ALERT!!!: New virus that may be planting child porn to set up people as pedophiles

Author: Ben. Franklin

Subject: False Flag

Notice: There are ways of combating this type virus and other horrible viruses but is not 100% bulletproof, none of these methods are the silver bullet but it is better then having no protection from these set ups and technological witch hunts. You are recommended to use ESET and McAfee and any other anti-virus that covers the emule type sharing viruses.

A new virus has been spotted that seems to be planting and distributing suspected child pornography files and is likely being used by the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force to conduct raids, searches and seizures, all data taken including irreplaceable family photos and videos, police threatening to harm family if the person of interest doesn’t fess up, and then last but not least then go before the grand jury then have the person indicted then successfully convicted as a child exploiting sex offender for life or as prosecutors would love to call them, child sex offenders even though every person just caught with only images are either virgins or never harmed a child themselves or even not have a desire to but nevertheless have a few of these so called images and likely the computer virus along with it but forensics only confirms the images are on the computer and when the images were viewed then railroad the suspects to prison.

Because of how grave the situation is, somebody whom is already under police criminal investigation is the source of the intel and won’t allow me to reveal his name for personal reasons. He has been telling me that he got into a operation where he was exposing political corruption then had the virus planted without his authorization while the police were harassing and surveilling him. Then a month later the police showed up at this guys house with a state sanctioned search warrant telling him that he was under investigation and that they are searching the premises for the suspicion of distributing and possession of child pornography. They took everything, his family threatened, and was forced to confess to wanting to harm little children out of a sense to protect his family from harm by the police. Of course that was a lie as he never was around any children and has all the alibis proving he was innocent but confessed to the crime even though innocent because the police threatened his family and questioned over political investigations and articles he was writing for a major news outlet, and I’ll just leave it at that. He told the police since day one about the virus, as he conducted more of an investigation he remembered that the virus had three rogue programs, Ares.exe, Shareaza.exe, and emule.exe. While opening the file location using the Windows Vista or 7 Task Manager, the directories looked like regular emule sharing directories and went inside Incoming, and saw hundreds to thousands of child porn files were planted in that directory which he freaked out then deleted then tried whatever he could to disable the program but there were enough security holes to get control of his computer, then of course how convenient the ICAC shows up at his front door. That was when he decided to talk to a few other individuals he believed was either targeted or shut down their sites out of chilling effects and fear. When former alternative media reporter got word of this, remnants of that organization decided to release reports on the virus which they call the ‘emule virus’ as emule was mainly what the police accusing this source of using to share the material, and so they released reports and conducted a large investigation until they finally received the variant and codeword of the virus according to ESET and also claimed to found the same virus variant from McAFee virus reporting site.

According to ESET the virus has been classified as the Win32/MoliVampire.A, the file is what many suspected as a trojan, size 10067968 B, and reveals a lot of details of this virus. McAfee also details the virus but has a different codename and has a different file size so these viruses are all different in variants and threat level. The variant that shares child porn could likely have been created by the government to make the war on child porn look really effective as it is not effective unless many people are convicted of child porn whether they be pedos or not, even with false convictions on set up politicians and activists but that is just speculation and is not a certifiable fact as of yet since nobody really investigates into this since anyone who talks about child porn and is not in favor of dirty and underhanded tactics are usually labeled bad guys or pedo supporters just for questioning the narrative by government people.

So whom would benefit off of sharing child porn and downloading it to set people up? Corrupt government elements as a greater moral crises on the Internet will lead to more controls, bans and restrictions on P2P as Cary Sherman (RIAA President whom bragged about child porn on P2P) would have dreamed of, corrupt police that need to fill their quotas, the private prison contractors that need a guaranteed occupancy and have no other way to convict people so they switch to setting people up with child porn, and politicians that need to kill their enemies characters so that they can get rid of them physically.

Alberto Gonzales the former US Attorney General, before Eric Holder, would benefit off of the child porn crises as he begged for mandatory data retention type laws where all internet activities, emails, and other sensitive data would be logged then retained for months and that the police can have access to this personal data history without a warrant and would allow the RIAA and MPAA to sue people at will using mandatory data retention as the opportunity to know who exactly shared copyrighted material using discovery motions at all court junctions. Cary Sherman or future presidents of the RIAA would benefit off of the child porn crises as they can use that in their case for the witch hunt against file-sharers and converting them all into possible child sex offenders to burn at the stake with prejudice. There are wide variety

So anyone whom receives this virus or variants of Trojans similar to this virus, is at risk of being accused of distributing and possessing child pornography then having the computers and family photos, videos, and other personal data taken away forever. Then will likely end up years in federal or state prison then receives a lifetime sex offender record, isn’t that just great!!!!!

