A constitution is a contract.
No contract is sacred or eternal/perpetual.
There was the United States of America under the Articles of Confederation, March 1, 1781 to March 4, 1789.
This was the First United States.
There was the United States of America under the replacement constitution derived from the Constitutional convention, March 4, 1789 to April 15, 1861.
This was the second United States.
On April 15, 1861 Lincoln called for the invasion of the Confederacy made up of former United States states which had legally seceded
and formed their own confederation government in Montgomery, Alabama which was later moved to Richmond Virginia.
A civil war is one in which two or more factions try to control the same seat of power or seat of government of a country, nation or kingdom.
There has never been a civil war in American history as the Confederacy never tried to take control of running Washington DC, the capital of the United Staes of America.
in declaring war against a foreign nation to force it back into what had been a Volunteer Union, a Republic, killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union/Republic and replaced it with a Soviet Styled Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship.
Lincoln violated every aspect of the Constitution while he was president and waged illegal war.
After he was dead and the US supreme justices were no longer afraid of being kidnapped and thrown in prison by Lincoln for questioning his right to do anything he wanted to despite the constitution, in 1866 ruled all his actions had been in volition of the constitution, but by that time the Volunteer Union was dead as basically was the constitution was which was kept on as window dressing to try to make Lincoln’s Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship be thinly disguised as a constitutional republic.
From April 15, 1861 until 1871 when the District of Columbia was Incorporated was Lincoln’s Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship which also called itself United States.
This was the 3ed United States.
Basically though some deny this, from 1871 when the District of Columbia was Incorporated the ‘UNITED STATES’ has been a corporation, the 4th entity to use the name United States.
There has been several revisions of the CORPORATION, but the Republic ceased to exist in 1861 replaced with Lincoln’s Marxist Mandatory Dictatorship which was replaced with the CORPORATION in 1871.
Americans are indoctrinated in government indoctrination centers called public schools with the falsehood that all four different entities are one continuous entity.
Now the Corporation is dying.
The Corporation is listed as a for profit Corporate business on Dun & Bradstreet.
The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation is an American company that provides commercial data, analytics, and insights for businesses. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, the company offers a wide range of products and services for risk and financial analysis, operations and supply, and sales and marketing professionals, as well as research and insights on global business issues. It serves customers in government and industries such as communications, technology, strategic financial services, and retail, telecommunications, and manufacturing markets. Often referred to as D&B, the company’s database contains over 500 million business records worldwide.
I have been told, but as of now have been unable to get a printout from Dun & Bradstreet the UNITED STATES CORPORATION has been declared insolvent.
If true this means the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and all fifty sub corporations called “state governments” are now illegally operating or some slight of hand reorganization which is being kept from the public has taken place.
Either way, to get an idea of Americans near future, study the death of the Roman Empire and the collapse of the USSR.
Back when I was in high school in the mid 1970s I was telling folks if DC did not stop borrowing and blowing currency like a drunken sailor in a titty bar with a handful of credit cards, they would end up outright defaulting on their debt which would destroy the middle class, or hyper inflate the currency to pay back fractions of a cent per dollar in purchasing power which would also destroy the middle class which any idiot should know is the backbone of any society economically and socially.
People decided I was crazy because the political whores in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac promised them the borrow-spend road goes on forever and the “free” shit party never ends.
Well, look around you!
The Ole Dog!
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