
By Ron McVan

Albion, the legendary Celtic King of Britain, was a great Titan who once ruled Atlantis before it was overwhelmed by a deluge, leaving only fragments – The British Isles. Moreover, Albion was a symbol of a purer humanity, just as Atlantis was paradise – which would rise again in America.” (The quest For Atlantis) John S. Bowman

As the ancient mysteries explain it, Poseidon, was a derivative name of Potei-Don which means “Lord of the Water”. In earlier times he was known as the “Earth Shaker Potei-Don” and was the all high Titan God of Atlantis. He sired three Titan sons, Atlas, Iberius, and Albion. Atlas became supreme ruler of Atlantis, Iberius, the supreme ruler of the lands of Eire (Ireland) and Albion who ruled the lands of what would later become Britain. With the sinking of Atlantis, Atlas likewise became the subject of myth. As English historical legend proclaims, the land of Albion remained inhabited by the ancient race of giants. The giants ruled most all of Albion in those days which might explain why the Isle did not develop culturally to the degree of Atlantis and remained megalithic. The giants were born of the earth, and they were horrible in aspect and fearful in strength, not easily overcome by the race of man. Being of semi divine origin from their Titan god forebears, they still possessed some of those mystic powers capable of summoning darkness about them or could blight the standing corn, sour the milk and shrivel the fruit.

The younger son of Anthenor of Troy, Brutus, engaged in battle with the giant Albion, accompanied by a party of Trojan exiles under the leadership of a champion fighter called Corineus. Brutus landed at what is now the part of South Hampton. Hearing of the invasion, Albion raised a power of fellow giants and encountered Brutus. A bloody battle was fought wherein the Trojans were worsted and many of them slain, and their army forced to retire. The eldest of the giants, Gogmagog hated the army of Brutus and most especially Corineus. The warriors of Corineus were eager to do away with Gogmagog and have their revenge but Corineus prevented them and said: “Bad luck on the man who takes his death from me!”

Brutus did not give up easily. During the night a long deep trench was dug and lines of sharp stakes were driven into its floor. The giants were then challenged to a second battle. This time the Trojans emerged victorious and the remaining giants fled to Cornwall, hotly pursued by Brutus’s men. At this point Brutus decided it would be a wise idea to divide the island of Albion in two as this would facilitate control of the race of giants, keeping the remainder under his own rule.

In a subsequent bloody battle, Albion was slain by Brutus while his brother Gogmagog, the mightiest of the remaining giants in Britain, was later to be killed by the warrior Corineus in a wrestling match to the death, whereupon Corineus would ultimately hurl the giant over a cliff. This cliff was henceforth known as Lan-Goemagog or the giant’s leap. The name Alba is a Celtic derivative of Albion from which Scotland takes her name Albany. Corineus could in no way match the raw brute strength of the giant Gogmagog. It was only when Gogmagog boasted that Corineus was no earthly match for him as they battled together, that Corineus had awaken to the idea of how to win the fight. He thought to himself, “I may not be able to defeat Gogmagog on earth but I know someone who can defeat him.” At that very moment he lifted Gogmagog into the air just high enough to run his body to the edge of a cliff and throwing him down into the sea the giant met his certain death. Corineus knew that no one on earth is stronger than the sea. Corineus having destroyed Gogmagog proved that one does not have to be a giant to conquer a giant. Man may be small but he does possess a very clever mind. If brains were not stronger than brawn the vicious animals of the earth would have made short work of mankind long ago.

Man is frail but his Being is vast and his thought most powerful. Western thinking from the time of Plato became anthropocentric—-man was the focus. All things in the actual world, according to Plato, are formed or shaped by the ideals of the ideal world, thus limiting Being. The Socratic Greek philosopher Anaximander, which—-in loose translation, compiled from many sources—-reads: “Apeiron (Being or The Unlimited) is the coming forth and arriving at the condition of being non-concealed….and it is that into which they return when they perish…” In other words, Being is that which comes forth and is non-concealed and then leaves and passes again into the concealed state. Being comes to presence in our world as individual beings, and these individual beings go back into fullness of Being (death), but this does not mean that we can understand Being itself. Being is the constant coming into openness, the constant breaking into the world….That which enables everything to appear; itself appears merely as that which constantly remains in concealment.”

The final blow to the thinking on Being came with the rise of Christianity and its “attempt to murder the gods”. Which is the point where Aryan man began to lose his oneness with Nature. ‘All Being’ was locked into ‘One Being’ called God, and all access to this Being was through the Church alone. And Being, just like the Druids and Nature spirits of old Albion, retreated, hid, and became increasingly inaccessible. The beautiful illuminating magical fascination of mystic life had all but died.

