Appendix 206: Gangstalkers = New Secret Police! A.K. Forwood (TI) Articles: 1) Social Self-Destruction: Secret War of Controlled Chaos, 2) The Network: Inside the Targeting System

Epigraph Quotes:

1) (Organized stalking) is a cleverly disguised system of torture and murder (aimed primarily) at opponents of the New World Order.

Mark M. Rich, The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Domestic Population (2011)

2) The program,” which I refer to as the National Security Racketeering Network, is an extra-judicial political targeting and elimination program. This operation is a soft-kill operation. The expected outcome is self-harm, financial disruption, social disruption. They want to get rid of you via any means possible in a clandestine fashion and also have fun and generate revenue while doing it. This is a style of parasitic crony capitalism because the Dept. of Justice, Homeland Security, possibly DoD, are farming out contracts on innocent Americans. So not only is this a political targeting operation, it also a revenue generation scheme that starts out within the Deep State Shadow Government and then proffers people at every level.”

Dr. X Keyscore (“The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”)

3) The Network is open-ended, so that it’s capable of unlimited expansion and can encompass any number of individuals and groups into itself for any number of purposes.  It is intended that eventually every person on the planet will included within its database, ether as a member or as a targeted individual, and will be under constant watch and direction.

A.K. Forwood, The Network: A Look Inside the Targeting System (this post)

Webmaster Comment: Anthony (A.K.) Forwood is author of “Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks (2011).” This short book is a good, general introduction to the topic of gangstalking. The following two articles, however, from Forwood’s Exposing the Truth website, offer consider deeper and more profound insights into the hidden structures and modus operandi of this covert fascist-communist system of covertly controlling and destroying individuals and societies.   TIs: Please read these two papers!

Forwood’s observations and speculations are entirely consistent with:

1) the abundant information already presented in this and my websites regarding the “NSA Global Spy Network,” FBI-DHS Fusion Centers, the bogus “Terrorism Watchlist” of the DHS Terrorist Screening Data Base (TSDB)

2) historical development of similar state-sponsored domestic spying, terrorism, and mind control programs (see:, including:

   *a)  Red Squads, police intelligence units in US that infiltrated, conducted counter-measures, gathered intelligence, and TARGETED dissidents and certain political and social groups that threatened status quo, 1886- 1978 

   b) “the Red Terror” of Soviet Cheka/Bolshevik police (1918-1922), also termed GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate; 1918-1991) and KGB (1954-1991) of Soviet Union

   c) Nazi Gestapo, military police ruthlessly eliminated perceived domestic political enemies, 1933-1945

   d) CIA’s top-secret MKULTRA and related mind and behavioral control programs, 1953-present, targeted vulnerable populations, including prisoners, soldiers, mentally ill, poor, blacks, and children for predominantly non-consensual experimentation, personality modification, torture, and death

   e) FBI’s top-secret COINTELPRO (COunterINtelligence PROgram) domestic terrorism, 1956-1971, targeted leftist groups, Black Panthers, civil-rights activists, anti-war activists

   f) CIA/MI6/NATO’s top-secret “Operation Gladio,” a secret program of extreme right wing state-sponsored, domestic terrorism operating through covert networks and “stay behind armies” from 1958 through 1990, targeted communists and leftist groups

   g)  CIA’s Phoenix Program of domestic terror, torture and murder of Vietnamese civilians, 1965-1972, targeted civilians labelled Vietcong sympathizers

   h) CIA’s top-secret MHCHAOS surveillance and domestic terrorism program, 1967-1974, targeted anti-war activists, leftist “dissidents”

   i) East German Stasi police’s domestic terrorism, Zersetzung (citizen “decomposition”)-psychological warfare system, 1970s and 1980s

    j) The Global War on Terrorism/Fourth Generational Warfare/Revolution in Military Affairs (1980s onward) is a global counterterrorism military campaign waged against both foreign and domestic enemies, including both state and non-state actors, that utilizes directed energy weapons, often referred to as non-lethal weapons.   All elements of unconventional warfare can be directed against anyone, any where and any time America’s war planners wish.   The “battlespace” is now your neighborhood and between your ears.   “Adversaries” (i.e., political enemies, “dissidents”) designated as “terrorists,” “potential terrorist threats,” “targeted individuals,” “targeted audiences”, etc. **

3) my previous conclusions that organized stalking-electronic harassment comprises a primary component of Cognitive Warfare (CW), a new sixth warfare domain supported by the other five domains of land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.  Cognitive Warfare (CW, Neural Warfare, Brain Warfare, Psychological, Psychotronic Warfare) now comprises a new sixth warfare domain supported by the other five domains; land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.  CW utilizes high technology neuroweapons as well as cyber and psychological warfare, cyber torture, and cyber terrorism against targeted individuals and audiences (i.e., “dissidents,” “whistleblowers,” etc.)

Dr. James Giordano, self-described neuroweaponologist and neuroethicist at Georgetown University as well as DARPA and EU consultant, has proclaimed that this new form of warfare requires a “whole of nation approach.”

4) most significantly, the explosive revelations of child-sex trafficking, MKULTRA and SRA (satanic ritual abuse) victim and CIA-assassin/sex slave/asset, Fiona Barnett, in her online book “Eyes Wide Open” (See: Appendix 203: “Eyes Wide Open: Lockdown Edition” (2020) Book pdf by Fiona Barnett, Australian SRA/Mind Control/Child-Sex Trafficking Victim, Whistleblower, and TI)!

Thus, while the US government’s DoD, CIA, NSA, NASA, NATO, FBI, DOJ, law enforcement, and their corporate partners, private intelligence agencies, myriad front companies, cut-outs, cults, political puppets, collaborators, informers, psychological operations groups, special forces, retired military and police, civilian gangstalkers, and foreign partners comprise the backbone of this tax-payer-funded system, the “Network”/”National Security Racketeering Network” may ultimately be under the control of the world’s wealthiest individuals who, in turn, belong to various, interlocking satanic secret societies.  Freemasonry and the Illuminati come immediately to mind:

“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation.” – Adam Weishaupt, founder of The Grand Lodge of the Illuminati, ca. 1776

* Note: The Red Squads trace back to the Age of the Robber Barons (Rockefellers, Harrimans, Carnegies, Morgans, Goulds, etc.).   These have been shown to agents of the Rothschild Dynasty.   Thus, it is probably not a stretch of the imagination to trace organized stalking/political repression operations, then as now, to the Illuminati Rothschilds, who, in addition to being Judeo-Masonic-satanists, have been the richest, most powerful family in the world for over 200 years.  As is detailed in the first three parts of this series, the Rothschild Family, aka “King of the Jews,” has funded the Illuminati (Order of Death) since its founding in 1776 in order to bring in the Jewish Utopia (Tikkun Olam, re-inventing of the world)/Antichrist Kingdom.

** It appears that “the program”/organized stalking-electronic torture operations synthesize elements of all of these state-sponsored citizen suppression, elimination, and terror operations.

1) Social Self-Destruction: A Secret War of Controlled Chaos (2011-14)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Social Self-Destruction: A Secret War of Controlled Chaos

By Anthony Forwood

Copyright 2011-2014 © All rights reserved

I: The Age of Secrecy and Covert Control

We are living in a new type of society. What we remember life to have been like only thirty to fifty years ago, and the ideals and beliefs that we once commonly held about our society and ourselves, no longer apply. We used to fully accept and even cherish the idea that each person had the freedom to live, think, and act in whatever manner that they might choose, as long as it didn’t negatively affect anyone else and impinge on their freedoms. A man’s home was his castle, and what went on there was nobody’s business but his own. We didn’t judge others too strongly for their differences, and often found those differences in others to be novel and interesting and enjoyable for their very uniqueness and originality. However, over the years, the rights and freedoms that we once enjoyed and which were meant to preserve our individuality (and by extension, the natural progression of the evolution of our species) have been stripped away bit by bit over the years, and at an ever-increasing rate, until our entire global society has been turned into something far less desirable or as promising as it once was. We have become so distracted by our technologies that few of us realize this.

The advances in technology, more than anything else in our entire human history, have caused incredible and sudden changes to our world. Not only do technological advancements affect the way that we do things, but also how we think and what we believe. The ever-increasing rate that these changes are taking place have kept us moving along at a rapid pace that leaves us unable to stop long enough to seriously consider what effect they’re having on us. These constant and rapid changes caused by advances in technology are leading us into a future that we have less and less control of as ordinary citizens, and at an ever-greater cost to our individual freedom and security. Technology has always been praised and promoted as a huge benefit and advancement, promising to eliminate problems while providing greater freedoms. Although they might easily do so, few people seem to realize or are unwilling to admit that no problems have ever been eliminated by our use of technology without creating a multitude of new ones, nor that we haven’t really gained any more freedoms at all but have instead become more enslaved by those who control the technologies.

This isn’t by accident. The people who make the decisions that affect our lives claim that it’s all in our best interests, and that nothing – not even Mother Nature – should stand in the way of progress. The problems that are created by past changes become the excuse to advance further changes, and this is all defined as progress. The fact is, no real progress is actually being made (at least not for the majority of us) and is even avoided through the use of a standard bait-and-switch maneuver, like a stage magician who distracts his audience with one hand while the other hand does something unseen, creating an illusion with a series of carefully planned moves that draw attention away from the truth of what’s really going on. We’re all so mystified and in awe of how technology is being used (and the implications of that) that we don’t ever consider how it could be being used, and in much better ways.

But the problem I’m presenting here isn’t just about the misdirection of technological progress, and goes much deeper into the very structure of society than what technology has wrought, to the point that it now encompasses virtually every aspect of society, from the highest levels of governmental power, throughout the business and social sectors, creeping into every profession, belief system, and lifestyle, into homes, neighborhoods, schools, and streets. This problem is one that encroaches on every possible action or endeavor that might be undertaken by any person or group, so that there is no certainty any more that even the smallest details of events in our lives aren’t manipulated by unseen forces.

Technology has crept into our lives to the point that no real power can ever fall into the hands of any but those few at the top, and whatever new forms of power that might arise will just as quickly be siphoned away into their hands as well. All of this is possible through the technologies we’ve been led into accepting and adapting to, not giving much thought to what purposes they might be put to later on, and how defenseless they might render us to the total domination of the elite who ultimately control them.

Technology might be considered neutral and even good on its own, but when it’s controlled and directed by only a few, and becomes so prevalent and relied on throughout every area of society, just as we see occurring in the world today, it offers an incredible power to enslave and manipulate both individuals and whole populations.

Power is the game, and we’re all just playing pieces.

In order to properly understand the true state of affairs within our society and how it could even be possible, we need to first consider a number of things that have proven to be crucial elements in fostering such a state without us being aware of it occurring. These elements of the greater plan for total control were established first, so that technology and the power it offers could be kept under the strict control of those who decided on how it would be developed, promoted, and applied.


It’s a common misconception that governments can’t keep secrets. Of course there is some truth to this, but for the most part, it’s a false assumption. Governments can certainly keep secrets when they want to, and very effectively, for that matter. In fact, the government keeps a lot of secrets about a lot of things. Some of these secrets eventually reach public awareness, but many others never do. Still other secrets are already out there in plain view, yet still remain in the realm of urban myth as far as most people are concerned.

For the years that it was in operation, the now famous Manhattan Project was kept absolutely secret from everyone but a very small number of people who were directly involved. It was only when the first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that anyone else learned anything at all about this secret project. The knowledge that this project took place is now public, but the deeper knowledge that was used to develop the actual bomb remains in the realm of secrecy.

So, secrets can be kept.

The methods used to contain this secret program were very effective and have become standardized and expanded on to the point that now, secrets can very often be right out in the open while still remaining secret.

To understand this better, we need to ask ourselves a very important question: What constitutes a secret, and when does it become public knowledge?

The way we accept something as true or not true is what determines whether we believe it. There are two types of information that we rely on for obtaining the information we use to determine our belief whether something is true or not true. The first is through direct and personal experience. The second is through those second-hand sources of information that we trust as reliable. Unless we receive our information in one of these two ways, it’s usually not easily accepted by us as being completely reliable. At the very least, verification from greater direct experience or from a more trusted source will usually be wanted. On the other hand, we put great weight in information coming from personal experience or trusted sources – and in the latter case, maybe too much.

