Algemeiner June 8st, 2012

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Opinion. Tradition . ANTISEMITISM WHERE LEFT MEETS RIGHT. A2. IS A LEADER A NUSRING FATHER A9. ALGEMEINER EDITORS CLUB HOSTS SHAHAR AZANI BILL KRISTOL A11. algemeiner THE JOURNAL 1.00 PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012 18 SIVAN 5772 VOL. XXXVIII NO. 2063 NeoNazis Support German Mayor for Israel Boycott Albrecht Schrter. Photo wiki commons. Jordanians Attack and Force Out Jewish Tourists BY ALGEMEINER STAFF A group of Jewish tourists were attacked and forced out of the town of K

A2 FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 Opinion . AntiSemitism Where Left Meets Right DOVID EFUNE N E W YO R K Among communal activists, there is widening concern that the clouds are darkening over Europes Jewish population. On the street, in certain circles, economic turmoil and decline has prompted the rehashing of typical age old hateful stereotypes of Jewish wealth, control and market manipulation, typically the domain of the nationalist right, these accusations have also recently found expression in l World News . FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 A3 Queen Elizabeths Jubilee and the Jews BY JOINTMEDIA NEWS While Great Britain celebrates Queen Elizabeth IIs Diamond Jubileemarking 60 years of her reignwith a special extended bank holiday weekend June 25, scholars point out that the royal family had a friendly relationship with the countrys Jewish community for several generations. The Queens opinions on Jews are not verified since she cannot express her personal views in public, but

A4 FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 U.S News . relationship between America and the only democracy in the Middle East, one which is rooted in progressive Western valueswomens rights, gay rights, tolerance, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. McCain Obama Leaked Stuxnet New Jersey Race Turns Ugly Over Story to Boost ReElection Effort Jews and Israel BY JOINTMEDIA NEWS SERVICE U.S. senator John McCain accused President Barack Obamas administration of releasing information on the cyberattacks agai Opinion . FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 A5 Fifty Shades of Grey Lust, the Strongest Force in the Universe SHMULEY BOTEACH N E W YO R K What can explain the Shades of Grey phenomenon Why are so many women reading a book about sexual submission in an age of feminine liberation No one can seem to answer the question satisfactorily. Several national magazines have tackled the question. Women worked so hard to achieve parity with men and to even win independence from them. The have ev

A6 FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 A7

A8 FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 Impressions Continued from Page A10 Secret Formula . The dangers have been well explored and written about by psychiatrists, educationalists, and criminologists. The actual problems they discuss and the list of evils described have been around ever since humanity stepped out of the cave. Some people have always looked for excuses to be indolent just as others have worked hard. The only difference, you might argue, is that now access much more widespread. One hardly nee FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 A9 Tradition. Legal Notice with a burning sense of justice and a passion for liberty. Moses, though, seems to have felt that the leader must do it all he must be the peoples father, mother and nursemaid. He must be the doer, the problemsolver, omniscient and omnicompetent. If something needs to be done it is for the leader turning to God and asking for His help to do it. The trouble is that if the leader is a parent, then the followers remain childre

A10 FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 Tradition . overwhelmed by the energy force, not merely unable to see, but unable to be. Our independent existence could not survive, our independent sense of self would cease to exist were we submerged in the boundless energy of higher reality. Consciousness, therefore, is actually a state of concealment. Our sense of existence the feeling that I am is possible only due to shrouded energy. Paradoxically, true awareness is not what we fathom, but that which we dont Social . FRIDAY, JUNE 8 2012 A11 Guest speaker William Kristol Photo Ruvi Leider Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hurwitz. Photo Ruvi Leider. Shahar Azani and Bill Kristol talk Jews and Modern Media at Algemeiner Editors Club Event BY ALGEMEINER STAFF The Algemeiner Editors Club hosted Weekly Standard Editor William Kristol and Israels Consul for Media Affairs in New York Shahar Azani last week to discuss Israel, Jews and Modern media. Over seventy people gathered at an exclusive Upp

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