Alternative media has a responsibility to prioritize crucial events like Gaza assult

By Dr. Patrick Slattery – As a former professor of media and politics, I have long been a harsh critic the mainstream media for prostituting itself to the Zionist agenda, whether in its reporting on Israel or its enforcement of a taboo on information about Jewish power in the United States. I have also been critical of some of the alternative media, including Democracy Now!, which is by and large a good source of information on Israel but upholds other aspects of the Jewish supremacist agenda.

Today as I scanned the alternative media for information about Israel’s sadistic assault on Gaza, I happened by the website of Alex Jones. To my amazement, on its homepage not a single one of the ten “featured stories” related in any way to the crisis. Many of the featured stories seemed to me to be of little importance, but you can judge for yourself by looking at these headlines from July 24.

Now, I am not saying that the site does not report on news from the crisis. Four of the five links in the “most popular” box were Israel/Gaza stories. Which begs the question: If the most popular articles on PrisonPlanet are on the Gaza crisis, why then were no such articles being promoted as “featured stories?”

Other alternative sites, including RT, PressTV, Democracy Now!, Rense, and of course, provide a wealth of information on what is undoubtedly the biggest issue in the world this summer. And of course the mainstream Ziomedia also features the issue prominently, although almost exclusively in the form of misinformation and propaganda.

While I am certainly not accusing PrisonPlanet of promoting Zionist propaganda regarding Gaza, I think that in consideration of the important position the site has secured for itself in the alternative media, it has the responsibility of prioritizing news on this most critical event over the frankly frivolous items that appeared in its featured stories section. -ps


PrisonPlanet featured stories from July 24, 2014:

Video: Woman in Labor ‘Not Allowed’ to Cross Street to Hospital Over Obama’s Impending Motorcade

The Blaze | The unidentified woman was barred from walking the few hundred feet to the hospital for at least 30 minutes.

Feds Urge Paramedics, Firefighters to Help Find “Extremists”

Paul Joseph Watson | Injuries may be sign of “suspicious activity.”

Islamic State Orders Female Genital Mutilation in Mosul

Kurt Nimmo | More than 4 million women would be affected.

Analyst: Germany Secretly Planning to Join BRICS

Paul Joseph Watson | NSA surveillance controversy centered on U.S. fear that Europe’s economic powerhouse will dump the dollar.

Why Is Wal-Mart Preparing For A Major Earthquake On The New Madrid Fault?

Michael Snyder | Buried in a Wall Street Journal article from about a week ago was a startling piece of information.

Is THIS Why the Plane Was Shot Down?

Washington’s Blog | Report: Ukrainian Fighter Jets Hid Behind Passenger Plane, Pulled Away and Dropped Bombs, and Then Hid Behind Plane Once Again.

Calm Down … You Are Much More Likely to Be Killed By Boring, Mundane Things than Terrorism

Washington’s Blog | Brain-Eating Parasites, Texting While Driving, Toddlers, Lightning, Falling Out of Bed, Alcoholism, Food Poisoning, a Financial Crash, Obesity, Medical Errors or “Autoerotic Asphyxiation”.

America The Divided: Everyone Knows We Have Problems But There Is Very Little Agreement On Solutions

Michael Snyder | A house divided against itself will surely fall.

Reporter Enters Mexico via Fence Opening to Illustrate Border Collapse

Prison | Infowars reporter Joe Biggs discovers an opening in the border fence in Hereford, Arizona.

Picture of the Day – LA Street Artist Calls Out Obama for “Being an Asshole”

Michael Krieger | Well done. Very, very well done.


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