Let’s look at a typical example of how this can work to keep secrets. If the average person were to claim that they had seen a flying saucer and its alien occupants, we would normally write it off as a lie, or at best a gross misinterpretation of that person’s perceptions. However, if the president of the United States were to go on national television and announce to the world that a flying saucer had landed at the White House and its otherworldly occupants had formally presented themselves to him with a galactic greeting, we would be far more likely to believe it, even though we hadn’t actually experienced anything more than someone we trust telling us this information. We’re more likely to automatically accept it as true because of our trust in the source of the information.

Another influence on our beliefs, at least when the first two sources of information are absent, is the influence of common consensus, either through peer pressure or public opinion. In these cases, although being much less authoritative in nature, they still hold a great deal of sway over what we will tend to believe or accept. Even though something might be completely wrong, if enough people accept it as true, and it is hard to prove otherwise, this will often be enough to lead most others to blindly accept it as well. This usually only works in cases where definite facts that would decide the truth are hard to come by, and where rationality that is based on the limited information available tends to make the claim seem plausible enough to accept.

The only things that keep people from believing certain things is the fact that they’ve never experienced it personally, or haven’t been told it by a trustable enough source, or in the worst case, haven’t been influenced to believe it through the pressure of public opinion. The fact that many people continue to report seeing UFOs and their occupants makes little difference. If such sightings aren’t experienced personally or officially confirmed to be real extraterrestrial phenomena, or such sightings haven’t been accepted as such by enough of the population, they aren’t believed to be what is claimed, and something more plausible is assumed.

As this shows, a secret doesn’t have to be completely hidden from public awareness to remain a secret. Its full truth only has to be obscured by the lack of its admission by those trusted authorities who might know, and be outside of most people’s direct personal experience or ability to find out. Beyond that, something can be discussed and investigated and promoted as true, but unless a person is exposed to tangible firsthand evidence, they will very likely still continue to doubt it if it’s something of an extraordinary nature.

But more than just this is required to maintain secrecy, obviously. In order to assure that something remains a secret, it’s important to control the information surrounding it. This means being in control of both who knows about it and what they know about it.


To assure that certain information is kept secret, it is compartmentalized so that only those who absolutely need to know any part of the secret are only exposed to those parts that are necessary, and only as far as they are required to understand the information imparted to them in relation to their need to know, such as to complete a designated task. For instance, an engineer working on a top secret military project will only have access to information that pertains to his particular area of involvement, while anything about the overall project or the full purpose of his work remains completely unknown to him.

In addition to this, the number of people who are privy to any of the more sensitive information is kept very limited, and cover stories are given to them to mask exposure to anything that they do not need to be privy to. Each person involved in a project must sign a non-disclosure agreement or secrecy oath that carries heavy penalties for any breaches of security, so that they aren’t allowed to discuss anything that directly or indirectly relates to their work or what they know. They are also kept as isolated from each other as possible, so that information isn’t shared between those involved.

Compartmentalization allows many people to work in a highly coordinated fashion to achieve a specific result while remaining completely unaware of who else is involved, what those other people’s tasks are, what they might know, or what the final result of what they are involved in is intended to be. They are isolated into groups, each with specific tasks and provided with plausible cover stories to explain the purpose of their work, so that each group might have completely different understandings about what they are involved in.


In order to counter any leaks of information into the public domain, which might effectively expose a secret, certain procedures are used to confuse and distort the facts so that what is true and what is false are difficult or impossible to differentiate by anyone but those few at the top of the control structure. Cover stories will be used as much as they can be within the compartmentalized groups who are privy to certain information, and as far as the public goes, any evidence of the truth will certainly be obscured by one or more layers of false information. The mass media is used extensively and very effectively for this purpose. If a leak of vital information occurs, it’s followed up immediately with further information that will often support the leaked information, but in doing so will add further elements that will confuse, mislead, or otherwise discredit the leaked information.

The UFO enigma is an exemplary case in point. It has developed into such a mess of questionable information that blends possibilities with improbabilities so that any truth buried in the mess is impossible to extract with any surety that it’s accurate or even meaningful. The only real clue that there is anything relevant buried there is the fact that the government (or other equally powerful parties) intentionally adds to that confusion. This only tells us that there is a definite cover-up of deep, dark secrets going on, but it doesn’t reveal any certainties about what those secrets might be. The confusion that is created effectively turns people away in exasperation or total disbelief, or it draws them further into the confusion, leading them to believe things that only take them further away from the truth.

(See Appendix – Some Further Information About Disinformation)

Conditioning Beliefs and Perceptions

Further to all of this, measures are constantly being taken to manipulate and direct the attitudes and beliefs of the general public – most prominently through the mainstream media, but also through fringe groups and the alternative media sources that have developed out of them to meet their demand for information. These measures are usually long term and follow a carefully planned procedure to mold the mindset of the general population so that certain beliefs and understandings become well established and widely accepted as true within different definable groups, with the result that these beliefs will influence the thoughts and actions of a particular group of people in certain directions, and not in others. This allows different categories of people to be identified and manipulated in various ways for the ultimate benefit of those in power.


Skepticism is used heavily to cover up secrets, and it’s one of the elements of mass conditioning that have been created in the popular mindset to dissuade people from believing certain things. When knowledge that’s meant to be kept secret is publicly promoted, skeptical attitudes towards it are purposely generated using carefully chosen experts and authorities who provide slanted opinions expressed as fact in order to create a sense of questionability and doubt about the particular subject or piece of information. Since we must usually rely on such expert and authoritative opinions to base our beliefs, most of us are prone to believing these sources when they come forward to confirm or deny that something is true. These skeptical attitudes and opinions, once they have been accepted as fact by a large enough portion of the public, lead to their further acceptance by still more people through the influence of peer pressure or common consensus.

Skepticism has a certain psychological effect that makes it useful as a form of intimidation. Many people are afraid to state their belief in something if there is a high enough level of skepticism surrounding the subject. We see this with regards to the belief in extraterrestrial visitation, psychic phenomena, and conspiracy theories. These are areas of investigation that are avoided by professionals who have a career to maintain, and any attempt to raise any of these subjects as a serious topic for consideration is met with enough skeptical opposition from more influential sources to destroy any chance of success. This opposition doesn’t even have to offer any sort of evidence for its reason to be skeptical, but only needs to raise enough public doubt through the weight of its perceived authority.


Along with skepticism as a tool for maintaining secrets is the factor of ridicule, which is used as a threat to further dissuade people from wanting to believe certain things. Ridicule is applied in a manner that is intended to destroy the credibility of a person who makes claims that could expose certain truths that are being kept secret. Ridicule focuses on destroying a person’s credibility by attempting to mold other people’s perceptions of the person’s intelligence, but without offering any greater intelligence in its place and avoiding having to do so. Ridicule is intended to circumvent the possibility of any objective analysis of the facts, which might otherwise reveal the weakness of any claims that are being used to hide secrets and bring those secrets out into the open.

Conspiracy Theories

Many secrets are able to be protected by the continual conditioning that society receives towards any subjects that revolve around unproven conspiracies. Ridicule and skepticism go hand in hand with the term ‘conspiracy theory’, leading many to automatically doubt anything that might be labeled as such, or to fear the idea of even entertaining such thoughts.

Such is the power of conditioning. The popularly promoted attitude that conspiracies don’t happen is absurd, given the fact that a conspiracy is simply a secret agreement between two or more parties pertaining to the commission of an act that is illegal or harmful to others, and yet people go along with the notion that a particular version of the facts is false simply because it’s been labeled as a conspiracy theory by certain authoritative sources, or because they have offered an alternative slant on an issue. Politicians regularly engage in conspiracies against both their opponents and members of the general population, as do corporate entities, and we see this clearly whenever we look at the latest news stories, but we’ve been conditioned to not see them in these same terms.

Of course, there is a purposefully created but subtly ignored distinction between what we might deem as an actual conspiracy and a conspiracy theory. Since the word ‘theory’ suggests that something is still open to question and not yet verified as absolute fact, it is purposely applied in certain instances so as to highlight this fact, while in certain other cases it is completely overlooked. If we take the 9/11 disaster as a case in point, we can only say that the official version of this event is itself nothing more than an unproven conspiracy theory, being based almost exclusively on circumstantial evidence and guesswork that has never even been properly verified, yet it isn’t considered a conspiracy theory by many because it comes from a supposedly reliable source that we’re expected to trust. Any alternative theory to this official one is defined as a ‘conspiracy theory’ and ridiculed on that ground, rather than to ever consider it fairly and honestly. Very often, an alternate explanation that’s deemed to be nothing more than a conspiracy theory will be addressed only long enough to bring into question one or two of the weaker points of the theory, and then the whole matter is quickly dropped without allowing a counter-argument to those contested points to be heard. This reveals both the dishonesty of those who offer the more authoritative version, and the likelier accuracy of the alternative explanation that they are attempting to convince others not to believe.

Mental Illness

As we’ve just seen, the definition of certain words and phrases have become distorted by conditioning us to new definitions to the point that their use automatically creates false understandings. This applies to the term ‘conspiracy theory’ to the point that it’s only taken in one particular context while the broader and more accurate definition is overlooked or ignored.

The term ‘mental illness’ has become equally distorted, so that we normally think of this as something that leaves a person incapable of thinking clearly and is therefore not able to reason and think logically. It brings up the idea of someone with a psychotic personality or a retarded intelligence. The fact is, anyone suffering a prolonged emotional state that interferes with their inner peace and normal mental functioning can be defined as mentally ill. This includes such states as sadness, anger, loneliness, frustration, boredom, grief, or any other negative physiological or psychological experiences that we all naturally suffer from time to time as human beings. People suffering these states can be defined as ‘ill’ just as easily as a person with a common cold is considered ‘ill’.

The term ‘mental illness’ is used in certain situations to purposely distort the credibility of someone, due to how we’ve been conditioned to respond to this term. You wouldn’t normally define someone as mentally ill just because they’re upset about something, yet they can still be loosely regarded as mentally ‘ill’ by the fact they’re emotionally upset. This is regularly taken advantage of to destroy the credibility of people who speak out about certain things that they know or suspect to be true, but which can’t be easily proven. Since it can’t be proven, they’re labeled as delusional. Once a person has been labeled as mentally ill, anything they say is thereafter able to be immediately discredited.


The underlying element in all of this is fear. Fear is a very deep-seated emotion that leads us into acting on the level of our most primitive survival instincts, which are responses that are triggered automatically and before we’re ever fully conscious of making them. Fear is a natural reaction to the unfamiliar. What is unfamiliar poses a potential threat to our peace and security, so we’re suspicious of it. This can be taken advantage of by others so that we’ll accept certain beliefs and support certain attitudes, and to make us act in ways that we wouldn’t otherwise.

Fear lies behind the power of skepticism and ridicule, which by extension have a negative effect on terms like ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘mental illness’. Through the mass media, fear is used to control and manipulate whole populations into acting without reason, supporting or engaging in activities before they ever stop to give what they are doing any proper consideration.

II: The New Secret Police, Better Known as ‘Gang-Stalkers’

With the rapid changes taking place in our society and the increasing proliferation and dependence on communications technology, we’ve barely even noticed that domestic spying and covert surveillance is constantly taking place, and more rampant and widespread than ever before in human history. The public fear that has been created by the heavily promoted threats of terrorism and the conditioning effects the news media has had on the public has led to many of the changes we’ve been going through in the last few decades. The question of whether these changes are resulting in anything that might be called progress or improvement must be left to the reader to decide.

One change that has taken place is how we’ve come to perceive each other. Through the effect of such major media events as the Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine shootings, and the 9/11 disaster, the public has been conditioned to distrust their neighbors and fear the average stranger on the street. They are even made to feel suspicious of their friends and family members. The greater separation from others and the further isolation of the individual from once-intimate and personal circles of trusted others is being facilitated by fear tactics, at the same time that communications technology is filling the gap with a new style of interacting with others that keeps most people satisfied enough in their separation from one another to feel that nothing has really been lost. Relationships with others over long distance, very often with anonymous people who are here today and gone tomorrow, have become the norm. Relationships become far less meaningful in such a situation, and the loss of one friendship is easily replaced with another. Few of these relationships usually have any lasting or worthwhile value. With population levels so high, people become less appreciated.

