ALERT: The “Iranian 9/11″ War Ploy (+ Will a nuclear SCUD explode off China?)

[Note: 11 October 2017 – Will North Korea’s threatened nuke test over the Pacific be done with a short range SCUD missile? Will “hackers” release details of Xi Jinping’s overseas money stashes to undermine him before the Party Congress? Will the “Deep State’s ‘Iranian’ false flag” take the form of a missile attack on Al Udeid Air Base (in Qatar) launched from Yemen (supposedly using one or more Soumar ground-launched cruise missiles)? More on this in the morning…]

[Update 3 – 13 October 2017] – Will a nuclear SCUD explode off China?

Back at the end of last month, the press circulated reports which suggested that North Korea was moving multiple ICBMs into firing position…

“Several North Korean missiles were recently spotted moved from a rocket facility in the capital Pyongyang, South Korea’s Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) reported late Friday amid speculation that the North was preparing to take more provocative actions…

…South Korean and U.S. intelligence officials detected missiles being transported away from North Korea’s Missile Research and Development Facility at Sanum-dong…

…Sanum-dong has been dedicated to the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles.” – from Reuters

These reports were followed-up by news that the North Koreans were going to test an ICBM on October 10…

…from The Guardian

But now it appears that they’ve modified their plans and gone to a SCUD missile provocation that will coincide with the start of the Chinese Communist Party Congress in Beijing…

…from the Express (UK)

Since the SCUDs have been positioned at Nampo (the place marked on the map), it’s likely that the salvo will be aimed at the Yellow Sea off of Tianjin and Beijing…

…from Google Maps

And if Kim Jong Un wants to make a real impression (and if the globalists aim to unseat Xi this month), one of those SCUDs will carry a miniaturized nuclear warhead…

By hiding the nuke amidst a 30-missile salvo, the odds of it being shot down by China’s anti-ballistic missile systems are quite low. Of course, we could also see a scenario that involves a simultaneous SCUD missile salvo near China and ICBM salvo near Guam. Nukes could be included amidst one or both salvos.

It’s a commonplace occurrence for North Korea to fire short-range missiles into the sea, but it’s not at all ordinary for one of them to explode in a nuclear mushroom cloud. Such a move would get the attention of every single person in China, and all eyes would turn to Xi. How did he let the North Korean situation come to this? Why did he cave in to American pressure and isolate an ally when Putin stepped up to support that ally? Did he do it to selfishly avoid trouble in advance of a Party Congress where he expected to consolidate power?

You can see how things could begin to go south for Xi after such an occurrence.

[Update 2 – 12 October 2017] – Trump’s speech and Xi’s fate

News came out last night that Trump’s Iran speech will be postponed till tomorrow…

…from CBS News

Does this mean that Friday the 13th has been abandoned as a potential strike date, or do they want the provocation and the strike to occur on the same day? More likely it’s the former. But I will not stop my overwatch of the situation tomorrow. Since the Chinese Communist Party Congress will start on the 18th and continue for a week, I’ll keep going until it’s over. If the globalists miss the opportunity to replace Xi with Li Keqiang at the Congress, it will be a satisfying frustration of their efforts.

Speaking of this replacement, I was noodling last night over what the globalists could do in such a short period of time to justify Xi’s departure from leadership. I concluded that they’d have to hit him with a double-barreled shotgun blast: 1) a catastrophic loss of face on the international stage and 2) a major ethics scandal at home.

To provide the international loss of face, having Kim Jong Un detonate a hydrogen bomb off the coast of China would be a start. Following it up with a quick, catastrophic Chinese military engagement would be a nice finish.

To provide the major domestic scandal, a credible charge of gross corruption would do nicely. The easiest way to achieve this would be a detailed online data dump on his secret financial holdings. After running so many other Party officials out of office on corruption charges, such a revelation would make him look like a huge crook and hypocrite.

Will the Party Congress allow a crook who has humiliated China on the global stage to lead the nation?

