Apple is now worth more than Microsoft and Google combined

Last updated at 6:56 PM on 10th February 2012

Apple CEO Tim Cook: Apple's stock has soared to a market capitalisation of $460 billion this week, buoyed by results and rumours of new products. The company is now worth more than the entire U.S. gold reserve

Apple CEO Tim Cook: Apple’s stock has soared to a market capitalisation of $460 billion this week, buoyed by results and rumours of new products. The company is now worth more than the entire U.S. gold reserve

Apple’s stock has soared to a market capitalisation of $460 billion this week, buoyed by impressive results and rumours of new products around the corner.

The tech giant’s stock is worth more than the market capitalisations of rivals Google ($196.8bn)  and Microsoft ($256.1bn) combined.

Apple’s profits recently passed $1 billion a week and the company now sells a million iPhones a day.

Apple’s market capitalisation only overtook Microsoft’s in May 2010.

Fortune magazine also pointed out the worthy statistics that Apple’s stock is worth more than the gross domestic product of Sweden – $458 billion.

Apple is worth more than all the gold in the American Federal Reserve – $350 billion, by Fortune’s reckoning – and all the illegal drugs in the world, $321 billion.

‘It comes soon after Apple reported its best quarter ever, earning $13.06 billion,’ says Apple Insider, which pointed out the milestone comparison with the company’s rivals.

‘Google’s shares fell more than 9 percent last month after the company missed expectations on Wall Street for both earnings and revenue. And while Microsoft met Wall Street expectations, revenue from its Windows operating system fell 6 percent to $4.74 billion.’

sold 37.04million iPhones – its flagship product – and 15.43million
iPad tablets, doubling from a year earlier.

On a high: Apple's new store in New York's Grand Central Station

On a high: Apple’s new store in New York’s Grand Central Station

That helped swell its war chest of
cash and securities to almost $100billion – more than enough to plug
December’s U.S. budget deficit.

Apple’s iPhone business is now bigger than the whole of Microsoft, according to recent revenue figures.

company’s smartphone division generated $24.4 billion of revenue in the
quarter up until December, whereas the whole of Microsoft generated
$20.9 billion in the same quarter.

That includes entertainment devices such as Xbox, as well as Windows, Microsoft Office and Windows Phone.


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Because it’s cheaper than using home labour, why do you think they are so big. If all there products were made with home labour, you wouldn’t be able to afford one of there products, and also home labour wouldn’t work in the same conditions as slave labour in China India Thailand etc. Also remember many of the worlds richest people come from these countries who supply the slave labour.
– Old Jake,, N Yorks, UK, 11/2/2012 14:46 ————— NOT true!!! According to the article from the NYTimes last month, it would only added an extra $60 to the final cost of each iphone if apple are to manufacture them in the US. apple just want bigger and bigger profits every single quarter!

this apple is rotten to the core

-Bryon, UK. :-Because it’s cheaper than using home labour, why do you think they are so big. If all there products were made with home labour, you wouldn’t be able to afford one of there products, and also home labour wouldn’t work in the same conditions as slave labour in China India Thailand etc. Also remember many of the worlds richest people come from these countries who supply the slave labour.
– Old Jake,, N Yorks, UK, Incorrect !, apples profits wouldn’t be quite as large but they would still make a large profit each year. look at dysons vacuum cleaners the price hasn’t changed much since they started making it overseas but his business, no doubt makes more cash….it’s about maximising the profit on each product sold.

-Bryon, UK. :-Because it’s cheaper than using home labour, why do you think they are so big.
If all there products were made with home labour, you wouldn’t be able to afford one of there products, and also home labour wouldn’t work in the same conditions as slave labour in China India Thailand etc.
Also remember many of the worlds richest people come from these countries who supply the slave labour.

So why are they still using slave labour

A house of cards.

I never really get the never ending Apple vs Microsoft argument, especially the passion with which some will defend either side. For me, computers are just tools, and hence like all tools, if it does the job it was designed to do, moreso if it does the job I want it to do, then it’s a good tool. There are plus and minuses on both sides, with areas where Microsoft are superior and areas where Apple are superior, neither are perfect, so it’s about picking the one that fits your needs and tastes. Many seem to justify their preference by convincing themselves that the competition is significantly worse than it actually is, but in the end, they are just machines, they are just tools we use for work, for learning and for entertainment. 🙂

This just shows that the product is way overpriced

TBH I think the product works well, I’ve been a constant Windows user my whole life but now I’m just getting fed up with it. My brother has recently gone over to a Mac and after using it I’m totally sold. When was the last time my year old Windows computer crashed… this morning. When did his Mac last crash… well… never. And, as bad as it is, slave labour is used EVERYWHERE, it’s just been made high profile in relation to Apple.

Apple must be so proud to have a company built on the back of chinese workers suffering but as long as they are making huge profits what do a few workers deaths matter. In a way I am glad steve jobs is dead , from a lot of accounts he wasnt a nice man to work for or work with but good at fooling the public into buying the apple products. It does go to show just how stupid really are in buying into the iphone and ipad hype, afew good apps and everyone bows down in worship, just wait till the next bit technology comes along and apple will be wiped out.

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