Andrew Breitbart… The Internet Blames Obama for His Death


It was, to say the least, inevitable. Hours after the death of Andrew
Breitbart was announced on Thursday, his passing gave birth to the
newest conspiracy theory. If you couldn’t guess who many are already
blaming for his death – it’s Barack Obama. ~ Video

The microblogosphere was aflutter with allegations and accounts
worthy of the late conservative commentator himself on Thursday as
Twitter users were quick to point the finger at US President Barack
Obama for causing the death of Andrew Breitbart.

Early Thursday it was
announced that Breitbart, 43, died of natural causes in Los Angeles,

So says the LA County coroner, that is.

Associated Press waited until 9:41 a.m. EST Thursday morning before
confirming Breitbart’s death, but the first theories were rolling in
even before then.

Before 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, The New York Times’
assistant managing editor, Jim Roberts, tweeted what was perhaps the
first accusation that hinted at Barack Obama’s involvement.

“Only a few weeks ago, #Breitbart spoke to CPAC, claiming to have videos of Obama from ‘college days,’” wrote Roberts.

enough, only weeks earlier Breibart, never one to hold back against the
president, told an audience at the Washington, DC Conservative
Political Action Conference (CPAC) that he was close to leaking videos
that would end the political career of the commander-in-chief.

“I have videos, this election we’re going to vet him,” Breitbart told an audience of attendees last month. “We
are going to vet him from his college days to show you why racial
division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold
in 2008.”

Some people on the Internet are already jumping to
conclusions, of course, that the most powerful man in the free world
does not respond lightly to threats, especially this from a critical
conservative such as Breitbart. The commentator called Obama a radical
at CPAC and encouraged the crowd to do the same, insisting, “We should not be afraid to say that.”

with Breitbart’s untimely passing, his followers are picking up the
torch that was extinguished early Thursday and are carrying on the
tradition of tackling the left with allegations of their own.

“Andrew Breitbart threatens Obama at CPAC, then suddenly dies? This MUST be investigated!” reads one tweet that quickly went viral. “RIP
Andrew Breitbart. I do not believe that it is an accident that he died
less than a month after he said he had college tapes of Obama,”
writes another 140-character-commentator.

Those, of course, are just the tip of the iceberg.

“Obama is a hit man with an army or parasites!” warns one Twitter user. The account registered under the username @UnitedStates even adds, “Not
accusing Obama of anything, but it’s very strange Breitbart passed away
all of a sudden. Especially after saying he had ‘tapes.’”

if you want to start a real conspiracy theory, Republican Party
presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich just so happens to be one of only
2,000 followers of the @UnitedStates Twitter account — but we digress.

morning-zoo DJ Mancow Muller, the host of a popular radio program which
regularly featured Breitbart, even threw his weight behind the
allegations. “My friend Andrew Brietbart MURDERED?!?? Or rumor?” read one of his first tweets early Thursday. “He told me RECENTLY he had big dirt on Obama… MANY believe it’s murder!”
goes another. And then there is even this gem which, keep in mind,
comes from the fingertips of a syndicated, successful radio host with an
international audience:

“Still don’t know what killed Whitney. IMMEDIATELY it’s Brietbart dead @ 43 of Natural causes?”

exactly Breitbart had planned to put out against Obama will remain a
mystery unless those elusive tapes eventually do make it to the

Since Breitbart was the broadcaster behind ending the careers
of Congressman Anthony Weiner and former United States Department of
Agriculture Georgia Director Shirley Sherrod, it’s to be expected that
those looking to keep the movement of muckraking from the far-right
alive will find a way to release those clips.

“The videos are
going to come out, the narrative is going to come out, that Barack Obama
met a bunch of silver ponytails in the 1980s, like Bill (Ayers) and
Bernadine (Dohrn), who said one day we would have the presidency, and
the rest of us slept as they plotted, and they plotted, and they plotted
and they oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in the Annenberg
Challenge and they had real money, from real capitalists. Then they
became communists,” Breitbart said at CPAC last month. “Barack
Obama is a radical, we should not be afraid to say that! Okay? And
Barack Obama was launched from Bill and Bernadine’s salon. I’ve been

A tweet from Breitbart himself authored only hours
before his death adds to the intrigue of the mysterious footage — and
perhaps even his own passing? Responding to someone that threatened to
un-follow Breitbart on Wednesday, he replied,

“You’ll be missing out on quite the upcoming fireworks show. There’s tons of unreal, high-level action intrigue ahead.”

In classic Breitbart fashion, he indeed went out on a high note. Among his final tweets were ones where he discussed his “alleged drinking, coking homosexualizing” and equated an Occupy Wall Street supporter to imprisoned “al-Qaeda scum.”

In his farewell tweet, Breitbart called one of his followers a “putz.”

Breitbart be remembered as more of a controversial commentator with the
power and proven success and ending political careers? Or as a
right-wing blow hard that by-and-large lobbed the left with allegations
while bordering on gonzo and glorifying gusto for going after the dirt
of liberals and leaving them left to die? Maybe, actually, a little bit
of both.

“PC is bad,” Breitbart tweeted earlier this
week. That was nothing new to admit for Breitbart, however, who had
condemned Senator Ted Kennedy as a “villain,” a “duplicitous bastard,” a “prick” and “a special pile of human excrement,” all within mere minutes of the legendary lawmaker’s death in 2009.

becomes the in-the-end explanation for Breitbart’s passing, lets at
least take comfort in hoping that the commentator is keeping an eye on
this latest conspiracy theory from beyond the grave, along with Teddy,
JFK and the ghosts of every political career that he helped kill.



March 2, 2012 – RussiaToday



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