More details on these scenarios and the “Iranian” false-flag in the morning…

[Update 1 – 11 October 2017] – Maintaining the Trump Illusion

Will Trump “fall for the Deep State trap” tomorrow?…

…from CNBC/Reuters

By expanding the Mideast war using the method outlined in this entry, the globalists will leave Trump’s phony Anti-Establishment image intact. This is how the controlled alt-media will explain what happened…

“Since Trump refused to allow the Pentagon to attack Russia and its allies in Syria, the Deep State decided to trick him into war. They convinced him to take the seemingly low-risk actions of decertifying the nuclear deal and declaring the Revolutionary Guard as terrorists in order to put pressure on the Iranian ballistic missile program. He was told that these measures wouldn’t cause any real harm because Congress wouldn’t pass new sanctions.

Little did Trump know, though, that the Deep State would use Iran’s rhetorical threats of a ‘crushing response’ as cover for launching a false flag against our own troops. And once he and the public believed Iran had attacked our boys in uniform, his hands were tied. He was compelled to unleash the Pentagon to do what it wanted.”

The speech on Iran is supposed to happen tomorrow, so let’s see if they have the balls to go through with it. If they do, keep an eye on Ukraine also. They’ll probably launch an offensive “to retake Crimea” once the US and Russia go head-to-head in Syria. And if the globalists hope to fulfill their goal of replacing Xi Jinping at the Chinese Communist Party Congress next week, something dramatic will have to happen in the North Korea / South China Sea area too. Will we go from zero-to-sh*tstorm in the next few days, or will they retreat yet again?


The globalists are attempting to escalate the Middle East war as early as Friday the 13th. This is the outline of their plan…

1) Have the “neocon-neolib-zionist deep state” pressure Trump into decertifying the Iran nuclear deal and declaring the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist group. This is currently scheduled to happen on Thursday the 12th.

2) Have the Iranians make war threats to deter Trump’s action. This has already occurred…

…from Google News

3) Use the war threats as cover for a “deep state” false-flag targeting Americans (to be blamed on Iran). This attack could come as early as Friday the 13th, and it will most likely target American military forces (Gulf of Tonkin-style). Israeli involvement will later be uncovered.

4) Retaliate against the “terror attack” by striking the Iranians, probably with Israeli military support, in Syria and other places.

So why would they do this, you ask? If you’ve been watching the news, you may have noticed the tsunami of articles proclaiming Putin’s imminent victory in Syria and his reshaping of the entire Mideast. Here is just one example…

…from The Spectator

According to the globalist script, which is playing the “good guy” East against the “bad guy” West in order to set up the New World Order, this means the Western/Israeli bad guys plan for Syria and the rest of the Mideast is on life support. So the only way to save it is to move beyond the proxy war and go head-to-head against Syria, Iran and Russia. An “Iranian terror attack on Americans” will do nicely to get it started.

We must also watch for concurrent escalations vis-a-vis North Korea, so I’ll append my previous entry to the bottom of this one. I will be monitoring the situation from this alert entry for the remainder of the week.

By the way, keep an eye on Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. At some point the globalists will want to bring the American nukes there into play. Under one of their contingency plans, Erdogan is scripted to seize control of them and turn Damascus into “a ruinous heap.”

[Note: Keep in mind that there is a new US-Turkey diplomatic confrontation that could escalate into the Incirlik nuke scenario, and Turkish forces have entered Syria’s Idlib Province during the last 24 hours. So if the globalists proceed with their plan, Syrian, Russian, and Iranian forces in Syria could face a Turkish offensive from the north, a US-Kurdish offensive from the east, and an Israeli offensive from the south. Putin is scripted to be the ultimate victor, though.]

++++++++++ APPENDIX ++++++++++

Zero Hedge and the Hazardous Week of October 9 – 13, 2017

Zero Hedge is one of the leading faux-truther / controlled-opposition propaganda sites on the Web. And judging by the elephant walk of NWO propaganda that paraded across their front page yesterday, this could be an eventful week.

