All Of Our Presidents Are Pedophiles & CIA Runs Children to Them; Pedophilia is the Qualifying Factor to Be U.S. President

Blockbuster Report: Trump Settlements for 10 Child Rapes, Claiming a Mental Disorder “Pedophilic Disorder F65.4”

Note: All references to any of this material are ‘banned in Russia’ as ‘promoting terrorism’….what does that tell you?


Trump’s Personal Triumphs, his real personal accomplishments, just the ones we know about, and these are just the children, young as 10

“The list of Trump’s child victims came with an interesting reference point that was apparently part of the documentation in the settlement cases. Trump was designated with a psychiatric disorder referenced in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM�5). The referenced disorder is “Pedophilic Disorder (F65.4).” (Described Below)

2021 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F65.4


Billable/Specific Code

F65.4 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

Loaded: 1.08%

Pedophilic disorder

The following code(s) above F65.4 contain annotation back-references that may be applicable to F65.4:


Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental disorders

Approximate Synonyms


Pedophilia, same and opposite sex

Pedophilic disorder

Pedophilic disorder, sexually attracted to both males and females

Clinical Information

A disorder characterized by recurrent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children.

A sexual disorder occurring in a person 16 years or older and that is recurrent with intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child (generally age 13 or younger). (from apa, dsm-iv, 1994).

ICD-10-CM F65.4 is grouped within Diagnostic Related Group(s) (MS-DRG v38.0):

887 Other mental disorder diagnoses

Convert F65.4 to ICD-9-CM

Code History

2016 (effective 10/1/2015): New code (first year of non-draft ICD-10-CM)

2017 (effective 10/1/2016): No change

2018 (effective 10/1/2017): No change

2019 (effective 10/1/2018): No change

2020 (effective 10/1/2019): No change

2021 (effective 10/1/2020): No change

Five of the six alleged incidents took place at two of Trump’s best-known properties — Trump Tower in New York City and Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, FL. The exception is incident No. 4, which is the most recent (2012) and took place at Albemarle Estate at Trump Winery. Donald and Eric Trump opened the facility as a bed-and-breakfast in May 2015. (Wayne Madsen)

Here they are listed, just the kids we know about.

Daily Beast: TRAC, a nonpartisan research institute at Syracuse University, has released a new report finding that federal prosecution of child sex trafficking cases has significantly declined since 2017, the year President Trump took office. This doesn’t mean incidents of child sex trafficking have gone down, quite the opposite, but does indicate fewer are being criminally tried at the federal level.

Comparing case rates over the last three presidential administrations, researchers found the number of cases prosecuted was higher during the Obama years compared to the present Trump administration.

The percentage of child sex trafficking cases in which federal prosecutors decided to press criminal charges was also higher from 2009 to 2016 compared to the current Trump administration. Federal prosecutors have discretion over whether to accept referrals for federal criminal charges.

TRAC’s findings poke holes in a key aspect of the QAnon conspiracy theory narrative, which posits that Trump is battling Democrats complicit in a worldwide satanic pedophile ring.  From

“Donald Trump has paid roughly  $30  million to settle child-sex complaints brought against him since 1989, according to a D.C.-based investigative journalist.

Wayne Madsen Report (WMR), which is a subscription site, describes the settlements in a Jan 14-15 post titled “Why is Trump so afraid of Cohen’s testimony?”  This is and extract from the article…

Donald Trump continues to lash out at his former lawyer and ‘fixer’ Michael Cohen, as the February 7 public testimony by Cohen before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired by Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD), draws nearer. Cohen said he wants to “give a full and credible account of the events that have transpired.”

While Cohen will avoid certain subjects still under investigation by Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller, he may provide some insight into the types of embarrassing things he “fixed” for Trump, before they ended up in scandalous court trials. This may include Cohen assisting Trump in paying off victims of Trump’s sexual assaults over the years.

