“Last year Bernie Sanders said there’s a war for the soul of Islam
, and no doubt he is right about this.
A number of Arab societies have real problems with dictators, as Gross points out.”
in the war for Islams soul, suppose the dark side wins, which it must do, if you understand the frame and nature of this “narrative”, what then?
there is a war being waged in support of Imperial extra-territorial interests, contrary to “law”, thats one way of looking at it, sure there are other ways of looking at it , but are they useful? and if so for what?
the struggle over meaning in Islam has been pervasive, continuous and intense from day one, in the cave, I wouldn’t expect it to end soon, but I doubt it has significant geo-political impact.
“Dictators” is doing way too much work, do we have dictators because the soul of Islam is not yet ready for democracy, and why is that any of your business, if you keep framing things in the same way you will keep seeing chimera like Islams soul on some imaginary field of battle,
“as Gross pointed out” well he googled “Arab”, its like parkour is made infinitely more difficult in a Zimmer Frame, consider your framing of these issues, I guess you could do with out it, sometimes the frame is the issue.
Islam is characterised by ikhtilaf in all things, so is quite soulless and not an issue and will never settle down, no matter how much it is bombed.