Another change that has taken place in our society is the way that we’re being policed. Many crimes are no longer investigated in the traditional way, and more time and effort is being put towards intelligence gathering and information analysis, and this is focused more on protecting the upper classes and their interests than is it on the general public. The proliferation of communications technology has provided an excellent platform for intelligence gathering and wide-scale covert surveillance and monitoring of virtually anyone and everyone within the population. There is only one basic fallback: the technology isn’t capable of monitoring a person’s activities that don’t involve the use of those technologies. They might be good for spying on your communications and looking around on your computer, and they can even see through your computer or cell phone camera, but they can’t watch what you do otherwise.

The use of spies and informants has always been a standard practice in the military and law enforcement, but in recent years this practice has increased dramatically, and members of the public from all walks of life are routinely being recruited into a secret network of spies and agent provocateurs who have come to represent a secret police force. They might have joined this network completely voluntarily, or they might just as easily have been tricked, bribed, bullied, or blackmailed into joining. Whatever the case, once they’ve joined, they become part of an invisible and growing army that has become the omnipresent eyes and ears of the government and its corporate allies.

This army is used not only to passively watch and gather information on selected members of the public, but also to police them and even punish them. It’s done in a manner that is hardly ever noticed by anyone other than the targets themselves. Not even the members of this secret army who engage in these ‘extrajudicial’ acts will ever really know the actual level of monitoring, policing, and punishing that takes place against any particular target, or how widespread this form of policing is. The system is designed to spread these activities so thinly across a multitude of accomplices that it becomes virtually imperceptible and appears as nothing more than minor isolated problems or unlucky coincidences to anyone else but the target. This is done by way of the methods outlined earlier.

Usually, those who take part in this new policing system are not initially aware that it is what it is, and never consider that it’s intended to become a permanent replacement for the judicial system that we already have in place and which is designed to assure that people are given fair and ethical treatment as far as the law goes. This secret network usurps the judicial process completely and allows those who have created this secret network to target anyone that they decide to, for whatever reason they choose, and completely hidden by a very efficient and well-established method of keeping information and activities secret. It removes the sense of responsibility from all parties involved.

This secret network of spies is growing exponentially. It started out with small and isolated groups and individuals scattered throughout society, such as neighborhood watch groups, church groups, and business owners, as well as police informants, criminal organizations, people with personal vendettas, etc. These have all been linked together into a single entity, controlled and coordinated by a central command center, and highly coordinated and even automated with advanced computer technology.

A Look Inside the Network

The following looks at how this network might conceivably operate. It is only a speculative outline that I’ve put together, since I have no way of knowing how it’s actually set up beyond what I’ve been able to observe in my experiences as a target. Nonetheless, I feel that it’s probably more accurate than not. The purpose of this section is merely to provide readers with an idea of how such an operation can be so large, operate so invisibly, and get away with the activities that they are known to engage in. How are people able to be drawn into this secret network and involve themselves in the activities that they do while keeping the bigger picture invisible to them and the rest of society? The following might help to give the reader a better perspective.

New recruits come from all walks of life. Because people are different in their lifestyles, beliefs, and levels of morality and ethics, different approaches are taken in selecting, recruiting, and using members of this secret spy network.

Good Citizens – The majority of the new recruits to this secret network have traditionally been well-meaning people who seriously want to help make society a better place to live. They are brought in through Neighborhood Watch groups, church groups, volunteer groups, etc. They are people with good morals who will usually trust in authority without question. They are the easiest to recruit voluntarily. These people will be told that by joining, they are helping the community at large and fighting crime. They are told that by being a member, they will be able to be immediately alerted by a computerized tracking system whenever people who are deemed to be dangerous citizens are nearby, which will offer them a sense of added personal security. They will also be told that they will be one of thousands of other participants who together represent a large force of extra eyes and ears that work together to protect each other. This all sounds like a benefit that could only help make their lives and the lives of others more secure, so they are willing to sign up.

Average Citizens – Other recruits aren’t approached in such an innocent manner. Some are forced to join, rather than tricked. They might be bullied, bribed, or blackmailed instead, through whatever means necessary. They are heavily recruited at immigration centers and places of employment, but anybody might be approached. Something as simple as a parking ticket might lead to an offer to overlook it if the person receiving it volunteers to take part in a special program to help their community. This sounds like an acceptable deal, so the person agrees. Next thing they know, they’re regularly involved in this network and its activities.

Bad Citizens – Another type of recruit is the criminal who is up against charges that could result in a lengthy prison term. In this case, the police can use much greater force in gaining their cooperation, and keep them under their control by always having the threat of prison to coerce them to do their bidding.

All of these different types of recruits are told that they will be assigned targets to watch and given occasional tasks to perform. They are expected to be available on call, giving their time when requested or volunteering whenever they’re able to. Once they’ve signed up but before they’re told anything further, they’re made to sign a non-disclosure agreement, legally binding them to a code of silence.

The first rule of spy club is to never discuss spy club.

These newly signed up members are assigned a code number and told that they must never reveal it to anybody and only ever identify themselves by it, and that all communications are to be done by phone and only through text messages using certain codes. This is a security measure that serves to compartmentalize members and what they know as much as it is to protect their identities or expose their activities.

They will receive some basic training, and it will be explained that their initial tasks will usually only involve basic surveillance and monitoring of specified targets in their neighborhood or workplace. They will be shown how to call into the system with their code number in order to flag themselves as ‘on-call’ whenever they are available. It will be explained how they will then be continuously tracked on a central computer through the GPS device built into their cell phone, how they’ll be alerted when they’re needed for an operation, how to signal the command center when they are ‘active’ in an operation, and how to communicate with the command center and other active members during an operation. Training will usually include observing a number of real or simulated operations to get an idea of how they are conducted. New members might be assigned to working with other more experienced members, but it’s just as likely that they won’t know who any of the other members are that they work with at any given time. They don’t necessarily have to ever meet other members face to face, or know that it’s someone they know and see every day.

Initial tasks will involve basic surveillance and monitoring specified targets, and reporting on their activities. The member’s level of dedication and their proficiency at assigned tasks will be praised by their handlers and occasionally rewarded in small ways. Promotions will be offered with the promise that they will lead to more interesting assignments.

In order to compartmentalize information, members will be restricted to only having access to information that they need to know to fulfill their tasks. This means that what information they receive through notifications will only include the minimum data on their assigned target or targets. This means that details about why the target is being targeted is not going to be disclosed, or only the most general reasons might be given. This might be as simple as stating that they are known to be violent, mentally unstable, or involved in criminal activity. Of course, this leaves a great deal to the imagination, and very often, because of the element of fear created by prior conditioning, only the worst will be imagined. Not all members will be given the same detail of information on a target, and this will depend on the level of trust that they have earned, as well as certain ‘personal motivators’ that might be known about. Personal motivators are things that can be used to influence a particular member to act against a target, and will be kept on record and incorporated into an automated notification system.

Targets are routinely generated through the use of ‘watch lists’. These are lists of people who are deemed to be a threat to the public and supposedly need to be watched. A person might end up on this list no matter if it was due to a harmless emotional outburst at work or in public, or due to the fact that they’re a convicted serial killer out on parole. There is a very broad range of possibilities for being put on a list. People can be placed on these lists by the police, doctors, lawyers, teachers, employers, neighbors, etc., for very loosely defined reasons, and the person on the list is never informed of the fact, therefore being denied the ability to formally question the reasons or defend themselves against false allegations that might lead them to being listed.

The names and other details of the people on these watch lists are regularly distributed to members of this secret network. Each network member is required to have a cell phone, which is used to receive notifications of local targets, along with recent photographs and information and updates about the target. Surveillance operations requiring more than one person are conducted via cell phone communications using text messages rather than voice, with a central operations center coordinating active members and designating their tasks through an automated system that analyzes the situation on the fly and issue commands to active members.

A member who has flagged themselves as on-call is notified if they are needed in an operation. When they go on call, the central coordinating center begins to continually track them with GPS through their cell phone, and if they come into the vicinity of a target, they receive an alert message along with a recent photo of the target, giving the target’s latest reported location and the member’s designated task. Members might just be assigned to follow the target and report on their activities, or they might take part in more offensive types of activities against a target, filling some small role within a larger operation that involves a number of other members who fill other roles. Nobody necessarily has to know each other, what the other member’s tasks are, or the goal of the operation. The command center deals with all the logistics and coordinates each member in the operation so that simple staged ‘coincidences’ occur that frustrate the target.

A typical operation might involve sending a text message to signal every ‘active’ member within the vicinity of a target as they carry on their normal daily routines. As the target walks through a neighborhood, members of this secret army who are on call will receive an alert notice as a text message. A target who has figured out what’s going on will be aware of who these members are because they will all be pulling out their cell phones and looking at the screen and then gazing around to locate the target they were just alerted about. The alert notice is generated by other community spies who have been monitoring the target in an adjacent neighborhood and have reported the target’s movements to the command center. In many cases, a target is never physically followed in the traditional way through constant tailing, since there are often enough of these community spies active in a given area to keep the target under surveillance no matter where they go.

The computer system at the command center keeps track of the location of every active member through GPS, and also tracks the target, either through GPS if possible (the target must be carrying a cell phone or have been ‘tagged’ with an RF transmitter), or else through continual updates by active members. The central computer is programmed to automatically analyze situations, decide on tactics, coordinate members, and issue well-timed commands.

A member who is actively engaged in an operation and is located ahead of a target who is walking down the street might be given a command to do something to block the target’s path on the sidewalk, while at the same time other nearby members are being directed into position so that the target becomes blocked on every side. Nobody knows anybody else. These things just seem to occur as if by coincidence and it all looks very innocent. Participating members will probably find it amusing, while targets will only find it frustrating as it continues to occur throughout the day. As long as no crimes are committed, most members will be willing to engage in these sorts of activities against a target.

It certainly wouldn’t hurt to inject an element of fun into this covert spy system, in order to keep members interested and to make it more exciting for them. They might be given an outlet for discussing their activities and experiences, since their code of silence might otherwise leave them with the compulsion to say something to the wrong person accidentally. This outlet might be a private online forum that they can access and interact with other members at any time, whether they’re currently on active assignment or not. They will be known to each other only by their code numbers or perhaps by chosen nicknames, and the forums will undoubtedly have certain strict rules about what can be said and what can’t, with both live moderators and special software programs sitting in the background and watching everything that takes place. This will allow further intelligence gathering, focused more specifically on the relationships and discussions between members, and their individual activities.

These private discussion forums for members might be used to plan operations, discuss tactics, or reminisce over recent adventures. It’s not hard to imagine members passing messages to each other during an operation, making jokes and degrading their targets, exhibiting the same contempt that’s seen to be reflected on their faces by their targets. Any sort of negative talk about a target, including the spreading of rumors among the public, will probably be condoned, since it will condition members to be willing to take part in the more offensive activities that involve harassment and worse. Private online forums would also offer those who have created this secret surveillance network the ability to observe members and determine who can be trusted with more sensitive information, who will be willing to do what others might not, who has the best skills for what tasks, who shows weaknesses that might compromise the system, who is not getting along with who, which members are getting too friendly with each other, etc.

Although members might think that they’re not being as heavily monitored as the people they target, they are. By keeping members constantly engaged in these covert activities, as well as knowing their thoughts about them, etc., they can be more easily monitored and controlled. Members are also watching each other, of course, and are expected to report on any other member who shows signs of disloyalty or breaches the rules.

Police Complicity and ‘Black Ops’ Units

Since it’s a known fact that the police can legally use informants to conduct criminal activity to assist them in the investigation of a crime, such as to break into someone’s home to plant surveillance devices or look for incriminating evidence, then it’s only logical that they would use this legal loophole to its greatest advantage. And indeed, it offers a huge advantage.

