Almost All Zionist Organizations in Australia are Located on One Street

Michael Slay
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2015

Jew DetectedJew Detected

You can’t hide from us, Jews.

There is one particular street in Australia which serves as a host to multiple parasitic Jewish organizations sucking the life-blood out of the country like leeches.  Like a den of cockroaches, this street is the home of countless numbers of filthy parasites who work together to putrefy their host nation of Australia with “diversity” and cultural Marxism while keeping their real home – Israel – racially pure.

Located at 306 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South (the only place in Melbourne without Google streetview) are:

Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI)

Jewish Community Council of Victoria

Jewish Community Library

Zionist Federation of Australia

Anti Defamation Commission of Bnai Brith

Beth Weizmann Community Centre

Australian Jewish Democratic Society

Australian Friends of Hebrew University

The Australasian Union of Jewish Students

Magen David Adom

United Israel Appeal

Australia-Israel Medical Research

Women’s International Zionist Organisation

United Jewish Education Board

Australian Voices for Israel

Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council

Jewish National Fund (JNF) Australia

Australasian Zionist Youth Council

Zionist Council of Victoria

Jewish Agency for Israel

Hamerkaz Ha’Israeli

Australians Union of Jewish Students

Australian Jewish Genealogical Society

…and that’s not even all of them!

This is an invasion and subversion base, plain and simple.  All of these organizations are ultra-Zionist and work to fund Israeli aggression against Palestinians while spreading disinformation about it in the West.  Like all Jewish parasites, they also openly work to “promote diversity” and “spread human rights” and push other Jewish cultural Marxist agendas in Australia and the West, thus weakening the West and strengthening their racially pure apartheid home of Israel.

Oy VeyOy Vey

The ultra-Zionist OHPI’s main goal is to have the Australian government filter the Internet in order to block all criticism of Jews and Israel while prosecuting anyone who publishes such material. Are YOU going to let them get away with it, White man?

Please spread the word. We need our brothers in Australia to know where the center of organized Jewry and Zionist aggression in the country is. The filthy Jewish cockroaches at these organizations exert a heavy amount of influence over the Australian ZOG government. They prefer to remain in the shadows and work behind the scenes, so let’s work together to bring these rat-faced parasites out into the open and expose their conniving Jewry for all the world to see.

In the future, when you’re living in a Judenfrei world, you can tell your grandchildren that you waged an online war against Jewry by exposing their bases to a wide audience.

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