An excess of drinks, drugs and death… Magaluf is notorious for bingeing by British teenagers, but now the results are proving fatal

Sue Reid

18:17 EST, 31 July 2012


19:53 EST, 31 July 2012

As dawn breaks on another sizzling summer’s day in Majorca, thousands of British teenagers stumble out of a huge dance club at 4am and spill into a seedy street full of neon-lit bars, lap-dancing joints and cheap kebab takeaways.

A 17-year-old girl in white shorts crashes drunkenly to the ground, legs askew, surrounded by her swaying friends. A group of boys lurch past, clutching Red Bull and vodka cocktails that they’ve bought for the equivalent of 25p. Their eyes are glazed and they burble incoherently in Manchester accents.

It has been a long night in the holiday resort of Magaluf and the main strip, called Punta Ballena, still pulsates to the deafening boom-de-boom music that started well before midnight.

Young British boys and girls are putting themselves at risk in Magaluf by bingeing on alcohol and drugs

One young reveller holds another up on the Punta Ballena strip, a notorious bar and club area of Magaluf on the Spanish island of Mallorca

The pavement is sticky with vomit and littered with cigarette butts as the young British revellers queue up for yet more cheap cocktails until the Punta Ballena bars finally close at 6am.

Lying at their feet is the tell-tale paraphernalia of so-called ‘hippy crack’ — countless red and blue balloons that have been used to suck in lungfuls of laughing gas (nitrous oxide).

Costing £3.90 a shot, they give the holidaymakers a burst of euphoria that is similar to the effects of a snort of cocaine.

Welcome to Magaluf — party central for young Britons every summer. However, there is a new and chilling danger for those who view a holiday of hot sun, dirt cheap booze and night after night on the Punta Ballena as a ‘rite of passage’ between youth and adulthood.

Visitor accidents and deaths in Magaluf have risen sharply, and many locals put this down to increased binge drinking by increasingly younger visitors

Too much, too young: The age of British drinkers in Magaluf is falling from early 20s to some as young as 16, islanders have reported

According to new figures from the Foreign Office, ten Britons a week in Majorca and neighbouring Ibiza end up in hospital after having accidents following a drinking session.

Majorca has seen a 132 per cent rise in such hospital cases and this spring three British youngsters were killed after falling off balconies or down steep stairwells in Magaluf.

At this time of year the resort is a magnet for 12,000 youngsters from all over the UK as they celebrate the end of exams or their school days.

It has become the place to be because,
they say, Ibiza is ‘too expensive’ and the once popular haunt of Newquay
in Cornwall is ‘too cold’. One senior police officer on Majorca told me
last week: ‘The British kids coming here are getting younger each year.
They used to be in their early 20s, now they are as young as 16.

‘They come here without their parents and without any kind of supervision.

Three young Britons have died this summer in Magaluf by falling in their hotels, including Adam Atkinson, 20, left, and Charlotte Faris, 23

‘They all seem desperate to drink to excess, which is bewildering to us Spanish. There are plenty taking cannabis and ecstasy tablets, too. We have police patrolling the Punta Ballena, but there is nothing we can do to stop them partying.’

‘Yes, Magaluf is where we all want to be,’ confirmed dark-haired Mollie Last, 18, who finished her A-levels last term. She was sitting with two friends from Swansea, Alex  and Rachel, at a busy bar on the Punta Ballena at four in the morning.

She told me: ‘My mum didn’t want me to come to Magaluf. She thought it would be dangerous.’
Indeed, Mollie says there was a stabbing here on the Punta Ballena a few days ago and, in another terrifying incident, three holidaymakers were injured when they were mowed down by a car hurtling into a crowd on Sunday night.

But it’s the balcony deaths that have
been the most frightening. They have involved British youngsters
falling from high up in their hotels or apartment blocks, invariably in
the early hours of the morning after leaving the Punta Ballena strip and
often while high on drugs or after all-night drinking binges.

holiday company Thomson specifically warns of the dangers on its
website. It says: ‘Never sit or lean over the balcony rail and do not
try to pass items to someone on another balcony. Never attempt to climb
from one balcony to another . . . after drinking alcohol as your
judgment might be affected.’

With so much drinking being done by so many young people in Magaluf, it’s inevitable the Spanish police are kept busy

The bars of Magaluf contain a lethal mix of young people wanting to have a good time and very cheap and available alcohol

According to the recent Foreign Office report, many British youngsters are ‘likely to indulge in risky behaviour’ and a spokesman added: ‘A lot go wild. The sunshine, coupled with drinking cheap beer and cocktails, can land them in serious trouble.

‘At worst, they risk being brought home in a coffin.’

The balconies that are built onto almost every holiday room or apartment in Magaluf are considered particularly dangerous because of the low height of the railings.