We always think that if the police are investigating something, then there must obviously be something there to investigate. However, the police often start investigations where there is no evidence that a crime has even been committed, and they only hope to find something to substantiate their suspicions, as though the end justifies the means. Other times, they’ll start an investigation on the word of a person who makes a false or very weak claim that a crime was or is being committed. Again, there is no real evidence. More often than not, these sorts of investigations never result in any charges being laid, and so they go largely unnoticed. If nothing comes from the investigation, it’s closed and nobody knows that it even took place. The only people that ever know about it are the police officers involved and their informant accomplices – and perhaps the innocent victim who was targeted.

Increasing police powers that allow them to use what they call ‘police agents’ – criminals who can ‘legally’ perform illegal acts for the police – were being instituted at the same time that many other changes were taking place in society. Covert surveillance and monitoring of the population was stepped up dramatically in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy. No great fanfare was made of these changes in the mainstream media, and the few who heard about them ever gave the matter enough thought to fully realize what it signified. Even now, few people grasp the extent of this surveillance and the blatant use of ‘police agents’ and the degree of power that this gives the police and the people they ultimately serve.

These ‘police agents’, common (and often dangerous) criminals who are willing to do whatever illegal acts that the police might ask or order them to do, are like a special unit within a larger secret army. They are the ‘Black Ops’ of gang-stalking.

Members of this secret network include people from all walks of life, and many of them, if they knew who some of these other members were that they were involved with, or what sort of activities they engaged in, would have a hard time accepting it and might begin to question what they are participating in. For this reason, compartmentalization of different types of members is necessary.

A ‘Black Op’ member will be assigned to such tasks as breaking into a target’s home and planting surveillance devices, engaging in harassment operations, and infiltrating a target’s circle of friends and associates to acquire information on a target, to destroy the target’s friendships with others, and to try to set them up for entrapment.

Other members of this network might never know that these sorts of criminal activities take place, nor that the information used to profile a target or given to help them in their own activities might have been gained illegally. Most members never have to know that someone they are targeting is also having their privacy violated twenty-four hours a day through video and audio surveillance, both inside and outside their home, unrelentingly. The method of maintaining secrecy assures this.

The police know that without the sense that crime and chaos are rampant in society, their services aren’t needed, so it has always been important for them that a certain level of crime and chaos is always felt to be present in society. This makes the ‘Black Ops’ members of this secret network a valuable commodity. They can be used to stage criminal activity so that it appears that there is more crime than there would be otherwise, leading these other members to feel that what they do is necessary and useful. These ‘Black Ops’ might be organized to start riots at public demonstrations, giving the police the excuse to go in and silence the protesters in order to defeat their public campaign. They can also be used to influence the perceptions of other members – the ‘good citizens’ and ‘average citizens’ – by staging criminal activity around them to create false scenarios that influences that person’s perceptions and beliefs.

The members aren’t privy to all of the facts surrounding any particular target or the other members or the operations they involve themselves in. This is all strictly monitored and controlled, and the facts about a target are usually purposely distorted. This allows for an incredible degree of manipulation of each member’s perceptions and beliefs, which means that they’re at the complete mercy of those they do this for. A member can never be certain why a target has really become a target, or what the full purpose of a task or operation might be. They will only be able to make assumptions about what they don’t know. We use assumptions to fill in where we don’t have the complete facts, in order to make logical sense of something, but assumptions are only best guesses, and are often quite wrong. The main problem with an assumption is that after a while, if nothing comes up to throw it into question, most people begin to regard it as fact.

The enormity of the problem that this secret spy network is creating needs to be fully grasped in order to understand its drastic implications. If it gives those who control it the power to control people’s experiences through staged events, then members are only left to rely on the ‘facts’ as they are given them by the trusted authorities who have built this monster. This is largely a self-propagating system that is continually increasing its membership, and it is highly automatable, providing a very unique method for conditioning and controlling an entire population, both on an individual and collective basis. It can play its members against each other through the orchestration of their separate actions and the given explanation for what is going on and why they are doing what they are doing as part of the system. ‘Black Ops’ teams are a crucial component in all of this, and it’s the least expected component from the point of view of anyone who trusts those who manage this secret network.

III: A Conspiracy of Silence

Why do the police just snicker and change the discussion when the subject of gang-stalking is raised? Why do government officials refuse to respond to letters from people who raise the subject of gang-stalking? Why do doctors routinely label someone as ‘mentally ill’ if they raise this subject? Why do lawyers avoid taking on clients who claim to be targets of gang-stalking?

Why do these professionals and authorities, of all people, continually act as though they’ve never heard of gang-stalking and that what people are claiming isn’t a serious issue?

The answer only becomes obvious when you understand how effective the government actually is at keeping secrets, and realize that secrecy laws and non-disclosure agreements are being heavily taken advantage of to keep silent anybody in the know, from the highest levels of power down to the most insignificant member of this sinister network, barring the chance of this problem ever becoming officially acknowledged, and thereby affecting the perceptions and beliefs of a large segment of the public who rely blindly on authority.

If you don’t understand exactly how such a covert system can be so pervasive and involved in the activities that it is and never come to public awareness, then you’ll never believe those people who claim to be targets of gang-stalking. You’ll very possibly even respond with the conditioned attitude of ridicule when such an idea is raised. You might even fall into the popular habit of labeling them as ‘mentally ill’ for proposing such an idea. At the very least, fear will compel you to deny that it could ever be as real and widespread as what is described by targets. Fear of being ridiculed for merely entertaining the idea. Fear of facing the truth. Fear of what might happen to you if you question the powers that be.

Apparently, the only people who can even legally talk about this secret network and its activities are those people who aren’t actually taking part in it. Everyone else is sworn to secrecy. As soon as conversations turn to anything that might relate to this covert spy system, those people who are involved will either go silent, try to change the conversation to something else, play dumb, or ridicule the idea.

Those who are involved in managing and operating this network and who therefore know all about it will be under the strictest secrecy oaths and will clearly understand the consequences of breaking them, so they’ll be that much more careful to avoid any discussions relating to the subject, whereas recruited members of this secret network don’t really know that much about it beyond what they’ve been exposed to through their participation, so they’ll only avoid discussing what they know not to discuss.

This is exactly the situation that is found when the subject is investigated. Formal enquiries to government officials go unanswered, The police continually pretend ignorance, and the majority of the public avoids serious consideration. You would think that if it weren’t true, that those who are in the best positions to know, and who are the most heavily implicated as being knowingly aware of and involved, would be concerned about clearing their names and preserving their reputations by acknowledging the issue and discussing it and taking steps to assure the public that no such system exists that could or would be used in such a way on society. The reason this doesn’t happen is because these people have no way to assure us, at least not without it biting them in the ass. Whether or not they know that such a system exists and it’s being used for illegal and undemocratic purposes, they’ve been forced to maintain absolute silence and feign ignorance about such matters. Most likely, they don’t even know enough about the issue to make any sort of informed response, and must instead rely on those sources of information that they’ve invested their trust in when evaluating the given ‘facts’ against these claims. This leaves all knowledge regarding the full reality of the situation tightly contained within a small group. All others know only what they’ve been told, and the little that they experience personally.

Everybody in life gravitates to a level of understanding and awareness of the world that they’re most comfortable and able to work with, some middle ground between the known and the unknown where what they accept as true is supported by the common consensus or known ‘facts’ and what they don’t know remains in the dark and is never explored as long as it doesn’t threaten to affect their current level of contentment. When something does threaten that level of contentment, our natural reaction is to try to deny it, to rebury it, to continue to try to explain it in terms of what we believe, until it becomes impossible to deny it any more and we must finally give up and admit that our level of contentment has been permanently shattered by a deeper truth that we weren’t ready for.

This is why it’s very hard for people to believe that gang-stalking, and the fascist elements in government that it has grown out of, is as real as targets describe it. This is why people don’t want to believe that they and everyone around them are being turned into slaves of the state. After hearing stories about gang-stalking, it’s far too easy for people to quickly regain the illusory feeling that such things are just somebody else’s imagination when they turn on the television or pick up the newspaper and find no explicit support for such ideas anywhere in the real-life events that are depicted there. The constant conditioning that’s ingrained into our perceptions and beliefs is far too familiar to be easily washed away by an instance of doubt and uncertainty, and our natural fear of the unknown keeps us from venturing to look any further into the shadows that cover dark hidden truths.

And if we were even brave enough to venture to look, where might we start? Finding out the truth of such things is blocked at every angle of approach. All signs that such a macabre system of control exists have been painted over with the illusion of innocent scenes offering a more palatable presentation of reality to the public’s perceptions. Knowledge of something requires information, either through first-hand experience or second-hand sources. When there’s little information available except through less trusted sources, it’s hard to accept something as real.

IV: Life is But an Illusion

What do you equate with happiness? To spend leisure hours with good company and entertaining activities? To have a little more than you currently do? To be free of the worries and discomforts which might threaten your current state?

What do you perceive as your greatest hope or achievement for yourself in this lifetime? To succeed in your profession? To raise healthy children and provide them with what they will need to succeed on their own? To be loved and remembered as a good person? To feel secure in your person and property?

However you might answer these questions, it will be within the parameters of what you’ve been conditioned to believe is possible and what you value. Outside of your personal values and beliefs, nothing else really matters. For most of us, something as uncertain and unverifiable as gang-stalking must be set aside when evaluating what is important to our own happiness and what we can expect from ourselves. We just don’t have the ability to determine the facts about something like gang-stalking, and it seems to be so far removed from our own lives (excepting those of targets) that it doesn’t pose any threat to us, so we don’t concern ourselves about it. We continue to perceive the world through commonly established beliefs based on commonly established values that have been taught to us since birth.

Broadcast media have played a huge role in molding our values and beliefs. They’ve become a major source of information for both facts and ideas, through both news and entertainment. However, fact and fiction are more and more often being blended together and so subtly and imperceptibly that distinguishing truth from falsehood is often next to impossible. The historical account of Orson Wells’ radio performance of War of the Worlds in 1938 and the resulting mass hysteria that ensued was an early example of this, and it turns out that this may have been more of a planned experiment than just a coincidental event. The imperceptibility between fact and fiction has since been enhanced further with Hollywood special-effects techniques using state-of-the-art computerized sound and image technology to the point that what we see and hear on the screen is easily manipulated to make things appear other than they really are. The internet is an information source that takes this blending further still, mixing factual information with false information, bogging down anyone seeking to learn anything with an overload of distractions and diversions, contradictions, inconsistencies, and alternate opinions.

All of this leaves the average person with no other course but to rely on the word of someone they trust and believe would know better than themselves about such things, and who can provide the most accurate information that might be hoped for. Beyond that, nothing more can be done, and there’s no sense in questioning things that don’t seem to affect us personally, and which would demand a complete reconsideration of our sense of reality if that reality proved to be false. We would rather live in an illusion than to face up to the truth.

Many people who might learn about this growing secret army or even involve themselves in it will think of it as a necessary thing, the response to a real threat of terrorism that has developed as a natural consequence of our modern society. They will think that it’s being carefully controlled and only used in a passive sense that’s harmless, even if it is a little invasive. They’ll think that it could never become anything so sinister and Orwellian as what is described by targets, because those descriptions can’t help but raise images in the listener’s mind that relate more to the storyline of a movie or television show than to what they believe exists in the real world. At some point, the blend between fact and fiction that they have been conditioned to expect will interfere with their judgment, and the more outrageous the information is, the more likely they will place it in the category of fiction.

The deeper you go in investigating this whole issue (or anything else that relates to our secret history), the more outrageous it becomes. There are many claims that advanced mind-control technology is being used on some targets, and this leads into another area where the element of ridicule stops most people from taking any of it seriously. There are claims that this is a part of the New World Order, and that a secret government is in control of our leaders. This is met with equal ridicule, and leads into all sorts of speculative opinions and unproven facts that have been promoted over the years, muddying the waters. To accept even a part of the truth requires that you take the whole pie, which is more than most people will be able to stomach without getting sick.

