Are dogs cleverer than chimps? Man’s best friend is swifter on the uptake, says study

Fiona Macrae Science Correspondent

Last updated at 2:26 AM on 9th February 2012

Chimps may be known as the brains of the animal kingdom.  But sometimes only dogs get the point.

Scientists pointed at one of two objects, asked for it to be brought to them, and counted up how many times their orders were obeyed.

In the study, the dogs did better than the chimps, despite the chimpanzee’s brain being the more similar to our own.


Border collie

Showdown: A recent study found that dogs may actually be brighter than chimpanzees

The team, from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, placed pairs of similar-looking objects, such as a piece of hosepipe and a piece of rope, at the back of a room.

They then pointed to the one they wanted, while order a dog or chimp standing with its back to the objects, to fetch the correct one.


If it did as asked, it was given some food as a reward.

Babies are capable of following such orders from the age of 14 months, suggesting the task is relatively simple, at least for the human brain.

Despite this, none of the chimps picked the object that had been pointed out at a rate that was higher than chance.  However, more than a quarter of the dogs appeared to understand the task, the journal PLoS ONE  reports.

The German scientists suggested their results could be explained by pet dogs being bred to follow orders.

said: ‘Dogs’ special receptiveness to human co-operative communication
makes them the perfect social tool for certain activities like herding
and hunting.

‘One hypothesis
is that dogs see human communication as imperatives and spatial
directives, ordering them what to do and where to go next.’

Previous research has concluded that dogs make better pets than cats – but only by a whisker.

Ozzy the dog from in Norwich shows off his balancing act

Jack from Los Angeles is demon ice-hockey player

Fur play: Ozzy from in Norwich, UK, shows off his balancing act while Jack, from Los Angeles in the U.S., is demon ice-hockey player

In the comparison of 11 traits from brain size to environmental impact, dogs came out on top in six categories to cats’ five.

But cat lovers may have the last laugh, with other research concluding that they are the top dogs for brains.

Britons with university degrees are more likely to have a cat than a dog.

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My Dog has a degree In Social Science … I have never heard of any Chimps graduating so it must be true.

The main problem is that a lot of dog
Owners aren’t as clever as chimps.

Many animals are sensitive and intelligent but it does not stop us from turning them into dog meat by the ton.

Whatever the outcome they are definetely nicer than humans.

I reckon dogs are more intelligent than some people. Certainly more intelligent than anyone in Parliament !!

From my experience the question should be “are chimps cleverer than dog owners?” After all, I doubt whether chimps understand the meaning of such signs as ‘Please clean up after your dog’ or ‘Please keep your dog on a lead at all times’ either.

Steve, St Ives. 09/02/2012 02.55
I used to have a beautiful German Shepherd Max who sadly died 14/02/94 and I also had to spell out W-A-L-K-I-E-S but I then changed it when he learnt to spell that to ‘We are just going out for our constitutional’ I always said that if he learnt to spell that I would eat my hat. My little miniature German Spitz, Alfie always responds when I ask him if he is ready to put his hat and coat on.

But chimps can problem solve which dogs cannot do.
Also they recognise themselves in a mirror which again dogs do not.

I saw a study on pigs where they beat the results for dogs every time at puzzle solving – now that would be interesting – monkeys v dogs v pigs – also doing an intelligence test that is not linked to obdience.

Is it cleverer or more clever? Swifterer then?

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