First, there are the Trump threats to North Korea…

top article link, bottom article link

So Trump is saying that this is the “calm before the storm” and that force is the only thing that will work with North Korea. And he’s doing this just days after the CIA forecast that Kim will stage a provocation on Columbus Day…

…from US News

And all this is happening at the same time as this…

…from The Wall Street Journal. As I warned in a previous entry

If the official story of the shooting is allowed to fall apart quickly and dramatically, it could set the stage for an imminent war with North Korea. The faux-truthers will say, “The deep state took us to war with North Korea to distract people away from discovering their role in the Las Vegas Massacre.”

Simultaneously, the Russians continue to expose the “deep state’s” connection to ISIS terror…

…from Zero Hedge

So with the “deep state’s” involvement in the Las Vegas shooting going viral, with their backing of ISIS threatening to go viral, and with the crossover between the two stories (ISIS’s claim that the attack was one of theirs), the rationale for flipping the script with a new North Korea crisis is established.

What we have with all these reports is theater for the masses, and it’s the type of show that can lead into the globalist-planned Washington / New York sneak attack I’ve been warning about. But how will they get it going?

On the North Korean side, they supposedly have multiple ICBMs in launch position. So they could either fire off one per day this week, or we could see them fire four at the waters around Guam. And there’s a good chance one of them will be a “full test package” that results in a thermonuclear explosion over the Pacific. This would then trigger Trump’s response and Trump’s response would trigger the sneak attack.

On the American side, keep an eye out for Trump to stage a provocation by forcibly boarding and seizing North Korean merchant ships. The recent news about North Korean rocket launchers headed for Egypt may serve as his justification for doing so. See the September 20 postscript (which is near the top) of this entry for more background information on this scenario.

The 9th, 11th and 13th are the most dangerous days of this hazardous week. And if you see the UN Security Council calling an “emergency meeting” on North Korea, that’s a good day to get out of Manhattan and Washington, DC.

Beyond this teasing of war provocations, a number of other NWO themes were presented yesterday. I’ll cover those as the day goes on.

~ Continued 1 ~

Two other NWO themes that were touched upon yesterday by Zero Hedge were the “people’s revolution” theme and the “smaller units” of government theme…

top article link, bottom article link

The globalists abandoned their first attempt to start people’s revolutions in the EU back in 2015. They intended to use “the birthplace of democracy,” Greece, as the starting point. The Greeks were meant to defect from the overbearing EU to the “freedom-fighting” BRICS, and that model would have then spread among the EU peripheral states until it destroyed the EU in 2016. Now it appears that they’ve substituted Catalonia for Greece and are trying it again.

The people’s revolution that will dismantle the EU is part of the globalists’ broader strategy of breaking large nations into less self-sufficient pieces. Since the smaller nations will lack the capacity to maintain a modern standard of living and a strong national defense on their own, they will become dependent on the globalists’ multilateral institutions for their prosperity and security.

You can read more about the globalists’ plans for revolution and smaller units of government in Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 19 – The Greek “People’s Revolution” and the New European Renaissance, brought to you by the NWO.

~ Continued 2 ~

Another notable article I saw on Zero Hedge’s front page yesterday was this propaganda piece out of Moscow…

article link

It talks about the ongoing changes in the Middle East in terms of the NWO’s phony narrative of opposing “multipolar” and “unipolar” forces. And it is part of the overall media effort to portray Vladimir Putin as having “masterfully outmaneuvered” the West in the Middle East. Just have a look at the barrage of articles on the subject…

…from Google News

Vladimir Putin is the globalists’ chosen leader of the New World Order system, and they are doing everything possible to set him up as “the Prince of Peace” and “the most geopolitically brilliant statesman of this age.” Read Understanding the NWO Strategy to inoculate yourself against these clumsy attempts to build his cult of personality and narrate a battle between the “evil West” and the “benevolent East.” The “Unipolar World Order” is the globalists’ Left Hand and the “Multipolar World Order” is their Right Hand, and they are using Both Hands to build the NWO.

Much love…

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