ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ a P.S. – Another reason why they might pop off a nuke or two during this North Korea drama)

Yesterday – on a Saturday when people typically do other things than watch the news – the globalists set the stage for a WMD attack on the US to be blamed on or executed by North Korea.

First I saw this…

…from The Hill

And when I later saw this, I knew they were opening the door for a WMD attack by North Korea…

…from ZeroHedge

According to the globalist script, the increasing US/UN attack on the North Korean economy and the “growing threat” of a decapitation strike by the US against North Korea’s leaders will push the “unbalanced” Kim Jong-Un to stage a preemptive decapitation strike of his own. And if Kim wants to decapitate his enemies, whom will he strike? That would be the UN Security Council and President Trump, wouldn’t it?

It is important to note that all this is public theater, and there is no real behind-the-scenes animosity between the Western elite and Kim Jong-Un. After all, Kim was educated in the Western elite’s European stronghold of Switzerland. Do you really think Kim’s father would have sent his heir into the belly of the beast if North Korea was really such an outcast as the media portrays to the public? North Korea performs an important role for the globalists (as a regional irritant), and their leaders are part of the globalist club. They are reading from the same script as Trump.

I outlined the likely form of a “North Korean attack” on the UN in a previous alert, and the most likely form of attack on Washington would be a small nuke fired from a submarine or smuggled up the Potomac River (with “deep state” help). As for when the strike might occur, the most dangerous date is August 22 (the day after the Great American Eclipse) because…

  • the globalists love pulling mischief on the 11th and 22nd of months (they are “master numbers” according to their numerological beliefs),
  • Trump will be back in the White House (he is scheduled to return on the 21st, the day of the Eclipse),
  • the “deep state-owned” Congress will still be out of Washington and safe in their districts (if Trump doesn’t pull the Obamacare scenario), and
  • the UN Security Council will be in session that morning…


It’s also possible that they might strike Trump at his vacation golf resort anytime between now and then, so don’t be surprised if we see Trump and the UN attacked before the 22nd.

In addition to this sneak attack threat, there is also a threat against the US government that is related to the Biblical concept of “40 days of repentance.” If you count forward 40 days and 40 nights from August 21-22, you arrive at September 30-October 1, the beginning of the next fiscal year. I’ll go into the details of this in the coming hours.

[Addendum – Same Day]

Proceeding on to the topic of the Eclipse and “40 days of repentance,” get a load of this sh*t…

…from Teshuvah

Upon looking into this, I found that the Hebrew month of Elul – the “month of repentance” – does indeed begin the day after the Eclipse at sunset of the 22nd…


The start of Elul begins a 40 day count to “the day of atonement for personal and national sins,” Yom Kippur, which ends at nightfall on September 30 (the last day of the US government fiscal year). And what supposedly happens if the US fails to repent and atone? “God’s judgment” starts falling upon it beginning October 1, the first day of the new fiscal year.

This being said, the Kabbalists are quite fortunate that one set of superstitions about solar eclipses comes into play just a day before another set of superstitions about sin and atonement kicks in. It provides them with a window of opportunity to advance their prophecy fulfillment agenda while convincing the religious sheeple that it’s actually “God” who is behind it. And the fact that “the day of God’s judgment” falls on the first day of a fiscal year that has not yet been funded and faces a debt ceiling cutoff tells us exactly how they hope to use it.

So looking at both these threats, the “North Korean sneak attack” and “God’s judgment on a wicked America,” here are a couple of ways it could play out…

1) The mythical “deep state” could use North Korea to take out Trump before the first day of repentance even begins (by launching the attack on the morning of the 22nd – Elul doesn’t begin till sunset that day). The murder of the “Christian” Trump would “bring God’s immediate judgment on America” and plunge us into war in the Pacific. Trump’s replacement, Vice President Pence, has already made clear his stance on North Korea…

…from a Google search of “Pence North Korea”

2) Things could continue as normal until Republican infighting causes a government shutdown that, with aggravating developments, lasts long enough to trigger a debt default


the globalists could time a North Korean attack on Washington at the end of September before Congress is able to pass a budget/debt limit measure.

That’s all for now. Get your popcorn ready.

Love always…

(P.S. – 8 August 2017) – A Juicy Target: Will Trump go to the UN next week?