Also other organizations other then the ICAC are also engaging in dirty undercover operations to set up autistic people and techno geeks with child porn charges with very little chance of getting out of them and that is if your lucky and have enough evidence to overturn the prosecution arguments and forensics investigative reports. The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) investigative arm, also known as the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), that conducted Operation Flicker that was mainly for undercover child porn investigations, caught over 5,000 employees working for the Pentagon and Department of Defense (DOD) purchasing and downloading child pornography but were never fully investigated and were never prosecuted, is in the process of investigating and prosecuting a 17-year-old autistic youth for downloading child pornography when the only things he was downloading was music files from the Limewire P2P file sharing network.

His name is Andrew Rose, Facebook has a support group which allows people to talk about the injustices of these child porn stings since there are very dirty and underhanded methods being used to net these suspects. This article will fully explain why Andrew’s predicament is unnecessary and why his defense is credible.

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The dirty tactic that was used is the worst thing the government could have ever done and does nothing to catch child predators, and should immediately receive a inquiry by Congress and the state governments that are cooperative in these operations. The dirty tactic was that child porn was embedded in a normal everyday mp3 music file, likely within the MP3 tag which every mp3 file has or a non-encrypted stenography software appended child porn to the music file to where the file was on the computer but was attached to the music file. These are the only two technologically feasible methods that were likely used that this article can and will reveal, however if there are any vulnerabilities then that could also be another method of choice if it exists.

MP3 Tag method

example music file playing

Every music file contains a tag identification system also called a MP3 tag and in other music formats there is likely something similar. Every MP3 file allows you to customize the album art, edit the track info, and allow you to add comments. Advanced MP3 tag software will allow you to attach photos to be embedded into the tag of the music file.


If ICE wanted to set people up as possible child molesters for their pre-crime style program where your not guilty because you hurt a child, your guilty for possibly having images and that you may hurt a child future, not because your planning to commit a felony, not because you did, but because you may, then all ICE has to do is add a child porn image to the MP3 tag of the music file then use modified law enforcement versions of emule, Limewire, and other P2P clients that is bugged with logging software and other identifier systems to share the bugged child porn embedded music files, then as any music file sharer and downloader likes collecting music files to listen to will download the file or files and then receive a visit from ICE or the ICAC task force then their families threatened by police or even detectives to put a person under so much anxiety and fear that they will undoubtedly confess even though the person is not guilty.

All it takes ti be arrested and convicted as a child sex offender is downloading music files, yes downloading music files. If you don’t believe this is technologically possible then just view the screenshot of freeware software products such as MP3Tag which makes planting child porn files as easy as 123. Then all the police have to do is share hundreds to thousands of pirated music files with child embedded in them, then they can make the war on child porn look really effective with all the pedophile patsies, and people being set up, we can at last finally fight crime by putting innocent people in prison. The fact that Congress has not investigated the ICAC and ICE for planting child porn and embedding it in normal music files and other kinds of files is beyond me. As long as the children are being protected, why should we care if Andrew Rose goes to prison and gets beat up on by other inmates, why should we care if innocent people are thrown into prison as a sex offender, why should we care about dirty corrupt methods the government uses to catch criminals and predators. Let’s just put teenagers in prison, let’s just put every music downloader in prison and call them pedophiles because that is the new AmeriKa and the USSA (United Soviet States of America).

Stenography methods

There are certain stenography programs that only attach files or embed files within files unencrypted. That way since there are Content ID type systems where files are scanned to find any illicit material, since child porn can be attached to one file, these systems would flag and detect it then monitor all whom download and share it or the government does this then are the sharing perpetrators and can get away with it by claiming it was a “Undercover Operation” and that is why agents shouldn’t be held accountable for planting child porn in ordinary everyday files shared on P2P. Just like how cops can freely murder, rape, and commit other crimes and get off easy or without any punishment due to the police Bill of Rights where cops are held accountable differently then average ordinary commoners where the book is constantly thrown at them and are subject to jail-guard abuse.

This article reveals the truth, that government can commit crimes and set people up and get away with it unless people stand up and say no to it then maybe the ICAC and ICE can finally be held accountable for their dirty corrupt undercover operations.

So what



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