I am a Texican.
I live on the face of the land of the illegally occupied by the Criminal USA corporation
Republic of Texas.
I repost this piece with the CAVAT you better be able to pick out the truths scattered sparsely among the propaganda.
From the piece:
“The particularly pertinent question arises today if there ever was a time when we believed what our leaders told us. How long ago was that? Are any of us old enough to remember it? Has anyone ever lived that long?”.
My last president was Jefferson Davis.
We really did not like each much other being totally different types of personalities.
To my way of thinking he put starch in his underwear and had a corn cob up his butt.
But he stood against the yankee evil and for what he believed in.
At least he had honor unlike the closet homosexual atheist lying hypocrite communist Lincoln.
So when one starts trying to talk about “our leaders”, one needs to qualify who the “our” people are.
cause in this case, it sure as hell is not me and mine!
The Ole Dog!
Our leaders are all controlled
by bribes from foreign powers
The particularly pertinent question arises today if there ever was a time when we believed what our leaders told us. How long ago was that? Are any of us old enough to remember it? Has anyone ever lived that long?
You must give up your freedom to stay alive is their constant refrain.
And right up to this very moment we continue to suffer from the same eternal scam. Do we really trust our leaders? Our president says we must stay in our homes to stop the spread of this disease that only this super duper new vaccine can stop from infecting others. What a noble reason that would be!
We believed that story right up until the other day when a Pfizer pharmaceutical functionary told the European Parliament, “Oh no, we never tested for that. We were trying to keep up with the speed of science.”
In essence, what she said was, ‘we don’t know if it works or not.’
So how many people during the last few years have lost their lives believing that this test had been done and that was the reason why their government, which they typically obeyed, ordered them to take shots that by now some estimates report have killed more than a million people (some say 20 million!) and totally disrupted the lives of practically everyone on the planet?
As airline pilots drop dead in mid flight and finely tuned athletes keel over on their playing fields, still our government continues to demand we submit to this killer jab, which its manufacturer admits will not stop the spread of this still unidentified disease.
All those people have died for a question that was never really answered. In fact it was never really asked.
Tragic though this mistake has been for the world and for those who have lost so many of the ones they loved because of it, it is not really an unusual event.
In fact, it is typical of a country that has killed billions — yes, billions of people, both enemies and sincere patriotic defenders who were our beloved parents and children — over lies we were forced to believe despite essential questions that were never really asked.
Just following orders
What happens when leaders are cut off from their people, when each becomes irrelevant to the other? What happens to their followers? Whom do they follow? This is especially dangerous in a country in which everyone has been taught not to think, but only to respond and obey.
Now we are only allowed to follow what we are ordered to believe, without ever questioning whether those orders are true or false. If we disobey, we are punished and our lives are often ruined.
While black psychos burn down American cities, law abiding white folks are called the greatest danger to peace by a senile pervert president who has done nothing but deliberately sabotage his country as he insanely tries to start World War 3.
Just as people’s minds have long been evicted from reality by mind control religion, so we are now deluded about our own welfare by mind control media.
We are constantly made to believe the U.S. military is acting with noble motives when the opposite is true. Even considering the nasty facts we have learned in the past few years, bleary eyed Americans continue to want to wave their flags.
No finer example of this insane asylum reality could be seen in the halls of the U.S. Congress last week by visit of Ukrainian puppet Zelensky, who was showered with undeserved praise and billions of dollars which are now shown to be clandestinely filtered back into the bottomless pockets of corrupt American politicians.
In the case of recent U.S. wars, none of which were meant to protect the American homeland, the modus operandi has been the same: fighting for the profits of billionaire arms dealers and drug smugglers while the everyday population struggles to survive and sacrifices our children to the whims of these smug megalomaniacs.
Traitors consort with their enemies and betray and sabotage their allies. Does the name Hunter Biden ring a bell?
Leaders embarrass their citizens with preposterously stupid maneuvers where none need exist, acting in the interests in foreign powers who betray Americans as they steal our future. Have you tired about hearing the growing threat of anti-Semitism?
Most anti-Semitic acts are perpetrated by Jews themselves, trying to curry favor from those they try to swindle.
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