In 1836 via treaty with Mexico, the Republic of Texas became a country, a nation recognized as such by other nations internationally.
In 1846, in a questionable legality the Republic of Texas joined the United States Volunteer Union of the American Revolutionaries.
In 1860, seeing the closet Homosexual Marxist Atheist yankee Abraham Lincoln
killing the American Revolutionaries volunteer union to form a Marxist Military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic
legally Voluntarily seceded
From the Volunteer Union Texas had Voluntarily joined before the shyster rail road lawyer Lincoln could completely kill the Revolutionaries Volunteer Union.
By 1865 the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union was completely dead and non existent, replaced with a Soviet styled Marxist (communist in today’s English) Mandatory military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic.
The Republic of Texas has never been a member of this Involuntary Mandatory Communist Military Dictatorship.
Between 1861 and 1865, USA “soldiers” gang raped to death little children, minister’s daughters, pregnant women, African American children and women, free and slaves, burning grandpa & grandma to death in their own homes, starving tens of thousands of children, women and old folks to death purposely, holocausting whole cities filled with civilians to subdue countries which the USA had no legal jurisdiction in or over.
Through Terrorism against civilians which makes ISIS look like pikers and choir boys, USA (the Soviet Styled Mandatory Marxist Military Dictatorship, not the now dead American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union) Subdued the Southern Countries and illegally militarily occupied them.
After a ten year illegal war crime military occupation, the USA formed puppet occupation “governments” they called “STATE governments” which are in fact still military occupation “governments”, even after 158 years and counting of illegal occupation.
Legal Axion:
This means Lincoln’s Marxist military dictatorship can not use terrorism against civilians to subdue countries, then install occupation “STATE governments” which them magically become “legal”.
This means the Republic of Texas is still illegally occupied and NO “law”, rule or forced treaty the USA or it’s occupation “government”, ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’
declares to be law in the Occupied Republic of Texas, means diddly squat for jack shit.
This includes Hands all over little girls Biden having signed an agreement to make Canada, Mexico and the USA
all one Rothschild controlled slave plantation or any and all Scamdemic
Killer jab mandates,
Useless as teats on a boar hog dust masking mandates
to stop a mythical not scientifically proved to exist “virus which no one in the whole wide world can produce a verified Identified Purified Isolated Reproducible sample of or Communistic Penal Code Family Business killing “lockdowns”.
Forcing Killer Jabs on humans or social punishment for not taking the killer jabs is a violation of the 1947 Nuremberg Codes
The violation thereof punishable by hanging
Until the Evil bitches and sons of bitches necks snap as they s#it their pants.
The Ole Texican Dog!
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