The cases go way beyond those widely reported in the mainstream press, WMR reports. They also go beyond cases that involve women and adults. They indicate Trump has a disturbing taste for children:

In addition to Stephanie Clifford, aka porn actress “Stormy Daniels,” and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, Cohen reportedly helped settle a number of rape cases involving Trump. WMR received a list from a reputable Republican source of these settlement claims, all of which involve male and female minors:

(1) Michael Parker, 10 years old, oral rape, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1992. Trump paid his parents a  $3  million settlement.

(2) Kelly Feuer, 12 years old,  $1  million settlement paid in 1989, allegations of forced intercourse, Trump Tower, NY, NY.

(3) Charles Bacon, 11 years old,  $3  million, allegations of oral and anal intercourse, 1994, Trump Tower, NY, NY.

(4) Rebecca Conway, 13 years old, intercourse and oral sex. Trump Vineyard Estates, Charlottesville, VA, 2012,  $5 million settlement.

(5) Maria Olivera, 12 years old. Her family was paid  $16  million to settle allegations of forcible intercourse occurring in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, in 1993.

(6) Kevin Noll, 11 years old, anal rape, Trump Tower, NY, NY. 1998. Settlement details were unknown.

Five of the six alleged incidents took place at two of Trump’s best-known properties — Trump Tower in New York City and Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, FL. The exception is incident No. 4, which is the most recent (2012) and took place at Albemarle Estate at Trump Winery. Donald and Eric Trump opened the facility as a bed-and-breakfast in May 2015.

Donald Trump

Trump started negotiating to acquire the property after it went into foreclosure in 2011. Trump formally purchased the entire estate in October 2012.

The child-sex settlements might explain Trump’s reluctance to disclose his tax returns, WMR reports, and documents indicate our “president” is a deeply disturbed individual:

WMR’s GOP source indicated that Trump has refused to release his tax returns because they will reveal the many out-of-court settlements he has paid to silence his assault victims and their families. The list of Trump’s child victims came with an interesting reference point that was apparently part of the documentation in the settlement cases. Trump was designated with a psychiatric disorder referenced in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM�5). The referenced disorder is ‘Pedophilic Disorder (F65.4).?

References: (most are removed through National Security Letters)

Child Kidnapping/Murder:

Legal Filings on Pedophilia Payoffs by Trump

Child Rape:

Epstein Murder

Roy Cohn — The CIA Pedophile Ring Leader of An Evil Mechanism of Political Control


30 August 2017

TRUTHSEEKER — How do you control a politician? Compromise him. Secretly video-tape him having sex with someone other than his wife – like a prostitute or a child – and use that videotape to blackmail him. It’s that simple. The mastermind of such operations in the US for more than thirty years was Roy Cohn.

Cohn was the right-hand man of Senator Joseph McCarthy during the early 1950’s witch-hunt against alleged Communists. He allied himself with top Republicans like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Cohn held a leadership position with the Western Goals Foundation and the Council for National Policy – two powerful conservative think-tanks with ties to the riches and most powerful people in the US. Cohn’s law practice had deep ties to organized crime, as well as the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. He was also a close ally of Donald Trump. What has become increasingly clear is that Cohn was the CIA mastermind behind Washington’s pedophile blackmail network, which is alive and well today.

Cohn was allied with Grover Norquist, who helped augment the use of the Muslim Brotherhood as both a friend and bogeyman of US foreign policy. Cohn was also allied with John Singlaub, one of the arch-conspirators of the Reagan WhiteHouse who performed assassinations and drug-running on a massive scale.

He was allied with Larry MacDonald, who, after trying to expose the truth of high crimes in high places, was killed along with everyone else aboard KAL007 over Russia in 1983. And of course the circle wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Oliver North, arch-conspirator behind the Iran-Contra affair. All of this nefarious criminal activity has its origins with the post-WWII Odessa Network of transplanted Nazis in the US run by Reinhard Gehlen. […]


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