The serpent temple, which is Albion, is an image of the human form: with the head, once open to Eternity, now closed against it.’barr’d and petrified against the infinite’. And now—-confusion upon confusion—-the head is where the feet should be. The Man is upside down. Reason and the Law have usurped the throne of Spirit.” In the midst of this human temple is the Stone of Night. It is the tables of the stony Law, the record of the fatal moment when ‘the fiery joy was perverted into ten commands’ and the reign of darkness began. It is the vast rock ‘perceived by those senses that are closed from thought’, on which ‘aged Ignorance preaches, canting’. Albion’s Angel takes his refuge there. He sees Urizen upon the Atlantic unfolding his brazen book. They are, in essence, the same maleficent power.” ~ William Blake

Behind the prophetic works of the visionary artist and poet, William Blake, “Albion”, stands not only for the Isle of Britain, (long known for its white cliffs) but for perfection of humanity itself. That awesome age of Titans when ancient man contained in his mighty limbs all things in Heaven and Earth; The Children of Albion, he explains in his Descriptive Catalogue, were once archetypal figures of the ‘Golden Age’. Chained within the hills and valleys of his native realm, the great spirit, Albion, lay powerless in fetters of iron mortality, his form obscured by the encroaching fog of a gray enchantment, his kingdom usurped by a host of petty tyrants. With the giants now gone, Brutus was then left to himself to build a city on the Thames, greatest of the rivers, and he called the city “New Troy”, that is Trinovantum: but afterwards it was called London, and there the Crown of the Island is worn. From that time to the present day the name of Albion, not unlike Atlantis, remained little more than a far off distant memory from those misty ancient days of yore. Brutus dubbed the Island with a name which was a derivative of his own name, Britain; and the Trojans after that time would forever refer to themselves as Britons.

Titan! To whose immortal eyes, The sufferings of mortality, Seen in their sad reality, Were not as things that gods despise; What was thy pity’s recompense? A silent suffering, and intense; The rock, the vulture, and the chain; All that the proud can feel of pain; The agony they do not show; The suffocating sense of woe. Thy godlike crime was to be kind; To render with thy precepts less, The sum of human wretchedness, And strengthen man with his own mind. And, baffled as thou wert from high, Still, in thy patient energy, In the endurance and repulse, Of thine impenetrable spirit, Which earth and heaven could not convulse, A mighty lesson we inherit.” ~ Lord Byron

“The human giants, if so they may be called,” stated Thomas Bulfinch in his book “The Age of Fable”, “such as the Cyclops, Anteaus, Orion, and others, must be supposed not to be altogether disproportioned to human beings, for they mingled in love and strife with them. But the super-human giants, who warred with the gods, were of vastly larger dimensions. Tityus, we are told, when stretched on the plain, covered nine acres, and Enceladus required the whole of Mount Aetna to be laid upon him to keep him down.” The age of the Titan god Cronos is called the Age of Gold, when the earth provided food without the need for labor, and murder was unknown to humankind who lived in peaceful harmony. As soon as Cronos was cast down from his throne by his son, the Age of Silver began, and the seasons came into being. Then came the Age of Bronze, an age of war, and finally the Age of Iron, an age of toil and injustice, crime and punishment. This is the age which all of humankind is still suffering through. The giant races were not always hostile to mankind and would often help them and sympathize with man knowing that man too was an outcast of the heavens much like themselves.

All things Begin & End in Albion’s Ancient Druid Rocky Shore; and the sons and daughters of Albion walk beneath a vast trilithon, twenty times taller than the trees round its base, or measure out a lintelled temple that twists a snake’s tail out across the plain. ”
(From the Emanation of the Giant Albion) ~ William Blake

The name Albion literally means White. The Latin word for White is ‘Albus’, which, in a modified form, was given to the snow-covered Alps. The Celtic Goddess Brigit, whose name translates to “The Shining one”, was always associated with the color White which is why she was also known to be called Alba (the white one). While Albion became the archaic name for England, in the Celtic languages the name Alba now refers to Scotland. “The Nature of my Work; wrote William Blake is visionary or Imaginative; it is an endeavor to restore what the Ancients called The Golden Age: And that is the endeavor of some alternative archaeologists. The aim is to awaken charismatic Albion from its enchantment.”

Ask the blind worm the secrets of the grave, and why her spires, love to curl round the bones of death; and ask the ravenous snake, Where she gets poison, the wing’d eagle why he loves the sun, And then tell me the thoughts of man, that have been hid of old.” ~ William Blake

Times have greatly changed since the days of William Blake but as Albion was a distant semi divine forebear of our own Aryan people we too must awaken from the enchantment that speeds us towards our own self destruction. We must learn from the lessons of Atlantis and all previous Aryan empires or just as surely we too shall perish. Gods, Titans, Immortals of legend, all correspond to the process of man’s internal life. The outward visible signs of inner spiritual realities. All is strife and turmoil. It is the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressor. The divine archetypes fire our imagination; they become a means to our salvation and ignite the noble will of the heroic. Will is the anvil that shapes the iron of circumstance; it is the life, the impulsion that creates a world and destroys it when its purpose has been served. Honor your Gods and they will not fail you and will lift you beyond your mortality. Know the Divinity which is within you that you may know the All High Creator, the Unmovable Mover of which your soul is a single but a very essential ray.

When a land rejects her legends, See’s but falsehoods in the past; And its people view their sires In the light of fools and liars, Ti’s a sign of its decline And its glories cannot last, Branches that but blight their roots Yield no sap for lasting fruits.” (Poet unknown) R.C.G.

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