Here is an interesting little section from an article on

“Trump could pay a visit to another one of his favorite properties during his time off: Trump Tower in New York City.

Walters said that the president plans to visit the Big Apple next week for meetings. She declined to detail the president’s schedule, including whether he will stop by the Fifth Avenue high-rise where he lived before entering the White House.”

Now if Trump goes to NYC next week and stays at Trump Tower, he would be just a little over a mile from the UN (as the crow flies)…

…from Google Maps

And if we look at the working schedule of the UN Security Council next week, we see that they’re in session Tuesday through Thursday…


So on any of those days that Trump is also in New York, both of Kim Jong-Un’s targets would be in close proximity to each other. But what are the odds that Trump will go to New York without stopping by the UN to thank the Security Council for its North Korean sanctions vote? Pretty low, and that’s where August 17 comes in.

It is quite predictable that Trump will attend the Secretary General’s luncheon on the 17th, and that would place him, the UN Secretary-General, and the Security Council all in one place. So all of North Korea’s greatest enemies – with whom they are technically still at war – will be gathered together for a “self-congratulatory celebration of their economic and military aggression against North Korea,” and they will be right beside the East River…

…a perfect target for one of the “missing” North Korean subs.

With all this in mind, watch the news on Monday the 14th. If the globalists intend to proceed with this scenario, they’ll stack the beginning of the week’s news cycle with breathless headlines about North Korea. They’ll want to remind us again that North Korea wants to nuke us before they arrange for it to happen. And should they pull the trigger next week, look for Trump to possibly survive for a few days after the attack. This would put Pence’s ominous swearing-in ceremony close to the Eclipse.

If you don’t understand why the globalists would want to attack their own baby (the UN), read the previous alert on this scenario. The case for it is quite compelling – it is the shortest and surest path to the “reformed” UN (NWO) they seek.

(P.S. – 9 August 2017) – Sun Tzu, Kim Jong-Un and Guam

You may have heard the reports about the supposed threat to Guam…

…from Google News

So let me share with you line 24 from Sun Tzu’s Art of War..

“Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”

Given all this talk about Guam, Hawaii and such places, where will the US be prepared for an attack?

In the Pacific.

Where will the US be unprepared and a North Korean attack be unexpected?

In the Atlantic.

For what kind of attack will the US be prepared?

For a ballistic missile launched from North Korea or a sub.

For what kind of attacks will the US be unprepared?

For a cruise missile launched from a sub or merchantman and for a sub surfacing in a shipping channel next to its target.

As I said in the previous alert about this scenario…

With all of the nuclear threats currently being made by North Korea, everyone is focused on the security of Seoul, Japan, Hawaii, and the western US. And since everyone in the US is looking west, a North Korean attack in the east would catch the whole country by surprise.

Washington was letting Pyongyang get away with its activities before Trump came along, so getting rid of Trump is the most obvious objective for the character Kim is playing in this drama. “Cutting the head off the Trump/UN snake that is strangling his country” would “demonstrate that he has both nuclear weapons and the will to use them.” And issuing a follow-up threat to destroy Seoul, Tokyo and San Francisco with both missiles and pre-positioned subs if the US counterattacks could make South Korea, Japan and the California congressional delegation move to block a US response.

Guam is the decoy; Trump and the UN are the real targets, both for Kim Jong-Un’s character of “the nuclear rogue” and for the globalist agenda.

(P.S. – 10 August 2017) – An EMP attack: Last year they were claiming ISIS would do it; this year, it’s North Korea’s turn

You may have noticed that the propaganda organs are telegraphing a potential EMP threat from North Korea. I’ll go into detail on this as soon as I can. For now, though, suffice it to say that…

> the propaganda complex (news, TV shows, movies, books, etc.) have vastly overstated the effectiveness of such an attack, and most of the effects you’d see after a “North Korean” nuclear airburst would actually be simulated through the use of government malware and computer chip kill codes that are integrated into the “smart grid” and other devices


> since the US is ostensibly trying to ruin the North Korean economy, such a faked EMP attack would be sold as North Korea’s attempt to do the same to us.

We’re planning decapitations strikes, so they’ll do it to us preemptively (as detailed in this article). And we’re strangling their economy, so they’ll do it to us in return (with an EMP attack). If you add in the symbolism of the Great American Eclipse bringing darkness across America, I guess it’s a good time for the globalists to play the EMP card.