That our government would create this sort of secret network is not so hard to believe, but that it would be used to engage in illegal activities or to control and manipulate people goes against what we’ve been continually conditioned to believe about our government. They wouldn’t do it. They couldn’t do it. It’s unconstitutional. It goes against the very foundation of the democratic process that this country was built on and is supposed to value so highly.

Think again.

The fact is, it can be done, it is being done, and it’s threatening to overtake society completely. It’s not the fact that we’re being spied on by our friends and neighbors that should worry you, or even that some people’s lives are being destroyed, but rather the much deeper implications that arise when you consider how such a system might be applied more heavily on the population, creating illusions and burying truths.

As far as most people will be concerned, everything will continue to seem as normal as ever. But what seems normal might easily be an illusion. How a person comes to perceive their world is something that will be able to be conditioned, staged, and directed by an unseen hand, where none of the actors will be aware of the parts they are really playing, and each of their perceptions of what they are doing and what is taking place can be quite different. They all think that they’re involved with other like-minded people who know what they know and are driven by the same reasons. When gang-staking activity takes place around them, they’re oblivious to it. When they’re involved in it, they’re following orders and understand the situation only as far as it’s been explained to them. Other participants on an operational team don’t have to understand it the same way, and because they don’t otherwise know each other, there’s little chance of them ever realizing any discrepancies in the facts that they were given to coerce them to act.

Such a system might even be used as a ‘reality TV’ form of entertainment for those people who manage the system (some targets suspect that this is what’s actually taking place in their situation). They might even make a game out of the usual activities of the members, where scenarios are created where a target is put into situations and the members bet on what the response will be. With the prevalence of surveillance devices being planted in target’s homes, an underground market could be created that exploits their more private moments through exclusive internet video websites set up for members who follow certain lifestyles.

But the most dangerous aspect of this system and the way it’s able to create false scenarios that none of those involved can be certain is all that it appears to be, is that reality – what we know and what goes one around us – is no longer certain. Any aspect of our day-to-day lives might be staged. Not just for the targets, but for the members of this network as well.


Some Further Information About Disinformation

If you were a government and you wanted to hide your true capabilities from your enemies, would you want them to underestimate those capabilities, or to overestimate them?

Most people will probably think that it would be best to lead your enemies to underestimate your capabilities, since you would then have more than what they expected.

But let’s consider what situation would result if instead you led your enemies to overestimate your capabilities. For instance, if you put out ‘leaked’ reports that you had made technological advances in areas of science that were not already well developed or known about, it would lead your enemies to take steps to begin their own research and development in that area just to keep up, thereby wasting their efforts. At the same time, they would have a false impression of what to expect in the case of a potential attack, so that they would also waste efforts in taking steps to defend against it.

By leading your enemies to overestimate your capabilities, a definite advantage is created, where you will know exactly what you really have as well as what your enemies think you have, while your enemies will never be certain of what you might really have laying at the ready, and must assume that what they’ve been led to believe is true, even if they never see any evidence of it beyond hints and rumors.

On the other hand, if you were to lead your enemies to underestimate your capabilities, the moment you reveal your true capabilities by actually using them, you no longer have that advantage of uncertainty, and you must now worry about your enemies acquiring those same capabilities. You can keep your secret capabilities out of use so that your enemies don’t ever discover them, but then there’s no point in having them.

So, leading your enemies to overestimate your capabilities is far more advantageous, and this is done through the release of disinformation.

There is one other possible situation that should be considered here. If you have or are developing capabilities that would give you the advantage and thereby lead your enemies to underestimating you, and you want to lead them to overestimate you instead, you can create decoys that will lead them to think the capabilities are something other than what they really are. This situation can be dealt with in a manner that is explained further on in this article, where cover stories are discussed. In this case, the cover stories (are parts of them) are intentionally ‘leaked’, in order to lead your enemies into false perceptions so that they will take steps that will be wasted.

Let’s consider another aspect of all this. What sort of disinformation would be better – that which sounds plausible, or that which sounds implausible?

Most people might think that the more implausible a piece of information is, the less likely it would be considered. However, in the world of secrecy and espionage, nothing is necessarily as it appears, and truths can be hidden in implausible stories as much as they might be found in plausible ones. But, just as we saw in the case of overestimations versus underestimations, creating a level of uncertainty would be in your favor, since an implausible story, although it might signify to the enemy that it’s disinformation and will therefore contain hidden truths, investigating it will nevertheless waste a great deal of their time and efforts as they attempt to uncover those hidden truths.

Some real-life examples of this third situation include: using the UFO/alien abduction scenario to cover up mind-control research and technologies; using the events surrounding the purported Philadelphia Experiment to cover up the research into antigravity and stealth technologies*; and using the current exaggerated misconceptions about mind-control technologies to cover up more plausible ones.

Disinformation is usually created preemptively, meaning that a cover story is formulated before an idea for research and development into a prospective technological advancement even gets put down on paper. This occurs at the point when only a minimal number of people know anything about the idea, and it’s at this point that cover stories are created that will satisfy the needs of anyone who will be brought in to handle the various aspects of the research and development.

Compartmentalization of information will also be incorporated at the very outset, and different cover stories can be given to the different people working separately on the different components of the overall project, and none of them will ever know that what they are working on might be related to anyone else’s work, nor will any of them know what the overall project goal is. As each stage of the R&D is fulfilled, the next stages go through this same procedure, with cover stories being formulated preemptively and new people being brought in to work separately on each of the various components of that stage. Should any information leaks occur, only the cover stories will ever be revealed, since the real goals will remain tightly held by the few people who are in charge of the overall project.

Now, let’s consider how this works with respect to someone who is brought in to work on some aspect of a classified project. They can be given a cover story and know that it’s false, and this is fine as long as it doesn’t hinder their ability to do their work. They’re just there to do their job, and they know that the cover story is for their protection as much as it is to protect the security of the project. They accept the cover story and don’t ask questions or speculate too much on what the real truth might be, because they know that they could be targeted by the enemy to gain information. This might be accomplished through a variety of social engineering techniques that could be unsuspectingly used on them in an attempt to draw out useful pieces of information, or it might take the form of more drastic methods that could involve their abduction and torture. So, for their own safety as much as for the safety of the project, they work under the pretense of a cover story and don’t even speculate on what the truth might be.

Before they’re even brought into the project, these people will have undergone extensive security checks, and as soon as they’re brought in but before they’re told anything about the project, they will be made to sign a security oath that carries extreme penalties if they breach it. Also, throughout the project and possibly for many years after (depending on what they know), they will be closely monitored to assure that the security is maintained.

Because the people working on a classified project can know that the cover story they’re given is false, it’s implausibility doesn’t really matter, as long as it serves to explain the purpose of their work.

In the case where purposeful leaks are desired to throw off your enemies, certain people who are brought into a project can be selected because of their lack of ability to maintain certain levels of security, in which case they will only be given carefully selected information, cover stories, or weak security measures that will lead to possible ‘leaks’ of disinformation that appears to be valid. In these situations, these people will usually be selected because they’re susceptible to believing that the cover story they’re given is the truth.

2) The Network: A Look Inside the Targeting System (Reposted) (2016)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Network: A Look Inside the Targeting System (Reposted)

By Anthony Forwood

NOTE: This is a SPECULATIVE look at the possible structure and organization of the secret network that I believe lies behind organized gang-stalking. What I describe here is based on my own research, observations, and personal experiences over many years. How I depict the gang-stalking network within this document may not precisely reflect the way it’s actually structured or how it operates, but it seems to be pretty close to how things really are. Whatever the case, the structure and operational methods described here are completely workable in all respects and the security measures used would be quite effective in keeping the network and its activities under a very tight blanket of secrecy. This document complements Social Self-Destruction: A Secret War of Controlled Chaos, which can be found at the link provided at the end of this document. It is highly recommended that you read that article first if you are not familiar with gang-stalking.

The following information can still be greatly extended and improved on, and probably will be at some point, so please check for the latest version, always available here.

Anthony Forwood
February 16, 2016

“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation.” – Adam Weishaupt, founder of The Grand Lodge of the Illuminati

Creation of the Network and its Membership

What I describe here I will call ‘The Network’, but this is only for the purpose of giving a name to something that doesn’t necessarily have one nor otherwise have a requirement for one, at least for the public at large, because there is very little chance that it will ever be talked about by anyone who can be certain of its existence.[1]

The Network is made up of many isolated individuals and groups throughout the US, Canada, and in many other countries around the world. The term ‘group’ can be defined here as any group of people at all who hold a common bond of unity, and might be of any type or size, from small social groups of just a few people to entire workforces of large corporations, memberships of international organizations, and governments. But it even goes beyond just this, since it appears that just about any method that might be used to draw people in will likely be applied.

Most large corporate workforces and many smaller ones have already been brought wholesale into this Network through ‘Occupational Health and Safety’ laws that require employees and employers to report anything in the workplace that might be considered suspicious or threatening activity. Anyone who is reported on is assessed (without their knowledge) to determine if they should be put on a ‘watch list’. Watch lists are a key aspect of the Network’s operations, and will be discussed further on.

Similar ‘Community Health and Safety’ laws have also been established in many countries so that these reporting systems also extend into school environments, church congregations, social groups, neighborhoods and public streets, and even private homes.[2]

A special reporting system has also been set up to accommodate these laws and manage everything, and various types of recruitment programs are routinely conducted within workplaces, community groups, and elsewhere, to enlist ‘citizen agents’ and to promote the security advantages that Network members receive. This includes receiving instant notifications by phone whenever a dangerous person is in their area.[1] This notification service is only available to members who have signed a secrecy oath or non-disclosure agreement. This is explained more fully in a later section.

The Network connects all of its members to a central command system that is very sophisticated and highly automated, and is able to handle virtually all of the work involved in normal Network operations. This includes managing members, handling communications, information gathering, planning operations, performing logistics, directing operations, tracking both members and targets, profiling, etc. Very few human resources are needed to manage this system, and direct contact between management levels and operational levels is very minimal. Except during recruitment, all contact is conducted through a highly secure Network communications system.

Soon after these health and safety laws were enacted and the reporting system was set up, a significant number of people were quickly recruited into this Network and have since been under strict secrecy oaths. People are being recruited all the time, and the Network is constantly growing. As new members, they are joining a secret force of eyes and ears in the workplace and community, assigned to report on any suspicious or threatening activity through this system, and to monitor someone who has been put on a watch list. These targeted individuals are constantly tracked, and members receive cell phone text notifications whenever they are in their area, and they are expected to assist in monitoring and ‘policing’ these people under the pretext of maintaining the safety of the community. If a member is a good candidate for deeper involvement, various different opportunities to take part in ‘special operations’ can be offered. These opportunities are only made available to members who match a certain profile and have been cleared for these activities.

Certain individuals and groups that lie outside mainstream society – street gangs, biker clubs, prostitutes, criminals, drug addicts, homeless people, alternative groups, illegal immigrants – are also brought into the Network through other means than those described above. Any person or group is a candidate for being recruited into this Network, and there are various different classifications of membership for different types of candidates, which is determined through careful profile matching.

The many individuals and groups that make up the Network’s vast and varied membership are kept as isolated as possible from other members and completely unaware of the full extent of the Network, and they don’t know about or even expect that many of the other individuals and groups are involved, and identities between members are kept as anonymous as possible. However, some groups of members will necessarily be aware of each other’s involvement to some capacity, but these groups remain otherwise just as anonymous and isolated within the Network.

As well as them not being aware of the full extent of the Network and who other members might be, none of the members ever know anything more about what they are involved in beyond what they are informed of through the Network. All information circulated through the Network is carefully controlled, and cover stories can be given for the activities that members engage in, as well as the pretexts for doing so. Covert monitoring of every member’s communications assures early warning of possible security breaches.

Besides the normal operations involving monitoring and policing targeted individuals, certain individuals and groups are also put to use in various ‘special projects’ that have to do with deeper levels of the Network, and usually involve the exploitation of targeted individuals in some way.

Many groups and many individuals have been absorbed into the Network one after the other for many years, until now virtually any given group that exists could have a significant number of Network members within it, acting through that group or as part of another. Since its inception (as early as the 1980s), this secret Network has expanded beyond corporate workforces, community groups, and various other organizations that were brought into it early on. It has come to include street gangs, biker clubs, immigrants, homeless people, tourists, and even children. There is no person or group that the Network doesn’t have a use for.

