and there was a flurry of slashes to the face and neck of Sabby.

‘Within these seconds appalling slash wounds were given to her and she bled profusely. By this time Sabby’s face was like a pot of red paint had been thrown over her.’

After throwing the razor blade in a bin, Jannisar was taken to security staff who she told: ‘I’ve been in a fight and I’m okay, but you should see the other girl’s face.’

Keith Harrison, defending, denied the row was over boys saying: ‘She (Jannisar) felt like she was going to be assaulted and reacted in a way that was misguided. She did have in her mind the notion that she may have to protect herself.’

‘She did have in her mind the notion that she may have to defend herself. She went there by herself and had no supporters.’

Miss Mir said that she could not see for four days and people passing by would see her and start crying.


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3 years??? How fair is that?!? That evil woman ruined the victim’s face and the victim has got to live with her physical and mental scars for her WHOLE LIFE!!!

Why do people think it is acceptable to behave like this?
– Trevor, Ammanford, Wales, 22/12/2011 12:51================== Because when facing such a pathetic a sentence as this animal’s recieved, the morons out there must figure they’ve got nothing to lose but a couple of months inside!!!

You don’t go out to defend yourself with a razor blade in your pocket. This was premeditated and the sentence should reflect that.Encouraged by a baying mob she could easily have killed this girl.Again I blame the parents and out of control feral youth.
– J C, Sunny Scunny, 22/12/2011 11:41
I quite agree with you, It was premeditated , so she should have been charge with attempted murder. its a case of the Ministry of ken clarke soft sentencing no justice and sod the people and the CPS taken the easy option, im sure plea bargining is taken place , an americanism we can do with out

Message to Judge: In future Start at 6 years and work your way up.
What an insult this sentence is to the victim!

So the victim is in the press and the criminal has her identity protected? The only way to get care in this country is to commit violent crime. Financial crime is punished, nuless you’re a big company, then you can do a deal.
Why haven’t the Tories sorted this out? Oh yeah, the coalition with the criminal’s advocate Lib Dem party! 🙁

How can that not be classed as attempted murder?!?!? Three years fir basically ruining someone’s life is disgusting, I hope someone returns the favour in prison!

Why do you bother mentioning the sentences? Since it appears no-one serves a full term the amount given by the Judge is redundant. From now on, just print what they will probably actually serve – which in this instance is less than a year. The full sentence is farcical enough in itself but the amount served is pathetic. We all know she’ll be out by summer 2012 so why not cut the cow manure and say so?

Again another disgusting sentence , when is this soft sentence approach for evil acts going to stop. She should have got ten years, she went out carrying a blade. What sort of human could do that to another person. Her photo should be on the front page, the sort of animals we have growing up in this country now, with no fear of punishment is disgusting.

he attacker should be locked up for life! She is obviously not right in the head. Do you still have mental institutions or did Tony Blair get rid of them too?- petal, switzerland, 22/12/2011 12:07
If my memory serves me correctly it wasn’t Blair what did it but one Maggie Thatcher who released the nutters under a scheme called “Care In The Community!” Some care

Why do people think it is acceptable to behave like this?

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One Response to “Aroosa Jannisar, 17, who slashed face of love-rival Sabby Mir is locked up”

  1. Sabby Mir says:

    to all my supporters. thank you all for your comfort words and support it means alot. offcourse i am also hurt and in so much agony. i have lost apart of my life and justice really went her way because shes still got a life to live, a perfectly fine face which she wouldent have to hide all her life with tons of makeup :(, anyway once again thank you to you all. and last of all titles in newspapers as ‘love-rival’ ‘fite over boys’ its all liess. like it wasnt hard enough for me that the newspapers turned around and chated shit to make money out of some lies! anyways they got there top headings and news 🙁 x x

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