Here is an update I wrote on this threat last year…


If you’ve spent any time surveying the alternative media, you’ll know that a great many globalist-controlled outlets and personalities have been claiming that the “Western elite” (or Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, ISIS, etc.) will be using a nuclear EMP attack to kill 90% of the population…
…From Here is an excerpt…

“The problem is, now we are finding that the terrorists are getting smarter, and Americans are growing more complacent. This could be a deadly combination. People who want to destroy America have figured out that they don’t have to wipe out the whole population, they only need to take away our basic needs, and we will kill each other.

An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is a short burst of energy that will completely fry any and all electronics. It can be brought about by exploding a nuclear device at a high altitude, or even just by a solar flare.”

Although the lofty claims of total destruction brought about by one high-altitude nuclear explosion are exceedingly unrealistic (see this EMP effects report prepared for Oak Ridge National Laboratory for details), let’s look to other, non-technical reasons why a civilization-ending blackout event won’t be happening…

REASON 1 – Such a long-term power outage doesn’t actually fit the globalist script.

Scary predictions of this sort are part of the general “fear to relief” strategy being used to bring in the multilateral / multipolar NWO:

1) Spread FEAR in the population of all the terrible things the evil Western decoy NWO will do to them.

2) Generate a climax point where all signs suggest they are carrying out their dastardly plans.

3) Have the “benevolent” BRICS NWO ride in to save the day, thus triggering great RELIEF in the population and generating appreciative support for the New World Order.

Since the globalist-assigned role of the BRICS-fronted multilateral / multipolar NWO is to “save us from total destruction at the hands of the Satanic Western elite,” a civilization-ending EMP event, whether real or faked, simply isn’t in the cards.

REASON 2 – No power means no surveillance grid.

The globalists have spent decades of time and trillions of dollars developing the ubiquitous surveillance grid which now surrounds us: the nascent “Internet of Everything”…

In order to function, this surveillance grid needs power, including power to consumer-owned electrical devices and appliances. Without electricity, their vast investment becomes useless. So a long-term power outage that lasts months or years is totally out of the question. The longer any power outage goes on, the longer people will go untracked, the more social order will break down, and the more surveillance infrastructure will be destroyed.

REASON 3 – No power means no mass media, which means they lose control of the narrative of events.

The last thing the globalists want as we transition to the New World Order is to lose control of how people are perceiving events. And the longer the power is out, the more people will talk to each other and form their own ideas about what’s really going on. In order to maintain control of the narrative of what’s transpiring, they’ll want to keep the TVs, radios, and printing presses going. This too means a long-term power outage is out of the question.

So having ruled out a long-term power outage, what about a short-term outage lasting days to weeks? What about rolling blackouts? Do the globalists have any intention of implementing such things? There are reasons to suspect they do…

REASON 1 – “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” The globalists are big into symbolism, so the idea of plunging the population into darkness right before hitting them with “the brilliant dawn of the (false) light” may be irresistible to them.

REASON 2 – It will generate additional misery and fear in the population, making them all the more grateful when the NWO turns the lights back on.

REASON 3 – Their alt-media propaganda agents are suggesting there will be such a short-term outage. For an example of this, let’s look to the writings of New Age disinfo doofus David Wilcock – who, rather than being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, I suspect is the real-world incarnation of George McFly…

This is what he says about a possible blackout in his latest missive…


At some point we lose power and internet access, at least throughout America and possibly Europe, for up to 2-3 weeks. Most people are in a blackout…

When the lights come back on, everything will have changed. The controlled media will be telling a completely different story.” – From

When he says “the controlled media will be telling a completely different story,” he is referring to the limited-hangout Truth Tsunami the globalists have been preparing for us. To understand how and why they will do it, read the “DON’T GET SWEPT AWAY BY THE COMING TRUTH TSUNAMI” section at the bottom of Understanding the NWO Strategy. Here is a preview…

“Once a crescendo of awareness and fear has been reached, that’s when the surprise will come. As if out of nowhere, military and economic forces will jump into action to bring a dead stop to the unfolding nightmare. Posing as a benevolent alliance, they will commandeer all media to broadcast in-depth exposes of all that has been going on behind the scenes in our world. The public will be both shocked and jubilant to finally hear the truth, and it will wash over them like a tsunami. Unfortunately, this limited hangout truth tsunami is intended to carry them away towards an acceptance of the real New World Order.”