Under local building regulations,
they have to be a minimum of 1.3  metres (4ft 3in) high. But many say
they should be much higher.

Majorcan authorities are reluctant to talk about the problem, but
‘Leapy’ Lee Graham, the former British pop singer (his 1968 single
Little Arrows reached No 2 in the UK singles chart) who lives in
Majorca, is outspoken on the subject.

According to new figures from the Foreign Office, 10 Britons a week in Majorca and neighbouring Ibiza end up in hospital after having accidents following a drinking session

An ambulance is called for one holidaymaker, with a female friend clearly seen in distress behind him

Leapy, 73, lost a young friend, Mark, 19, in a tragic balcony incident in 2004. After having a drink or two, the British teenager swung between balconies at his holiday apartment block and dropped to the ground.

‘Since Mark’s death, I have campaigned for higher balconies. These kids don’t deserve to die just because they have had a drink on holiday. Majorca should be protecting them, as holidaymakers bringing money to the island,’ said Leapy last week

‘But my campaign has not made a shred of difference. It has fallen on deaf ears and still they are dying and being injured here.’

He spoke out just after 19-year-old Peter Southwaite, from Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, became the latest balcony casualty. He was, said the Majorcan authorities, ‘lucky to be alive’, after he fell nearly 30ft from the second-floor balcony of the Magaluf Park Hotel in the early hours of last Wednesday.

Hotel staff who watched what happened
said: ‘He started running along the hotel corridors, then climbed out
of his balcony before falling downwards feet first ‘like a cat’.

Peter, who works for a building company, suffered serious leg injuries and was treated in hospital in Majorca’s capital, Palma.

Police say that when they tried to interview him he was too drunk to speak.

The rise of balcony deaths in Magaluf is the most worrying statistic of the lot. And 21 year old Sophie Waldron from North Yorkshire was one of many who found her 5th floor balcony unsafe

Peter Southwaite from Potters Bar, (seen here with girlfriend Jody Barlow) was one of the lucky ones. He escaped with only torn ligaments when he fell from the second floor of his hotel, late one night, while attempting to climb between balconies

Sitting with his leg in a plaster-cast the next day, he explained to me how the accident happened on his first day in Majorca.

Peter had travelled to the island with a group of 11 boys and girls. They had booked four rooms, two on the second floor and two on the ninth.

‘We had a great night out but I had a row with my girlfriend,’ he said. ‘I went to try to find her room to say sorry but went to the wrong one, so I decided to climb over the balconies to get into her room, which was next door.

‘After climbing over the railings of the first balcony I jumped the gap of a few feet to the next. I managed to grab hold of the rail at the top, but I couldn’t pull myself up. I hung there for a few moments, but I knew I was about to fall.

‘At that moment, I thought I was about to die. I knew that climbing over balconies was dangerous. I had heard about the deaths of other kids here in Magaluf this year. I was stupid.’

Peter escaped more serious injury because he landed on a flat roof. But his accident was similar to the tragedies earlier this year when three young Britons, Adam Atkinson, 20, Benjamin Harper, 28, and Charlotte Faris, 23, plunged to their deaths in Magaluf.

Charlotte, whose ambition was to be a
police officer, fell 30ft head first over the balcony of her hotel room
in the early hours on the first night of her holiday

week, Charlotte’s mother, Amy, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, refuted
Spanish authorities’ claims that her daughter had been drinking heavily.
She insisted: ‘She wasn’t a crazy wild-child or the type to be

(left to right) Emily Jakemen (19), John Turner (23) from Bath, Emily Donaghy (19), and Sophie Waldron (21). All three girls are from Bedale in North Yorkshire were surprised at how cheap drinks were in the resort

The end of the night in Magaluf sees the streets full of vomit and cigarette butts

She said that her daughter’s body arrived back in Britain without a post-mortem report so she fears she will never know exactly what happened.

‘We feel Charlotte has been written off as just another Brit abroad and we want to warn other families that this could happen to anyone.’

Sadly, Charlotte did not to take out travel insurance because she was only on a short break, so the family were left to find the £5,000 to bring her body back to Britain.

A luckier victim was Jake Evans, 19, who plunged 90ft down seven storeys from a balcony at the Torrenova Hotel. He landed on a sun-lounger, which saved his life by cushioning his fall.

The Liverpudlian said afterwards: ‘It’s a miracle. The balcony was only waist-high. That’s the legal height in Majorca. I believe they should be much higher or replaced by windows.’

He admitted: ‘Drink is to blame for most balcony accidents. In Magaluf, you go from bar to bar having loads of cheap bevvies. That is what we come for.

‘Later, back at the hotel, I just leant over the balcony to try and catch a cigarette lighter that someone had thrown up to me from below and I toppled over.

