Apple iPad 3: what to expect

This isn’t our first rodeo. The wild, often contradictory rumours that precede an Apple product unveiling would have you thinking that the iPad 3 could take just about any form or shape.

The iPad 3 is unlikely to look much different from an iPad 2.
(Credit: Apple)

But really, so long as you don’t get hung up on the specifics, it’s fairly easy to piece together the big picture of the iPad 3. Now that we have confirmation of the event on 7 March in San Francisco, what exactly is it Apple will be unveiling?

Improved screen resolution

The rumours about the iPad 3 display are nearly unequivocal about a substantial improvement to screen resolution. In fact, the only sport left in this rumour is trying to figure out which supplier will provide the anticipated display.

The resolution most often cited is QXGA, or 2048×1536 pixels — essentially doubling the iPad’s existing resolution. The result would be an improved realism for games, videos, photos and ebooks.

Better camera

The front and rear cameras on the iPad 2 are decent. And let’s remember, they’re a heck of a lot better than the cameras on the original iPad, which were non-existent.

With the camera on the iPhone 4S, it’s clear that Apple considers image quality an important feature of a mobile device. With any luck, we’ll see the front-facing camera bumped up to HD quality (improving FaceTime video chat quality) and a rear camera that comes closer to iPhone quality.

Faster processor

Both the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S already feature Apple’s A5 processor. So what’s next? The A6, of course (or A5x, as some would have you believe). Improved graphics, speed and efficiency are the expected benefits of the A6. Graphics performance in particular will need a bump for the iPad 3 to handle all the extra pixels afforded by the improved screen.

Will the A6 be a quad-core chip? There’s good reason to question that, especially with Apple’s emphasis on battery life. Will it make the original iPad feel like molasses? Without a doubt.

4G data

Will the iPad 3 be Apple’s first 4G-compatible device? It seems likely. Apple has always offered versions of the iPad with 3G support. With both networks placing so much emphasis on their 4G data capabilities, it seems only natural that Apple would finally branch out and embrace the technology, and Telstra would surely want a piece of that pie.


Now that iPhone 4S owners have exhausted the novelty of Apple’s Siri voice assistant, it seems only natural for that feature to trickle down to the iPad 3.

What’s not changing?

None of the above predictions is earth-shattering. In fact, to brace yourself for further disappointment, let’s run through the inventory of what isn’t likely to change.

Apple’s 9.7-inch screen size isn’t going anywhere. Neither is its 4:3 aspect ratio. The entire app catalogue is designed around these measurements and Apple clearly hasn’t been suffering for it.

The iPad isn’t likely to get any cheaper. Yes, the competition has shown that there’s room for a low-cost tablet like the Kindle Fire, but going low-end has never been Apple’s strategy. Besides, Apple still dominates the tablet market and needn’t change what’s been working. Sure, the company may make a separate, smaller product, offer the iPad 2 hardware at a discount or beef up the iPod Touch with a bigger screen, but the iPad 3 described above is unlikely to cost less than AU$579.

The iPad 3’s design is also not likely to be radically different. In the year since the iPad 2 has been on the market, only one tablet (the Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime) has been able to match the iPad’s design in both thinness and use of premium materials. Let Samsung and Sony flail around with daring new tablet designs. If Apple can maintain the design it has while introducing an industry-defining screen technology — that’s enough.

Final thoughts

It’s tough not to run wild with iPad 3 rumours and speculation, but the most likely scenario we’ll see from Apple is an incrementally improved device that will stun users (and disrupt an industry) with a unique high-resolution display.


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