Now that we’ve looked at the globalists’ objectives and concerns vis-a-vis a blackout scenario, here is what we can expect if they opt to go through with it…

> During the Summer from Hell, we may see sporadic outages in various areas that last for hours or days. These would be attributed to cyberattacks and physical infrastructure attacks by extremist groups such as ISIS, and they would be done to acclimatize the people to what’s coming.

> During the two-week Gog/Magog War in September, we could see nationwide rolling blackouts culminating in a near-total national blackout. This would likely be done in a progressive manner, with power…

going out for hours, then coming on for an hour;
going out for days, then on for a day;
then going out completely.

The reason they might do it in a progressive manner is so people will retain the hope that the power will come back on at some point. If the power went out and people thought it might never come on again, the resulting disorder could spin out of the globalists’ control, and people might start tearing down key elements of the surveillance infrastructure (tossing their cell phones, smashing the smart meters, pulling down cell towers, shooting CCTV cameras, and so on).

An additional benefit of this approach is that people will eagerly gather around their TVs, radios, and computer screens for news each time the power returns. With a war going on and power going out, people will hang on every word uttered by the newscasters, thus maintaining globalist control of the narrative. Also, people would communicate with each other using electronic means during the up times, thus allowing the surveillance apparatus to monitor how the public is responding to everything.

As for the real cause of the blackouts, it will be selective manipulation of power grid controls and smart meters by the globalist security services, but the outages will be publicly blamed on some combination of the following…

1) Nation-state-level cyberattacks conducted by China and Russia due to the ongoing Gog/Magog War (WWIII).

2) Physical sabotage of the power grids by Chinese and Russian special forces.

3) Nuclear and/or conventional EMP attacks that create damage and instability in the power grids.

So when will the power come back on, you ask? You can bet it will be on the Third Day of the “Fake Battle of Armageddon” which will directly follow the Gog/Magog War

Gog/Magog War (roughly two weeks) + Fake Battle of Armageddon (three days) = 2-3 weeks (like McFly suggested)

Since the globalists will want everyone to see the nuclear missiles rise into the sky on the Third Day, as well as watch the big magic show they will be staging in Jerusalem, that’s when the power will come back on. And how will it be restored so quickly, you ask? Some very capable “people” will see to it. If I told you who they were, you’d think I’m crazy, but I will give you a hint: after they turn the power back on, they might want to “phone home” – or so the globalists would have you believe.


I may enhance this postscript in the next day or two.

(P.S. – 10 August 2017) – China just greenlighted a North Korean first-strike

If this Reuters article is accurately translating what the Chinese government just said, they’ve essentially told North Korea this…

“Feel free to strike the US first; we won’t take any action against you if you do. And if the US and South Korea do anything in response that threatens your regime, we’ll enter the war on your side. Fire away. We’ve got your back.”

Since the Chinese have now signaled their support for a North Korean nuclear strike against the US, the predictable American response will be to consider any strike conducted by North Korea as a strike conducted by China. So China has just placed itself in a direct nuclear confrontation with the US.

(P.S. – 11 August 2017) – The globalists’ 2 WAR / 2 NUCLEAR SCARE strategy appears to be in play again

Given that the media are portraying…

> an ever-strengthening confrontation between Trump and Kim,

> a US that is “provoking” a China that’s ready to jump in to support Kim, and

> a “calm” situation in Syria where a Trump-Putin partial ceasefire is still holding

…it appears that the globalists are trying again to implement the 2 conflict / 2 nuclear scare strategy I warned about earlier this year. This is what the strategy boils down to…

1) A US conflict with North Korea and China that includes a serious nuclear scare. This will start the financial bubble popping and get the UN (or what remains of it) talking about urgent reform.

2) A harvesting of public wealth / purchasing power after the conflict, and the fall of Trump and Xi.

3) A second conflict in Syria between President Pence and Putin. This will lead to an even bigger nuclear scare, and will move the UN to stop talking and start acting on reform.

4) A countercoup by the imaginary “progressive deep state” that takes down Pence, clears out Washington D.C., and leaves Rand Paul to lead the US into the New World Order (the “new, reformed, sovereignty-respecting” UN).