‘I hit several other balcony railings on the way down. I woke up at the bottom, and there was blood everywhere and my mates were screaming. I fractured my skull, mangled by right wrist, broke some fingers, cut my eyelids, broke my front tooth, had a hole in my lip and was covered with cuts and bruises.’

The clubs and bars of Punta Ballena go on till 6am, which is in turn fueling a rise in crime and injuries

Apart from the dangers of balconies, the Foreign Office now says there is a growing number of rapes of holidaymakers being reported to UK consular staff and, in the past year, these rose internationally from 115 to 127.

A survey earlier this year of 700 British youngsters in Majorca found 15 per cent had suffered sexual harassment while on holiday there, and 2.2 per cent had been raped, many while drunk.

Certainly in Magaluf last week there were persistent rumours of girl holidaymakers being raped. Many, I was told by the young revellers themselves, do not report the attacks because they are so drunk or drugged they cannot remember the next morning who has accosted them or where the incident happened.

None of this surprised me as I watched five girls from Hull, aged between 18 and 22, drunkenly walk up and down the Magaluf strip at 2am pulling up their T-shirts to bare their breasts.

Short of money, they were offering boys the chance to suck their nipples in exchange for a couple of euros.

The young Brits in Magaluf are drinking to dangerous levels, and are doing harm to themselves (and others) as a consequence of these actions

One of them, a well-spoken teenager called Jessica, who has just left school after taking her A-levels, told me: ‘It seemed a good way to get a bit of extra money for the holiday. We had all had a bit to drink. I realise you could call what we did “minor prostitution”. If our parents found out, they’d go mad.’ 

A few minutes later, on the Ballena strip as the sun rose, I found another group of British girls standing beside a wall, swaying and giggling.

On holiday from Bedale (the gateway to the Yorkshire Dales), they had been drinking for the best part of six hours and were about to go back to their hotel to sleep the day away.

When I asked them about the balcony accidents, Sophie Waldron, 21, said: ‘The one outside my hotel room seems very flimsy. I am 5ft 10in tall and if I am in high heels the railing only reaches to the top of my leg. I think it’s very dangerous, considering the amount of alcohol people are drinking here.

‘You can buy an entire round of vodka shots and cocktails on the Punta Ballena for less than £3. The bars even give away free T-shirts to entice you to buy the drink. At home, in our local club, the same round would cost £17.’

Magaluf may be the favourite place for young Brits, but it is serving up a dangerous holiday cocktail that will surely lead to more disasters in the future.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have not been moderated.

Dear anyone, if you have cellulite on your backside and legs, do not go on a night out in underwear. Why anyone would go out dressed like that anyway is beyond me, but dear me.

I would hate to be a teenager named Jessica, from Hull and “well spoken”. Intelligent parents can probably figure this one out. If they can’t, the neighbors will be talking anyway.

Are’nt they in the EU? should’nt alcohol be the same price in all EU countries? Why don’t the balconies fail Health and Safety laws, they would in the UK. It is all about the quick ‘buck’ with no thought to these young people.

OH Britain….. why dont you just sink into the sea and disappear and save the rest of humanity the embarrassment of being somehow related to you

The future of Britain is not looking so bright, so sad what a waste of youth. It is not that they should not be allowed to have fun but this is just a disgrace!

Ha ha,  Difficult to argue against the fact, Stupidity is amusing…

Im 17, and I went on one of these holidays for the first time this year. Not going to lie, I absolutely hated every minute of it. I just cannot understand how people enjoy these, I literally spent the whole time in the hotel, because after the first night I realised how horrible these places are. Never, ever, again. Red arrow me all you want, because I’m not a “lad” or anything. But I just don’t understand why you’d pay hundreds of pounds just so you can get drunk, when you can do that at home, the only difference is it’s slightly warmer there…Rant over. Such a shame these people lost their lives away from family in possibly one of the worst places on earth, RIP

It’s not ONLY the Brits who do this. They’re young and they will learn the hard way. Perhaps if the UK would encourage young people to try and better themselves instead of forever having a go at them they might feel they have something to live for. The rich get richer here and they ‘buy’ the best jobs and privileges and they all stick together ie the old boys network while the poor get poorer and the worst jobs going with BS wages. I’m not surprised they’re behaving like this. Their lives suck and they know it as the future for them is very bleak.

Ashamed to be British with the like of these as an example and believe me there are many more there and at home.
No shame at all.
God help us in the future as these are supposed to be our future.

When are we going to acknowledge that alcohol is a nasty drug and society’s acceptance of its use is a big problem. We refer to it as ‘alcohol and drugs’ like we’re trying to kid ourselves or something. If society was to allow the use of a mind altering substance, there’s a lot safer and better alternatives.

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