Angela Merkel backs Nicolas Sarkozy’s re-election bid

Mr Sarkozy initially found his German counterpart indecisive while Mrs Merkel
abhorred the talkative Frenchman she dubbed “Mr Bla Bla”.

But they have forged a formidable “Merkozy” power duo during the
euro debt crisis.

While Mrs Merkel enjoys approvals rating of around 60 per cent, Mr Sarkozy is
mired in record low popular levels. And with polls suggesting the French
place more trust in Mrs Merkel than their own leader, Mr Sarkozy has latched
onto the German model as his potential salvation.

Last week, he announced the creation of a “social value-added tax”,
raising VAT to cut business charges. That, along with another measure to cut
pay and working hours to avoid redundancies, is credited with kick starting
German growth in the early 2000s just as France lost speed after Socialists
introduced the 35-hour working week.

Mr Sarkozy hopes to display his resolve to govern until the last days of his
mandate and to remind France how much economic steam it lost last time it
elected a Left-wing government.

But the French president’s trump card is his unity with Mrs Merkel over the
controversial fiscal union pact to save the euro, rejected by Britain.

Mr Sarkozy will sign a eurozone “stability, co-ordination and governance”
treaty next month, a “compact” regarded by the German Chancellor
as vital for saving the euro from its debt crisis.

But the treaty will not be ratified by French MPs before the French
presidential elections, and the deal is now under threat after Mr Hollande
declared his intention to tear up the agreement.

He is opposed to it as the new treaty will outlaw Socialist plans for higher
spending by writing an austerity “debt brake”, limiting the size
of national budgets for euro members, into international and EU law.

On Monday, a jubilant Mr Sarkozy warned: “When Germany signs a treaty,
when France signs a treaty, they commit the German and French people. It is
a state commitment, not politicking,” he said.

Mr Sarkozy’s rapprochement with Mrs Merkel is understandable.

Used to standing shoulder to shoulder with Germany, France has seen its
neighbour’s economy grow and unemployment drop while it suffers record
jobless rates and recently lost its triple-A credit rating.

The political benefits for Mrs Merkel are harder to fathom, however.

Hubert Védrine, a former French foreign minister said sticking to France was
the best way to avoid accusations of German hegemony in Europe.

“Germany’s domination is striking, but the idea that there is a couple
(at the heart of Europe) is protective for (Merkel),” Mr Védrine told
Le Monde.

“Mrs Merkel wants to show that we are not in a German Europe, that the
policies followed are shared,” a top official told the newspaper.

Besides leaning on Germany, Mr Sarkozy hopes to regain popularity by winning
back the far-Right National Front vote, analysts say. On Sunday, Claude
Guéant, his interior minister, was accused of stoking anti-Islam sentiment
by stating that “all cultures are not of equal value”.

A poll out that day suggested his chances of beating Mr Hollande would rocket
if FN candidate Marine Le Pen was barred from the race.

Despite strong public support, Miss Le Pen says she is 150 signatures short of
the 500 required from elected local officials in order to stand. She claims
she is the victim of a Sarkozy-led plot to “muzzle democracy”.

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