If they had gone with their original timetable and started the US-China conflict in May, we would have had months between the first conflict and the second. But if they do it now, we might only have weeks. They can still do their wealth harvesting, though, through currency revaluations when they transition to the new financial system.

(P.S. – 12 August 2017) – Guam is the mid-month trigger for Trump vs. Kim

When I first saw headlines about the North Koreans targeting Guam, I thought it was just a decoy. But after reading about the North Korean plan and the Chinese greenlight, I see that Guam serves the purpose of the “provocation catalyst” that gets the whole thing going. So let’s take a moment to think about what might happen to trigger the war…

> The North Koreans have stated that their 4-missile warning strike near Guam will be ready to execute “by mid-month.” This is perfect timing to set up for the August 17 and August 22 sneak attack dates I’ve mentioned.

> The Chinese greenlight statement was carefully worded to not only give North Korea the go-ahead, but the US as well. The Chicoms implied that they won’t interfere with a US attack unless it targets the Kim regime (not its missile sites). So both Kim and Trump are emboldened to act. The Chinese effectively rang the bell to start the wrestling match between “the American Bully” and “the Nuclear Rogue”…

> If the US detects the 4 North Korean missiles being prepped for launch against Guam, Trump may give the order to destroy them on the ground. This would hand Kim the provocation he needs to launch the sneak attack.

> If the 4 missiles are allowed to launch, the US could claim that the trajectory of one or more of them indicated a landing on or too near Guam. This would provide Trump with a pretext to retaliate against the launch site, and then Kim would have his pretext also.

> If one or more of the missiles is shot down during boost phase and debris lands on Japan, a positive test for radioactivity could be used to claim it was a real nuclear attack. This too would provide pretext for Trump and then Kim.

> If one or more of the missiles lands either on Guam or within its 12-mile sea limit, we again have pretext for Trump and then Kim.

> If one or more of the missiles reaches its sea target and lights-off a nuclear explosion, we yet again have pretext.

Just remember, the North Koreans are using relatively primitive missile guidance & thruster technology and have little experience with long range ballistic strikes, so the odds of one or more of their missiles going astray and landing in the wrong spot is fairly high.

And here’s one more potentiality to consider…

When the missiles launch, US forces on Guam will have less than 18 minutes to prepare for incoming. That being so, it is likely that they would place all their Guam-based aircraft on ready alert as soon as the missile launch preparations are observed, and scramble them immediately upon a launch detection. This would put a large aircraft armada in the air, and the American commanders have likely prepared an armed Korean peninsula flyover mission for them (as a retaliatory show of force). When North Korean radar detects the incoming armada, Kim might “panic” and kick off a shooting war.

All this being said, what happens if nothing happens? What if all of Trump and Kim’s trash talk leads to an agreement rather than a war?

The globalists have arranged for Putin and China to take the credit in that event. So even if they back away from their plans, it will still be used to their advantage by helping magnify Putin’s cult of personality. The “great man of peace” will have saved the day yet again. But this would be nothing compared to when Putin brings peace to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Mark my words; it’s gonna happen. It’s all part of the script.

(P.S. – 12 August 2017) – A post-EMP race war?

It looks like they might be trying to touch off a race war before they turn out the lights with the semi-fake EMP attack…

…from the Drudge Report

It’s not hard to imagine what might happen if the lights go off in a large area for an extended period of time. All the incitable idiots and opportunistic criminals will hit the streets in packs. At the very least, the government will use this to clamp down on the right to demonstrate at a time we appear to be on the eve of war.

(P.S. – 12 August 2017) – Trump’s New York schedule

The media are reporting that Trump will arrive in New York late Sunday and will leave Wednesday. If that’s true, he’ll miss the Secretary General’s luncheon on the 17th. That narrows down the first sneak attack window to Tuesday and Wednesday (days both Trump and the UN Security Council are present).

