American Way: rival candidates get down to business, but can Mitt Romney stop distracting from his message?

And Trump once again – and in the face of documented evidence – questioned
whether or not Obama is really a US citizen, which of course became the news
instead of Romney wrapping up the Republican nomination.

It’s hard to figure out why he keeps cosying up to such a distracting
blowhard. It only reinforces the Obama campaign’s message that Romney is an
out-of-touch elitist with no core who will stand up with anyone who, as he
said, “helps me get to 50.1 percent.”

I think who you stand up with says a lot about who you will stand for as
president. So why stand up with Trump? The only thing I can figure is that
he has pictures of the controversial incident when Romney strapped his dog
Seamus to the top his car for a long vacation drive.

The President did call to wish Romney well, as is the tradition. “Brief
and cordial” were unsurprisingly the descriptors used.

But the gloves are now off.

While John McCain may have pulled some punches against Obama in 2008, it’s
clear Mitt’s gonna’ hit.

Romney held a press event in front of the shuttered Solyndra solar technology
plant in California, which failed despite $500 million in taxpayer-funded
loans – a stark symbol of the lost jobs and a stalled recovery under
President Obama.

A good attack, but then Romney oddly admitted to sending protesters to disrupt
Axelrod’s event in Boston, again stepping on his message. The sort of thing
all campaigns do, but none admit to. Certainly, not the sort of thing you
ever want your candidate talking about.

Polls show the obvious: the economy is still the top concern. And it will
continue to be so as monthly unemployment numbers were reported on Friday as
going up again, GDP numbers are being revised downward, new claims for
jobless benefits are rising, fewer private sector jobs are being created
than projected, and the rate at which existing private sector jobs are being
lost is actually increasing.

The polls also reflect a neck-and-neck race, with the pair tied in the
battleground states of Iowa, Nevada and Colorado, and with Romney’s
favourable ratings rising – up 13 points among women while Obama’s have
dropped seven points.

But in five of the key swing states the economy is actually improving, which
should help Obama if it continues.

There is a long, hot summer ahead when voters’ attention will be focused on
the Olympics and the beach, but the campaigns will be slugging it out every
day in an effort to sharpen and harden the image of their opponents in the
mind of voters. The campaigns know they can’t wait until the traditional
Labor Day starting line in September to really kick into gear.

In the 2004 election, by June we in the Bush campaign had effectively branded
John Kerry as someone overtly political with no core convictions voters
could count on if he were elected president. The cement hasn’t yet set on
impressions in 2012.

So, in the coming days there will be a mighty struggle between the camps to
define whether the race is about jobs (Romney) or economic justice for the
middle class (Obama).

And the outcome will determine whether Obama’s official portrait is unveiled
sooner, rather than later.

Mark McKinnon, a former Republican strategist who worked on the
campaigns of George W Bush and John McCain, is Global Vice Chair of
Hill+Knowlton Strategies

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