All Texicans Who Trace Their Ancestry In Texas to Before May 12, 1865 Are Owed 158 Years of Reparations For Being Made Slaves of USA/Washington DC

It is fact the Republic of Texas won Independence from Mexico in 1836.

It is fact the Republic of Texas Voluntarily joined the Volunteer union of the united States as a State in 1846.

It is fact when the Republic of Texas saw the Marxist Lincoln

Closet Homosexual who shacked up with men

1938 red Russian Commie USA presidential Convention, where Lincoln was recognized as the Father of American zionism/Communism.

violating every aspect of the constitution so as to form a Marxist Mandatory Soviet Styled Military Dictaership,

in 1860 the Republic of Texas Voluntarily seceded from the Volunteer union they had voluntarily joined.

You might say Lady Texas found out the USA/DC man she had married was a domineering lying thieving abusive jerk, and got a divorce.

This means when the USA invaded the Republic of Texas using terrorism against civilians of the vilest type to subjugate Texas, it was an illegal act by a criminal cabal.

The last battle of the the illegal yankee criminal invasion , the Battle of Palmito Ranch, was fought in Texas on May 12, 1865.

From May 12, 1865, the USA/Washington DC has illegally in a war crime militarily occupied the Republic of Texas.

The USA’s terrorist thugs they termed “soldiers” robed Texicans of jewelry, farm animals, gold and silver coins, and any other things of value, at the point of their weapons, not to mention the rapes and murders of civilians by the terrorist “soldiers”.

Legal axiom:

This means the USA can not illegally invade the Republic of Texas, using terrorism against civilians and murder of Texican troops to subjugate Texas.

“No one ever loved his country more than the Southerner who loved his short-lived Confederacy. The enormities the people of the South suffered for their experiment in liberty would be unbelievable except for the treasure trove of first-hand accounts they left us. From the long buried archives of Southern history, Mr. Grissom has unearthed letters, diaries, newspaper accounts of the 1860s, and personal recollections of those who survived the brutality of Lincoln’s armies as they burned, looted, tortured, molested, and murdered their way across Dixie. Here, in their own words, men, women, and children describe the violence. Some of these eyewitness accounts have never before been published, while others have not been in print for almost 140 years. Forty-six photographs from the era, some having never been published until now, illustrate the text of this historical collection of first-hand accounts. The modern reader may be surprised to find that terrorism was not invented by ISIS.”

“Walter Brian Cisco’s War Crimes Against Southern Civilians is the first book-length survey of the Union’s “hard war” against the people of the Confederacy–one that included the shelling and burning of cities, systematic destruction of entire districts, mass arrests, forced expulsions, wholesale plundering, and murder.

In a series of compelling chapters, Cisco chronicles the St. Louis massacre, where Federal authorities proceeded to impose a reign of terror and dictatorship in Missouri. He tells of the events leading to, and the suffering caused by, the Federal decree that forced twenty thousand Missouri civilians into exile. The arrests of civilians, the suppression of civil liberties, theft, and murder to “restore the union” in Tennessee are also examined.

Women and children were robbed, brutalized, and left homeless in Sherman’s infamous raid through Georgia. In South Carolina, homes, farms, churches, and whole towns disappeared in flames. Civilians received no mercy at the hands of the Union invaders.

Thoroughly researched from sources including letters, diaries, and newspaper accounts of the time, Walter Brian Cisco’s exhaustive book notably pays careful attention to the suffering of African-American victims of Federal brutality, revealing that wherever Federal troops encountered Southern blacks, whether free or slave, they were robbed, brutalized, belittled, kidnapped, threatened, tortured, and sometimes raped or killed by their blue-clad “liberators.”

Apologists for Lincoln’s hard war continue to downplay the suffering endured and the damage done, blame the victims, or call some of the above incidents “accidents” or “mistakes.”

“After nearly 150 years, there still remains the scars of the Union Army’s savage policy of “total war” in their invasion of the Christian South. Their aim was the destruction of Southern culture which included the desecration of houses of worship and the resting place of the sacred dead. Nothing was off limits; arson, rape, murder, thievery, grave-robbing and even physical torture. All this was carried out with the silent approval of the Lincoln Administration and the pleasure of the Northern radicals.”

Then force a yankee occupation “STATE OF TEXAS’ occupation sub corporation of the USA corporation on Texicans without ever removing the USA’s occupation troops or kangaroo courts, never allowing Texicans to be free of military occupation with no choice but except the mandatory occupation ‘STATE OF TEXAS’ “government on the occupied Republic of Texas, and have that poison fruit of the poison tree magically become non poison.

Thus From May 12, 1865 to present all natural resources extracted from the occupied Republic of Texas were stolen by the USA/DC and from the occupied Republic of Texas souls who were in Texas before May 12, 1865 and their descendants.

All “property taxes collected, all “income” taxes collected, were stolen from the People of the occupied Republic of Texas by the USA/DC crime cabal.

All homes, farms, ranches lost because of inability to pay illegal property taxes to the USA/DC’s illegal occupation Government was theft.

The first thing which must be done is Texicans must be emancipated from the USA’s illegal military occupation slavery.

Then the USA/DC and their occupation corporation ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ MUST pay reparations to the descendants of all Texicans who’s ancestors were in Texas from before May 12. 1865.

All illegal taxes must be returned, not dollar for dollar, but dollars adjusted for inflation and paid in legal money, gold or silver coin.

All property and real estate stolen from inability to pay illegal taxes and fees must be returned to the heirs of the Texicans it was stolen from.

The financial amount of natural resources stolen by the USA from Texicans for 158 years must be tabulated, adjusted for inflation and divided equally to living Texicans who can trace their ancestry to Texas before May 12, 1865, paid in legal money, gold or silver coin.

In addition, reparations must be paid in gold or silver coin to every living Texican who can trace their ancestry to Texas before May 12, 1865 for being made slaves of the USA/DC corporation.

In addition I would like my great-great grandmother’s silverware back.
The USA can keep the basket their “brave” “soldiers” threw my great grandfather out of as an infant onto the floor so they could carry off the silverware they were stealing.

One last thing.
Each carpetbagger yankee

and their spawn must kiss every Texican’s ass as they are leaving the Republic of Texas.

The Ole Texican Dog!


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