(P.S. – 13 August 2017 – North Korea’s supposed “EMP satellites”

If you are a relatively new reader, you’re probably unfamiliar with the warning I issued before Super Bowl 50 last year. in the leadup to the game, I observed that…

1) The globalists were propagandizing the supposed development of a North Korean hydrogen bomb (just like they are now) and hyping an upcoming missile launch…

2) Hollywood had released a brand new X-Files season that told of “alien interventionists” coming to Earth after the development of the first hydrogen bomb…

“No sooner had we defeated Germany than a new threat started appearing in skies over America, drawn to Earth by the latest threat to extinction: the H-bomb. Explosions acting as transducers, drawing alien life forms through wormholes in spaceships using electro-gravitic propulsion. Advanced extraterrestrial species visiting us, concerned for mankind and the threat of our self-destruction, forestalling our annihilation through their own self-sacrifice. The crashes at Roswell. More importantly, places like Aztec.”

3) And the government released the CIA’s files on UFOs in conjunction with the premiere of the show…


At the time, I warned that the globalists might stage a scenario in which North Korea would launch a nuclear missile at the Super Bowl and “unknown parties” would intervene to stop it. It would have gotten people wondering about alien intervention in advance of the prophecy fulfillment show they had planned for last September.

As it turned out, they did indeed launch their missile at the Super Bowl, but they may have altered the trajectory of its flight and the timing of its launch so it would pass over the game site an hour after the game was over…

…from CBS News/AP

So was my warning correct and did it cause them to alter their plans, or were they actually planning to launch a satellite into orbit all along? I simply don’t know the answer to this. What I do know, though, is that the launch supposedly put a satellite in orbit that is now being touted as an EMP weapon…


This “Super Bowl satellite” – in addition to another satellite the North Koreans previously launched – is now orbiting the Earth and passing over the United States every so often. So the globalists don’t need a new North Korean missile launch to stage their semi-fake EMP attack; they can activate the “lights-out scenario” any time one of those satellites passes over the US. Whether the resulting high-altitude explosion is really nuclear or not and the damage it does is partially real or wholly simulated is another question.

In closing, don’t panic if the lights go out. It won’t take them too long to switch them back on. And watch the sky for “unknown parties.” The Rockefellers funded the “Disclosure Movement” and the propagandists are touting the imminent discovery of “Planet 9″ for a reason.

(P.S. – 14 August 2017) – Mr. Trump goes to Washington

The media are reporting that Trump is returning to Washington today. So is he deliberately trying to stay away from New York during the first strike window, or will they have him return there later in the week (perhaps on Thursday for the Secretary-General’s luncheon)?

If he’s smart, he’ll stay in Washington in the bunker beneath the White House (citing the ongoing renovation as an excuse), and he’ll have them stretch out the renovation until after the 23rd.

P.P.S. – Then again, they could suicide him if he stays in the bunker. Afterwards, they’d say that “he felt the world closing in on him” after his comments on Charlottesville were misinterpreted and condemned, and “like Hitler, he retreated to the perceived safety of an underground bunker and chose to end a presidency that had become a living nightmare.” I guess there are no good choices when your masters write you out of the script.

(P.S. – 14 August 2017) – Where did news about North Korea go?

Earlier in this entry, I talked about how they’d start the weekly news cycle before an attack with breathless headlines about North Korea. So look at how the Drudge Report is starting the week (race war news is highlighted in yellow; North Korea news is highlighted in red)…

Do you see how far down the page the North Korea news has fallen? Does this – along with Trump aborting his plans in NYC – mean they’re backing off of their attack plans for now?

Time will tell, but keep your eyes on the news between now and the Eclipse…

> If they keep leading with racial stuff and other assorted nonsense, the attack probably won’t happen right now.

> If the news at some point suddenly starts leading with North Korea stuff again, an attack is imminent. They’ll want to refocus our attention on North Korea before the fireworks (so we’ll remember who’s to blame), but they won’t want us to forget about the race stuff before the lights go out (to ensure the idiots on both sides take to the streets). This means the refocus would be very quick, then “boom.”

(P.S. – 15 August 2017) – One strike window down, two to go

Well, it looks like we’ve won the Battle of the First Strike Window (August 15-17)…

Trump retreated from New York, the media retreated from North Korea scaremongering, and the chubster-in-chief, Kim Jong-Un, retreated from the Guam attack. We got them queers on the run!!! (to borrow a saying from a movie)

We shouldn’t let it go to our heads, though; the second strike window (August 21-23) is less than a week away. Some new provocation could pop up by Sunday and you’d see next week’s news cycle lead with North Korea. And if you see North Korea headlining the news next Monday, the day of the Eclipse, it would be prudent to take a drive out of Washington D.C. and New York City and stay gone through at least the 23rd. Go to the Hamptons and sail your yacht or go to Newark and sail your dinghy, whichever is attainable for you.

