Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
July 26, 2012
The man-made climate change alarmists would have us believe that while CO2 is plant food it has been shown in experimental studies that plants are not responding to CO2 fertilization. In a new paper produced by Steven Higgins, lead author from the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre and Goethe – University, maintains that even though plants use CO2 to live, and turn it into O2 which animals use to live, global warming computer models tell a different tale.
The tropical forests along the Amazon jungle, which are the “lungs of the planet”, are competing with grasslands for CO2. In the Savannahs, according to experimental computer models, there is a battle taking place.
Higgins explains: “However, most of these studies were conducted in northern ecosystems or on commercially important species. In fact, only one experimental study has investigated how savanna plants will respond to changing CO2 concentrations and this study showed that savanna trees were essentially CO2-starved under pre-industrial CO2 concentrations, and that their growth really starts taking off at the CO2 concentrations we are currently experiencing.“
Trees growing in the Savannah are fighting for CO2 from the atmosphere. As fossil fuels are burned up, the CO2 is released into the air, which is good for the trees, bad for the grass.
And even worse, as we cut down trees in these flourishing forests, all those CO2 is released into the atmosphere and becomes a threat to the biosphere.
One way the globalists want to deal with CO2 is hydraulic fracturing , or fracking.
In a propaganda report, the National Research Council admits that while fracking causes earthquakes, it is still a “low risk” way of sequestering CO2 underground. They blame carbon capture for “inducing seismic events”, although there is insufficient scientific data to make such a claim.
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), working with the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWF) endorse fracking as a safe low-impact environmentally friendly way of dealing with CO2.
The IPCC is responsible for the use of fracking as a pollution control to move away from coal-based electrical power. Fracking, a scheme concocted by the UN’s IPCC as their replacement of coal usage and reduction of CO2 that is causing undeniable environmental damage, cancer risks to public health and detrimental seismic activity.
The myth of man-made CO2 as a direct cause of climate change was purveyed by Professor Michael Mann, who is now hiding behind the globalist academia front Penn State University. Mann’s hockey stick graph was a complete fabrication designed to further the UN movement toward blaming the effects on our biosphere on man to move the world’s population into a global carbon taxing scheme.
Just last month Fritz Fritz Vahrenholt, a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg since 2009, spoke at the 3rd Global Warming Policy Foundation Annual Lecture at the Royal Society in London where he voiced that there was an obvious lack of scientific data to support the IPCC’s assertions.
Vahrenholt states that: “Real, hard data from ice cores, dripstones, tree rings and ocean or lake sediment cores reveal significant temperature changes of more than 1°C, with warm and cold phases alternating in a 1,000-year cycle. These include the Minoan Warm Period 3,000 years ago and the Roman Warm Period 2,000 years ago. During the Medieval Warm Phase around 1,000 years ago, Greenland was colonized and grapes for wine grew in England. The Little Ice Age lasted from the 15th to the 19th century. All these fluctuations occurred before man-made CO2.”
The late Gerard Bond, marine geologist and professor from Columbia University, analyzed climate reconstructions of the North American deep-sea sediment cores, found that “the millennial-scale climate cycles ran largely parallel to solar cycles, including the Eddy Cycle which is – guess what – 1,000 years long.”
Bond surmised through decades of research that variations in solar activity – the appearance of sunspots and changes in the emission of solar radiation – were directly causing palatable effects on the Earth’s global temperature. The heating and cooling of the Earth coincided with the activity of the sun.
The sun determines the Earth’s temperature, as proven from real-world observations over the past 10,000 years. With the introduction of man-made carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere beginning in the 1850’s, the CO2 level has only risen 11 percent; which is nearly negligible.
Empirical data has shown that pre-industrial carbon emissions were dependent on solar activity. This global warming was estimated by scientists as 1 degree Celsius. As far as the IPCC is concerned, this statistic could, and has, been manipulated to justify their agenda. However the account of the solar magnetic fields doubling over the last 100 years was completely ignored because it disavowed their scheme to blame carbon dioxide levels on human influences.
Solar activity, CO2 levels and Earth’s surface temperature are interlaced factors defining climate parameters. As modern man has been using fossil fuels which disburse carbon dioxide, it made perfect sense for the IPCC to turn this obvious fact into an attack on man through fear-mongering and propaganda while suppressing natural processes.
The infamous computer models used by the IPCC to justify their claims that CO2 levels are a direct causation of anthropogenic impact and regard solar influence as negligible. The IPCC inserts an “unknown amplifying mechanism” to explain away observed solar activity and its effect on the Earth’s overall temperature.
CO2 is not the concern of the global Elite through their various environmental fronts, like the IPCC or the numerous propaganda studies they publish. However, the myth of man-made carbon release has become such a big seller that they are continuing to run with it. Alarmists are scaring the public, while globalists call for worldwide carbon taxing to keep the CO2 at bay.
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