The Network is open-ended, so that it’s capable of unlimited expansion and can encompass any number of individuals and groups into itself for any number of purposes. It is intended that eventually every person on the planet will be included within its database, either as a member or as a targeted individual, and will be under constant watch and direction.

The Network is ideally suited for incorporating a variety of new functionalities into its structure, not the least of which are mind-control technologies (discussed further on). The central computer system runs specially designed artificial intelligence software that gives it the ability to learn and evolve new functionalities that can be incorporated into normal operations or special projects.

The Network is connected into every communication system, information network, and database on the planet, and incorporates these into its data collection procedures. It also takes full advantage of ECHELON, the NSA’s global surveillance system. Virtually any information that exists in digital form can be accessed by the Network system for real-time surveillance and intelligence gathering purposes. The monitoring of communications also includes the ability to interfere. This means that information flow can be controlled by various covert ‘denial of access’ techniques, and on a person-by-person basis.

Full-time GPS links to members and targets through their cell phones are used by the Network system for tracking and logistics purposes. Covert use of RFID chips make it possible to track anyone who doesn’t own or carry a cell phone.

With these and other connected resources, the Network’s command center can constantly gather, analyze, and update an extensive amount of information on any person, as well as instantly locate and track them in real-time. The Network incorporates advanced profiling systems into many of its automated processes, such as for selecting, evaluating, and managing members when recruiting, planning operations, assigning operational tasks, etc.

As a policing system, the Network maintains a separate database for individuals who have been flagged as targets for monitoring and policing, which will be carried out by Network members through various assigned operational tasks. Targets are determined through the reporting system described earlier, which involves receiving threat or suspicion reports from members, assessing these reports and the individuals involved, and determining whether they should be placed on a watch list. To do this, extensive information is gathered on a reported individual and analyzed, and if they match certain qualifications then specific operational procedures are determined for handling them. Once an individual is placed on a list, the target is constantly tracked by the Network system and monitoring tasks will immediately be assigned to members within the target’s neighborhood or workplace, or wherever else they might go. Manual monitoring by members will include regular reporting to the Network command center.

System Compartmentalization

Because the Network is officially non-existent and must always appear that way in order to maintain its security and achieve its ultimate ends, it is important to those who manage it that knowledge of it is minimized as much as possible by keeping meticulous records of what information each member is privy to or might be aware of, as well as what cover stories they have been given regarding their involvement in any operations. This minimization of awareness means that members should be kept from knowing how extensive the Network and its capabilities are, the details of membership activities, and the identity of other members. The Network is therefore kept highly compartmentalized into isolated individuals and groups that work anonymously to each other but are coordinated through the Network’s command center so that their individual activities can be perfectly integrated into precisely timed and tightly controlled operations, such as in street theatre activities.

This strict compartmentalization of members to restrict their knowledge about the Network and other members not only assures the security of the system and its operations, but also assures that upper management levels can avoid direct responsibility, should anything go wrong. Network compartmentalization also allows members to unknowingly become targets, as well as for members and member groups to be unknowingly pitted against each other to achieve certain desired results, without them ever realizing that they’re being manipulated. Compartmentalization assures that a member who might become a target at some point doesn’t jeopardize other members or lead to revealing any sensitive information about the Network or its operations that they might be privy to. Therefore, the identity of members and groups and all details regarding their participation in operations is kept as confidential as possible and cover stories are implemented as pretexts for assigned tasks whenever possible to facilitate these ends. It’s equally desirable to keep members as anonymous to each other as possible, and although this isn’t always possible, such as when dealing with groups where the members already know each other’s identities as members, the identity of members will otherwise be secured from other members and member groups as much as possible.

Network Operations

Members who are recruited into the Network are initially used within operational assignments by being given certain specific tasks to complete. Operational assignments are carried out by any number of members who are usually unaware of the identity of the other members involved in the same operation, unless they’re operating from within the same member group. When an operational directive is entered into the central command computer by management, the computer system collects all the relevant data it needs and does an analysis of the situation, works out a plan of action, breaks it down into individual tasks, organizes members, and coordinates the execution of the operation. All communications during the execution of an operation will be conducted strictly through the use of cell phone text messages, and will pass through the secured Network system.

There are both ‘official’ and ‘unofficial’ operations. An ‘official’ operation will strictly involve acting as a ‘citizen agent’ to monitor a workplace or community for suspicious or threatening activity, or to police targeted individuals who have been placed on a watch list. All members are expected to take part in these sorts of operations.

An ‘unofficial’ operation goes beyond these activities, and includes any activities that members might engage in of their own free will that are approved activities, or which they have otherwise been given clearance for. Members aren’t usually directly informed about these approved activities, but are left to learn about them on their own, or covertly influenced to engage in them, if and when they reach the deeper levels of the Network. This is to remove any direct responsibility from upper level management while allowing them to take place in a controlled manner. Certain ‘unofficial’ operations will include activities that are covertly influenced through the manipulation of a member or group in order to cause them to believe that they are acting of their own free will in carrying out tasks that result in fulfilling a certain operational directive. These types of ‘unofficial’ operations always involve the testing or application of mind-control technologies.

Recruitment Procedures

New members are continually being recruited into this Network so that it has continually been expanding as it has drawn in more and more of the general population over the years and recruited them into membership. These new recruits are carefully screened for selection using profiling systems to determine various qualifications, such as for classification into different membership levels, and for assigning operational tasks.

Upon approval for membership, each recruit is made to sign a lifetime secrecy oath or non-disclosure agreement in order to legally bind them to a lifetime contract of cooperation and commitment. Once signed, they will be forbidden to ever talk about the Network or their involvement, and must pretend complete ignorance of its existence to others. All members will thereafter be unknowingly under constant electronic surveillance to track and monitor them for security reasons, as well as to accumulate data that can be used for determining management procedures for them and usability in operations. This information will also be used to control a member in the case that they become a security risk or step out of line.

Penalties that include lengthy jail terms for breaches of secrecy oaths or violation of non-disclosure agreements are only the first deterrent against exposure of the Network. Further deterrents are also available, many of them involving blackmail, as well as mind-control technologies that are incorporated into the system. However, the greatest deterrent for any member will be the threat of being rejected from the system once they have been accepted into it and come to understand what might happen to them if they are.

Although most knowledge about the Network and its operations and activities can be easily controlled and contained in the event of any unforeseen situation, it is still sometimes necessary that a balance be maintained between what a particular member might know about the Network and how much control can be maintained over that member, and this can leave the Network vulnerable if care isn’t taken so that maximum control is always maintained. The more controllable a member is, the easier it will be to assure that problems don’t arise that might jeopardize the Network, and the more likely they can be brought into its deeper levels. Tight control of members also allows for greater flexibility in Network operations and activities, allowing it to expand as new application possibilities arise. Therefore, a variety of control mechanisms can be incorporated into the system, ranging from very crude to highly sophisticated.

One method of gaining the membership of a candidate into the Network is to give exaggerated praise for whatever traits or skills that candidate has that they might pride themselves in, and to lead them into believing that those traits or skills are highly sought and will allow the candidate to receive special advantages and have doors opened for them through their dedicated service to the Network. This might be any sort of trait or skill at all, as long as it can be made use of within Network operations or activities. This includes both legitimate as well as criminal traits and skills. The police, acting as a major member group within the Network, take advantage of those criminal elements that they come into contact with during their official duties, and routinely recruit them by first building the recruit’s confidence in their criminal abilities, and leading them into believing that they would benefit by helping the police with the use of these skills. Criminals are highly sought for certain illegal tasks that the police want performed which they and other members will not dare to engage in themselves.

Blackmail Insurance

Although a crude form of control, blackmail is still highly effective and completely within the repertoire of methods used to recruit, control, and silence members. As such, blackmail situations are put to good use and are standard practice within certain groups that are part of the Network. Normally, it will be used where secrecy oaths or non-disclosure agreements aren’t as practical or effective, such as will be the case with criminal groups who aren’t necessarily intimidated by the legal ramifications of legally binding security oaths.

Blackmail can therefore be used as a substitute to secrecy oaths and non-disclosure agreements during recruitment into the Network, but should always be perceived by recruited members as part of an initiation into a group and not as part of the Network. The blackmail procedure will serve to bind a new member to an oath of silence and commitment to that group, and must be as effective as a secrecy oath or non-disclosure agreement would be. It will normally consist of recording the new member engaging in a suitably compromising act, with the recording being secured as insurance against any breaches that could jeopardize the Network and its operations.

There are two basic types of blackmail that are used: sexual and criminal. The most widely used blackmail is sexual blackmail that can be used to destroy a member’s character, social status, and reputation. When more effective blackmail is necessary, it will involve criminal acts that can go so far as to involve murder.

Since blackmail is a criminal act and the upper management levels of the Network seek to distance themselves from all responsibility for activities that its members engage in, these blackmail operations are executed in such a way that responsibility for them or anything at all that might go wrong will fall on individual members or member groups in order to maintain the security and functioning of the Network. This will necessitate providing a certain degree of autonomy of the groups that perform the blackmail procedures, and includes a certain amount of freedom in the decision-making abilities that certain members of these groups have (or at least the perception of such freedom and autonomy) that don’t require prior authorization by upper management levels of the Network. Only members who have been properly programmed and trained for special tasks are ever given clearance for such decision-making abilities, and only as far as specific tasks and activities require.

Recruitment or initiation that involves collecting blackmail insurance must always be done under the guise of a member group, and in such a way that the recruit doesn’t know that the group is part of a larger network. Only after collecting blackmail insurance and establishing oaths of silence and commitment might the new member be brought further into the Network itself. In this sort of situation, the recruit might think that he or she is being initiated into a club, secret society, cult, etc., and will undergo an initiation process that will usually involve the recruit voluntarily putting him or herself into a suitably compromising situation that is recorded and secured as blackmail insurance. In these cases, the recruit will see it as a proof of loyalty to the group they are involved with, and will be led to believe that only that group knows about the compromising act they engaged in.

Sometimes, a recruit might need to be put into a blackmail situation involuntarily, in order to garner their full cooperation when a voluntary blackmail situation isn’t possible. Whatever the case, the blackmail procedure should guarantee that the recruit will want to remain loyal to the Network (through the group) and never speak about their knowledge of it or its activities. The most important thing when collecting blackmail insurance is that it should always be seen to be tied to the member group, and not perceived as anything to do with the larger Network.

Blackmail is only used with certain types of members within certain types of member groups. As mentioned earlier, there are both voluntary and involuntary blackmail situations. A voluntary situation is where a staged act that compromises the member is previously agreed on between the new recruit and other group members, usually as part of their initiation into the group and for binding their loyalty to that group through a secrecy oath.

An involuntary blackmail situation is less straightforward in how it might be carried out, and this will usually depend on whether any compromising material can be discovered about the recruit, or can otherwise be created. This will involve assessing the recruit’s main weaknesses and then creating staged situations to tempt those weaknesses, leading the recruit unsuspectingly into the compromising act. In either case, the compromising act is recorded on tape, and if the blackmail is involuntary, then the recording will be presented to the recruit and it will be made clear that it will be used against them if they should ever disclose anything about the group or its activities. Involuntary blackmail is more commonly applied to recruits who are not part of any group tied to the Network.

Although blackmail offers the obvious ability to force a person to act against their will and do the blackmailer’s bidding, the Network is designed so that blackmail can be used to make them act willingly, without conscience or remorse. The Network selectively and gradually introduces certain members to a completely different form of life than normal, in which their exposure to this new lifestyle is carefully controlled and their perceptions molded so that they begin to be conditioned to accept a new set of attitudes and behaviors that they come to live by. Blackmail operates through the level of guilt or fear that can be associated with it. In other words, the more guilt a person feels towards a compromising act that they have been involved in and the fear of being found out, the more effectively it can be used to control them. The easier it is to control them, the easier it is to lead them into further compromising acts to increase the guilt and strengthen the effectiveness of the blackmail insurance. A member under the pressure of blackmail seeks any means to alleviate their feelings of guilt, including the use of scapegoats, and these are provided through the Network in the form of targets. As a member progresses into the deeper levels of the Network, their perceptions slowly change and they are influenced to see targets as more guilty than they are, and this can serve to alleviate their own guilt in acting out against those targets.