Should we get through next week safely, the third strike window will be late September – early October when Congress is grappling with the budget / debt ceiling. If you want to take down the US, helping trigger a debt default would do the trick nicely. And come to think of it, an unexpected nuke strike on Washington while Congress is in town would be a good way for the globalists to “drain the swamp” of federal officialdom. It would save them all the trouble of mass-arresting them for pedophilia / corruption / racketeering / treason, and it would keep their mouths shut (because the bodies to which those mouths are attached would be dead). Look for Mike Pence, Rand Paul, and Elizabeth Warren to survive any such strike; they have roles to play in what happens afterwards.

I’ll go into more detail about the third strike window as we approach it.

P.P.S. – A reader has pointed out that there is a joint US-South Korea military exercise scheduled to begin on the day of the Eclipse, so there is a built-in provocation going into the second strike window. Let’s see if they cancel it.

(P.S. – 16 August 2017) – Why next Monday is a high-risk day for a “North Korean” EMP strike

I’ve been looking through the orbital tracks of the two supposed North Korean “EMP satellites,” and I found that KMS-4, the object that was shot over the Super Bowl site last year, makes a high-risk pass over the Washington, DC to New York corridor at about 9:06 PM, August 21 (the day of the Eclipse)…


It makes no other dangerous passes during the August 21 – August 23 strike window I’ve talked about…


If you look at the number I’ve highlighted in the column labeled “El,” it tells you the elevation of the satellite’s overflight. An elevation of near 0 degrees would mean that the satellite would appear barely above the distant horizon, which means it’s passing a long way away from your location; an elevation of 90 degrees would mean that it’s passing directly overhead, and is therefore close to you. So when you’re talking in terms of an EMP satellite overflight, the closer the elevation gets to 90, the more dangerous it is for your city.

Should the globalists use this overflight to trigger an EMP event, it would mean that “God turned out the light over America Monday morning, and Kim Jong-Un turned out the light that night.” And provocateurs would be sent out to get the social disorder started. We would see martial law in the American Northeast.

During my search, I also found a track that suggests KMS 3-2 – another North Korean “satellite” that was shot into orbit on 12/12/2012 – would make a dangerous pass over Chicago at about 7:05 PM that same day…

…from But there are discrepancies with the data on that satellite, so the projected track may be inaccurate. The data on KMS-4 had no such discrepancy. I’ll just have to watch the live track that day to see where KMS 3-2 goes.

As for why Chicago might be targeted, can you think of any American city that is more likely to erupt in chaos when the lights go out? Of course, if they EMP Chicago and then EMP the Northeast a couple of hours later, everyone would wonder why the military didn’t take out the second satellite before it struck. Such a controversy could be used to the globalist’ advantage, though, by claiming that the “neocon-neolib deep state” blocked any action. It would be used against them in the “American Nuremberg” show trials that would occur after the “progressive deep state’s” counter-coup “restores Constitutional order.”

All this being said, I’m not saying an EMP attack is likely; I’m just saying that if they want to play that card, Monday would be an opportune time to do so.

P.P.S. – Yikes! They’re bringing back Pence early to go to Camp David and meet with Trump about North Korea. I can just hear the public narrative now…

“Trump will risk going to war with North Korea to distract the public’s attention from his comments on Charlottesville and the disbanding of his business councils.”

The globalists are portraying to the public a situation in which Trump gets viciously attacked for anything and everything he does and doesn’t do – with one exception: when he takes aggressive military action like he did in Syria. So to get the press off his back and on his side, the narrative will say, Trump will give them what they want.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

(P.S. – 17 August 2017) – Another reason why they might pop off a nuke or two during this North Korea drama

It just occurred to me that the second nuclear scare the globalists have planned – the one that threatens a world-ending mass nuclear exchange between the US and Russia – will be a helluva lot scarier to the public if a nuke or two goes off during this first nuclear scare with North Korea. It will make the threat so much more real to people. And a nuke or two going off due to Trump’s provoking of North Korea will do him in politically (if not physically) and bring in Pence to set up the second scare.

Source Article from

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