Anders Behring Breivik psychiatric report reveals ‘kindergarten’ prison life

But the three reports from Dr Rosenqvist for the Ila prison, where Breivik is
being held, state he was not psychotic. Her report led the Olso court to
order a further assessment on Friday.

She said that she believed that Breivik would only become difficult for prison
authorities to manage if his world view began to crumble.

“If his view of the world ruptured or broke apart, its likely that he
would become manic, psychotic, and suffer increased megalomania. He will
become physically anxious or more demanding, he may stop sleeping normally
and he might not be seen as calm or polite.”

According to Dr Rosenqvist, the mass-killer compared his life in prison to a “kindergarten”,
where “he can ring on a bell to get snus [smokeless tobacco] or

He spends his time weight-training, reading a series of books on the history
of different countries in the world, playing a computer game where he builds
a city, and watching films on DVD.

Dr Rosenqvist notes Breivik’s “humorous” reaction to learning that
he had been classed as schizophrenic.

“I asked what he thought about the investigators’ conclusions. He took
these almost in a humorous way and said he didn’t recognise himself at all,”
she writes.

At a meeting on Dec 19, Breivik told Dr Rosenqvist that he had no regrets
about setting off a bomb that killed eight people in Oslo’s government
district, and then opening fire at the summer camp of the governing Labour
Party’s youth wing, killing another sixty-nine.

“He says that Norway was different before 22 July, and that he hoped that
the conflicts in society were more clear now,” she wrote. “He
hoped that a revolution would come earlier. A revolution that we could win.”

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