Using blackmail insurance to secure a member’s silence and continuing cooperation and participation in Network activities also provides a means to lead these members into certain deeper levels of the Network’s structure, where certain types of special privileges or rewards can be made available if they take part in certain Network activities that lie outside of ‘official’ operations. These other activities, referred to earlier as ‘special projects’, are designed to keep members engaged in Network activities, while also serving to strengthen their loyalty and oath of silence. Unless a member is receiving adequate mind-control programming to make it unnecessary, suitable blackmail insurance is absolutely required before a member can be cleared to participate in any of the activities that take place at the deeper levels of the Network.

How They Test the Code of Silence

It’s a matter of routine for those who keep secrets in taking steps to assure that those people who are party to those secrets are trustable. There is a standard method that is used for assuring and testing such trustworthiness. Within all groups that are part of the Network, members will be required to immediately report any inappropriate activity that they witness other group members engaging in. This will include saying anything about the Network or its activities. The members will also be made aware that their trust will be tested from time to time, in that a staged security breach or breaking of the rules will be conducted that they will witness, usually by someone they are known to be friends with or who is their superior within the group, and their reaction to this staged breach will be used to determine their trust. The member will never know whether a breach is a test or not, and will therefore be forced to report them, or face the possible consequences for not doing so. Since this is a secret government program involving non-disclosure agreements and secrecy laws, as well as blackmail, the member who doesn’t report a breach will be facing potential criminal repercussions, or equivalent damage to their life (including targeting), for failing to comply. The method described here is very effective for testing a member’s loyalty and trust, either towards another member, a member group, or the Network itself.

This method of testing and maintaining the code of silence will also assure that information regarding a target is safe to disseminate among Network members, and the content of that information could therefore be quite extensive. This means that this information does not have to be accurate, as long as each member who receives it believes that it is and can never discover otherwise.

The Network’s Underground Society

An underground society exists deep within the Network, unknown of by many of its members, and certainly not by anyone who isn’t a member. Access to this underground society and its activities is only given to those members who have been properly initiated into it. Even among those members who have access to it, most of them will only have access to limited parts of it, and only if they meet strict security protocols and have been cleared to take part. These protocols absolutely require that blackmail insurance is first collected, or that adequate mind-control procedures are applied that will guarantee the member’s cooperative involvement. Although blackmail insurance has traditionally been collected when recruiting members into this underground, it’s being phased out as more sophisticated methods of electronic mind-control are being more widely incorporated into the system.

On first exposure, this underground might be seen by its newly introduced members as nothing more than activities that lie outside the Network itself, either as part of the member group they belong to, or by invitation from other members who they don’t know are members and who have been specifically tasked to invite them to participate. Only through progressive exposure to and involvement in certain activities does a member learn anything about the underground, and all of this is carefully controlled at every step.

Many of the people who are brought into the Network are severely lacking in any morals when they’re recruited, and are therefore easy to involve in the deeper levels of this Network underground, and quickly gravitate to taking part in it. These particular members are usually connected to the Network through fringe groups, such as street gangs, motorcycle clubs, drug or prostitution rings, police informants, etc., but not necessarily. Many members who end up in the deepest levels of the underground are just as likely to be business professionals, police officers, teachers, and church leaders.

The easiest members to draw into the Network’s underground, however, are young adults, and sex is the most popular enticement.

Sex is a major weakness for a lot of people, and it’s routinely used within the Network as a means for collecting blackmail insurance, but also for pleasure and entertainment, which is made available to members of the underground through various special projects.

Sex can be used to draw in new recruits, and special groups have been set up within the Network that operate as sex rings and are regularly used for recruitment purposes, usually assisting in collecting blackmail insurance, but also to provide ‘rewards’ or entertainment privileges for members. Some of these rings are exclusive to select members in the Network, but there are also sex rings set up that cater to a wider membership, and are made available to any member who has gone through an initiation and provided blackmail insurance as an oath of silence and loyalty. Until a member has done so, they will never be aware that these rings exist, but when they do, a whole new world is opened to them that will draw them further into the Network. These members join into the lifestyle of the underground, where sex is heavily promoted and widely engaged in between members of these rings. Drugs are also cheaply and easily available to Network members once they have entered into this underground. Corruption is the main purpose of these underground activities, and it is part of the design of the Network system to bring as many members into it as possible. Since members are signing a lifetime contract when joining the Network, and young people are more easily enticed into corrupt activities, they are the most likely to eventually be drawn in, and their total corruption is only a matter of time.

The sex rings in particular provide an enticing introduction into a secret world with darker motives. Sex is used to tempt members into an underground society that caters to every sin and pleasure imaginable. This underground society is used to lead these members into ever deeper and darker levels of corruption. As soon as they get involved in the Network at this level and discover that they have this whole new source of pleasure and excitement available to them and they begin to explore it with a little guided influence, there’s no turning back for them.

One of the things that I feel is taking place at even deeper levels of this Network are actual satanic activities, including all manner of ritual abuse, satanic worship, and even human sacrifices. These activities are engaged in by those who control this Network, and this Network is their means for drawing the entire population into this as well. Therefore, they must maintain very tight security against its exposure, so full-blown mind-control is a necessity for any members who will reach these darker levels of the Network’s underground. This mind-control is applied to the extent that each member will have one or more ‘alter’ personalities created in them (either through trauma or hypnosis), and will be completely unaware of the fact. The different personalities are switched in and out through triggers, and prior programming will assure that these members are incapable of remembering or otherwise discovering their involvement in these dark activities. As the Network continues to draw in its members, more and more people are being led into these satanic aspects and being enslaved through this most insipid form of control.

Membership Motivations and Rewards

Members of this Network aren’t usually paid, but instead they will either volunteer themselves freely, be tricked into it, or forced. Usually, they begin doing it as part of something else that they’ve already committed themselves to, such as a church or business organization, and their Network activities are seen by them as part of their current commitments with that group. As such, neither the existence of the larger Network, nor the group’s connection to it, has to be known about by more than one or a few in their group (usually in leadership positions), and even then, their knowledge of the Network is still very limited. A group’s involvement in Network operations is just seen by its members as serving the group’s interests. Those members of the group who know anything about the larger Network will usually be affiliated with it through membership in another group and will be acting through their service to that other more deeply involved group to involve the current group in serving those interests as well.

Motivations to act in favor of the Network’s needs are provided to individual members or groups with carefully crafted cover stories that are specific to that member or group and are usually crafted around whatever a group’s official purpose is, or whatever can be used to motivate a member to take part in various tasks and operations. Usually, a member or group can be motivated with a simple appeal of ‘service to community’. Many people feel obligated and even honored to do something for their community when approached and asked in the right way, and so they can be easily led to think that they are doing so when they’re involved in Network activities. When they see the level of sophistication that’s used in these operations, they automatically assume that what they’re doing must be important and under the direction of a legitimate authority, no matter what they might be drawn into doing.

Of course, other motivators exist, as we’ve already seen, and these are used to draw in those people who aren’t so easily motivated by a sense of duty or obligation. In fact, these are the preferred type of people to draw into the Network, because they’re already closer to the mindset that this Network is intended to develop within the general population. Selfishness, greed, carnal pleasures, criminality, etc., are easier to take advantage of and use to control a person, so cultivating these traits serves the ultimate purpose of the Network.

As we’ve already seen, reward systems have been set up to cater to member’s pleasures in various ways, but these aren’t the only reward systems that exist. Virtually anything might be offered to entice a member to do the bidding of the Network, since those who control the Network have the power to fulfill just about any desire that a person might have, and people are always seeking pleasure and excitement.

Special projects are set up at the deeper levels of the Network that are involved in catering to the pleasures of members or rewarding them in some way. These special projects involve activities that might be carried out by a single member group, or they can be broken up into compartmentalized operations that involve various members or groups who perform their assigned tasks in isolation and remain unaware of the fuller operation, which will be an ongoing enterprise of some sort, such as a free adult website for members that exploits the private lives of targets.

Exploitation of targeted individuals is a high priority of the Network. In the example just mentioned, the tasks will be divided up so that one member might be tasked with entering a target’s residence and planting cameras in strategic locations such as the bathroom and bedroom, another will be tasked with capturing and editing footage and uploading it to the website, and another with maintaining the website. None of these members ever have to come in contact with the other members involved or know who they are or what they do. The member planting the cameras can be kept totally unaware of the exploitative purposes the footage will be put to, and might be led to believe that the cameras are for general surveillance purposes. The member who handles the editing of the footage can be kept unaware of the identity of the target and where they reside (which might be anywhere in the world). The webmaster can also be kept unaware of this information about the target, and may even be led to believe that the footage they receive is voluntarily submitted by people who are exhibitionists. Members who are given access to the website and can view this footage can be led to believe whatever they might be told, perhaps also believing that the target is an exhibitionist. Selected footage of a target might be made available to members that live in the target’s community, in order to influence those member’s actions towards the target, or it might be made available only to members who will never come in contact with the target, and offered as ‘entertainment’. Such a website might offer thousands of different video channels to choose from, so that a member can eavesdrop on any number of targets, watching and listening to them in the privacy of their own homes.

The above example is just one type of special project that is used for motivating and rewarding members who are admitted into the Network’s underground, and the possibilities for motivating members through rewards and exploiting targeted individuals is virtually unlimited.

The Network Phone System

The Network relies on various technologies to effectively keep all of its members invisibly ensnared within its electronic web of control and operating in isolation to each other. Every member requires a cell phone in order to take part in Network activities, and the cell phone provides a means for central command to track, communicate with, and monitor each member. Cell phones are very important to the functioning of this Network and its ultimate goal.

Those who are responsible for putting together this Network have thought very carefully about the security of their system and know that Network members will often be sloppy and stupid, so they have taken pains to secure against this while conducting their operations through cell phone communications.

With the levels of power of those who are involved in creating and maintaining this secret Network, the ability to bypass or change standard phone operating functions are relatively easy, and a member’s cell phone might be specially configured so that normal functionality is enhanced in order to implement special security measures against that member’s potential sloppiness or stupidity.

What follows describes how the security of the Network and member activities are able to be preserved against anyone who might accidentally come across a member’s cell phone. This section is intended as an outline so that readers can gain a better perspective of the situation and how it can be accomplished without any chance of exposure, and to show how gang-stalking operations can be conducted efficiently while maintaining tight security measures. Should someone outside the Network ever come across a member’s cell phone, this could otherwise lead to the Network’s exposure if any suspicious or incriminating information was ever to be discovered on the phone (such as command center telephone numbers, text messages related to operations or targets, etc.). Therefore, this section describes how precautions might be taken to minimize any possibility of discovery. It will serve to answer questions that any doubters might have as to the possibility that such a secret Network could ever possibly exist without risk of exposure.

Securing communications between central command and participating members:

All Network communications must be strictly conducted through text-based cell phone calls.

Member’s cell phones are registered on the central computer, and only calls from registered cell phones will be allowed to connect.

A member’s registered cell phone is required to use a nondescript name entry for the command center phone number held in the cell phone directory listing. A silent ring-tone should always be assigned to this number. The cell phone will also be configured so that text messages sent to or received from the command center can’t be saved or forwarded.

Members are assigned a personal identity number and must use it when calling into the Network commend center. This is necessary to validate who they are and to secure against unauthorized access by non-members. This personal identity number must be memorized for security reasons, and never written down or recorded anywhere that it might be found by others.

Member’s cell phones must have a phone lock feature activated whenever the member is away from their phone, with a special identity number that must be entered before any communications with the Network can be initiated. This further assures that there will be no unauthorized access to the Network or Network communications by non-members.

Lost or stolen cell phones must be reported immediately through a special 1-800 number in order that it can be deactivated from the system.

The above measures will effectively secure the Network against discovery and infiltration by non-members who might gain access to a member’s cell phone and attempt to connect with the commend center or otherwise discover confidential information related to the Network or its activities.

The weakest link in this system, no matter how it might be designed and operated, is going to be the carelessness of the participating members. The Network system is capable of implementing special cell phone hardware or software measures that will enhance a cell phone so that communications to and from the command center will be far more secure than could normally be possible with ordinary phone features. Such enhancements will include disabling copying, saving, and forwarding of Network communications. It will also include special monitoring capabilities, to assure that the cell phone isn’t tampered with. That any member’s cell phone should fall into the wrong hands and risk exposure of this Network, the participation of that member, or any details of Network activities or targets, demands that such special hardware/software enhancements are used, making the phone security measures listed earlier far less necessary. Nonetheless, the foregoing outline should give readers an idea of how such a system might be designed so that it would allow for secure cell phone networking and communications to be implemented.

The one thing that can’t normally be easily hidden on a member’s cell phone will be the phone number to the Network command center. Special enhancements can be made to the phone so the Network number isn’t even needed, and all Network communications can be automatically received and then erased once they’ve been viewed by the member, or after having been written and sent by the member. With this sort of setup, incoming Network calls will have special coded ring tones to signify various types of calls[1]:

Ordinary (non-network) call ring tone 1 (normal ring)

Network Query ring tone 2 (silent/vibrate 1)

Network Alert ring tone 3 (silent/vibrate 2)

Network Task ring tone 4 (silent/vibrate 3)

An ordinary incoming call will have whatever ring tone is normally assigned by the owner of the phone. Network calls, however, are always silent for security reasons, and might be one of three possible types: a query, an alert, or a task. A query call is an incoming Network call seeking assistance in an operation. An alert call warns when a target is in the immediate vicinity. A task call gives instructions to a member during an ongoing operation. These incoming communications are answered by entering a special key combination to bring it up on the phone’s screen.

There can also be a simple code system that’s used by members for communicating to the network’s command center. In order to respond to a query, alert, or task, the member enters a simple one or two digit code, depending on their response. If the member is inactive or on standby and wants to reject an incoming query for assistance, they might press 0 and then ‘send’. Otherwise, they might press 1 followed by ‘send’, and the command center would automatically respond back by sending more information about the query, which can be immediately displayed on the phone’s screen until another button is pressed, at which point it’s deleted.

This phone system is designed to make Network communications as secure and efficient as possible. During an operation, all participating members will be directly linked to the command center and their phones will receive and display Network messages instantaneously without the member having to press any buttons except when a response is necessary. This allows members who are engaged in a street theatre operation to receive information and instructions more quickly and perform their tasks more easily and with complete anonymity to other participating members while still maintaining the coordination of movements and timing. There are no delays in communicating like there are with normal cell phone communications, and the specialized functioning of the member’s cell phone makes it virtually impossible for these communications to be non-secure.

It is my experience that a target’s picture often seems to be circulated with any alert messages concerning the target that are distributed through the Network. These pictures will be updated as regularly as possible, and it’s not unlikely that there will be a gallery of different pictures and video clips of each target that are stored on the Network system that can be made available to members for their perusal, in order for them to familiarize themselves with a particular target’s appearance so they can properly identify them. However, for security reasons, a Network member will never be able to copy or store any of these pictures or other information on their own cell phone (or computer), and can only view them while connected to the Network.

The main foundational structure for this Network is the global electronic communications network. This provides the means to tie all of the other components of the system into this Network, which have each been introduced in rapid succession immediately after this foundation was in place. After the communications network was put in place, the proliferation of computers and computerized automation was the next component of the Network to be implemented, which serves to allow for a massive surveillance system (ECHELON) that was immediately put to use in compiling information on every individual and group within the general population. Immediately after this came the introduction of cell phones, which provided a way to expand the surveillance and information gathering while also providing the platform for applying mind-control programming to a large part of the population while being able to tailor that programming on an individual basis. Cell phones also offer tracking capabilities through internal GPS chips.

Cell phones have been very useful in the gang-stalking operations that Network members routinely engage in, and these operations are quickly becoming the new method of policing and punishing more and more people within the population who are becoming listed as targeted individuals. Cell phones are the main tool used in these gang-stalking operations, acting as a member’s only link to the Network and other members. Cell phones provide communications between Network members and central command in such a way that strict control of both the members and any information they might be privy to is always controlled and contained, assuring the continued security of the Network, its members, and its operations.

Cell Phones and Mind Manipulation

Most people own a cell phone and carry it wherever they go and are using them more and more often in communicating with friends, family, and whoever else they might ever talk to, and this not only makes cell phones perfect tools for surveillance, but also for mind-control. This is because a cell phone is capable of transmitting microwave frequencies that will affect the brainwaves of anyone standing within a few feet of it. Specific frequencies will induce specific symptoms, such as confusion, paranoia, aggression, suggestibility, etc. When the cell phone is held to the ear, these effects are much more intense. Cell phones can also be used to send subliminal audio messages via pulsed microwaves (V2K) to affect a person’s thoughts and actions without their awareness.

Members are expected to always have their cell phones nearby in case they need to be contacted in an emergency, and they might be told that it’s for their security against dangerous targets, or because they might be needed in an operation, but mind control is a significant part of the reason as well. As members become involved with the Network, they will be continuously subjected to very sophisticated electronic mind-control programming techniques day in and day out, and will never notice anything. The mind control will begin with basic behavioral conditioning through a continual stream of subliminal suggestions that can be custom designed for each member, based on psychological profiles that will reveal characteristics about them that can be taken advantage of for manipulation. These subliminal suggestions can be transmitted whether or not the phone is turned on, as long as it has a power source.

Subliminal programming has certain limitations. Its effect is short lasting when a suggestion is applied for only a short time, but when it’s applied regularly over a longer period, it begins to have a stronger and more lasting effect. Short-term effects are useful for influencing a person to immediately act a certain way on compulsion, while long-term effects are best suited for changing a person’s general attitudes and perceptions of things.

Specific microwave frequencies that affect a member to cause such feelings as aggression or fear can also be applied to members, but this is reserved for when it is most useful, such as at the precise moments when a member is in close proximity to a target, so as to help in influencing a desired response from that member as part of an operation.

Another more powerful form of mind control that can be applied through cell phones involves electronic hypnosis, which is effected through the use of specific electromagnetic frequencies to entrain the brainwaves of a person and create a temporary state of high suggestibility in them. After such a state is induced, suggestions or commands can be subliminally inserted directly into the subconscious without the person noticing anything unusual.[3] Hypnosis is far more versatile than subliminals. The hypnotic suggestions or instructions can be far more elaborate, and detection of being hypnotized is virtually impossible, both during and after the fact. Hypnotic suggestions or instructions will also have a much stronger and more certain effect than subliminals.

A third level of mind-control depends on whether a person has been implanted, and a cell phone can again be used to relay signals to and from the implants, so that signals can be sent to a specific person without affecting anyone else in the vicinity who has also been implanted, and very weak signals from the implant can be picked up when the cell phone is held to the ear.[4]

No matter what form of mind control a person might be subjected to, the Network can be used to control and direct them. Each Network member is certainly being subjected to mind control in one form or another, and in many cases it may even go so far as to involve trauma-induced alter personalities. Whatever the case might be, its application is always kept very covert and measures to safeguard against its discovery are taken whenever possible. Members are usually kept completely unaware of being manipulated and think that they’re in full control of their own thoughts and behaviors when really they will do whatever they’ve been instructed to do.

Each Network member undergoes a long-term programming schedule that’s been carefully designed and follows a regimented procedure to assure that it’s properly implemented and failsafe, and greater control of that member is achieved over time. This requires that progressive levels of mind-control programming are established in each member and each level of programming will have a particular intended result that must be fully achieved before that member will graduate to the next level of mind-control. Each of these levels of programming will be reflected in their level of involvement in the Network and its activities, so that the higher the level of programming, the more involved a member will be in Network operations and activities, and, more importantly, the more controllable they will be. Since the ultimate intention of the Network is to create a totally mind-controlled society of unwitting slaves who will serve the satanic elite, covert mind-control programming will begin to be subjected to every Network member as early as possible.

The different levels of mind-control that members will undergo can be assumed to follow a general progressive order to achieve certain necessary requirements. The first and foremost of these requirements is the continued security of the Network and the activities of its members. Further levels of programming will be more task-specific, and each group within the Network will have specific methods of mind-control programming for its members. Each new member of the Network is categorized according to the member group that they are recruited into, and that programming is further tailored for them depending on their psychological profiles, social situation, special skills, attitudes and beliefs, etc. Each of these groups will be designated general mind-control programming scripts according to the organization of that group, its goals, the type of activities it normally engages in, etc. Network members will be further categorized according to their usefulness in respect to the needs and goals of the Network, and further mind-control programming will be tailored to suit these needs and goals.

Although mind-control is a part of every group in the Network, the groups themselves will usually have no knowledge of this fact and it will all be handled covertly by the upper management levels of the Network and initiated solely through the Network system. The only exception to this is when a particular group has been cleared for involvement in special projects. There might be certain actions that members of a group will engage in as part of another member’s programming, but when this occurs, these actions will be conducted under some other pretext that relates to the normal activities of the group. Sometimes, a Network member might undergo special programming sessions where another member will be used to handle special programming procedures, such as when creating an alter personality in a member, which requires a specially trained programmer. Certain carefully selected members of the Network are trained in these skills and used for this purpose.

The first level of mind-control that all members are subjected to is the establishment of the loyalty of the member so that they will never reveal what secrets they might ever become privy to as part of the Network. This subjection might go so far as to involve trauma-based mind-control to create one or more alter personalities that can be called up to take over the member’s consciousness whenever they’re to be used in Network activities, but this is usually reserved for the deeper levels of initiation that are usually only ever reached by certain members and groups within the Network. More commonly, a member will undergo less intense methods of mind-control to achieve the required results. This is most often achieved through the use of advanced hypnosis techniques coupled with ongoing subliminal reinforcement, as described above.

Each level of mind-control programming will be dependant on the effectiveness of the previous levels, as well as other factors listed earlier on in this document. Since members of the Network are effectively making lifetime commitments by involving themselves in this system, much of the programming will be established for long-term involvement, and it will be progressive in its development so that neither the member nor anyone else will likely ever notice any changes in their personality. However, the member will be changed over time, most notably in their beliefs, attitudes, morals, and values, in order to become more compliant with Network goals and activities.

The Network is technology-based, with a carefully designed structure that serves to trap members within its sticky web so that there is no escape once they become involved. This Network has been long in planning and each component of the final overall structure has been carefully put in place each in turn and without it being obvious what these components effectively add up to now that they have all been connected together. Since the inception of its early technological roots, the Network has grown and expanded from isolated pockets of individuals and groups into a globally reaching interconnected web of control that has the capability to not only monitor and direct the events that take place in the lives of the individuals of an entire society, but also to mold and manipulate each of these individuals to think, speak, and act in whatever way the controllers might desire. Further, the Network incorporates whatever means will work to corrupt these individuals and break them from the morals and ethics that would otherwise allow for a peaceful and cooperative society based on respect and understanding. The Network is designed to destroy these higher ideals in the human species, and replace them with the perception of continual chaos and uncertainty that leaves every individual and group at the mercy of those who control this system. Those who join the Network become trapped inside of it. Those who don’t join become trapped outside of it.


[1] See Social Self-Destruction: A Secret War of Controlled Chaos at
[2] I urge readers who have not heard of these health and safety laws to research them further in order to understand how this reporting system works and how widespread it is.
[3] This method of mind-control incorporates RHIC-EDOM (Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control – Electronic Dissolution of Memory), which can remotely induce a hypnotic state in a person, deliver suggestions or instructions, and erase all memories and awareness of both the programming and the actions to be performed.
[4] Due to their very small size, electronic implants can only generate weak signal transmissions, and require some nearby relaying device to amplify the signal before re-transmitting it over greater distances. A specially rigged cell phone makes an ideal re-transmitter.

Posted by Anthony Forwood at 9:58 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest


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Nicola SmithSeptember 4, 2016 at 5:22 AM

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