Al Qaeda blamed for double suicide car bombs that kill 40 and injure 100 more in Syrian capital security site attacks

  • Blasts are first in capital since start of uprising against Assad in March

Lee Moran

Last updated at 12:36 AM on 24th December 2011

Suicide bombers killed 40 people and wounded more than 100 yesterday in twin blasts that ripped through an upmarket and heavily guarded district of the Syrian capital Damascus.

One explosion gouged a 6ft deep crater into the ground.

The blasts came a day after an advance team of Arab League observers arrived in the country to monitor Syria’s promise to end its crackdown on protesters demanding the overthrow of President Bashar Assad.

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Carnage: Footage from Syrian state shows a dead body being carried away from the site of a suicide attack outside a security service base in Damascus

Carnage: Footage from Syrian state shows a dead body being carried away from the site of a suicide attack outside a security service base in Damascus

Rocked: Syrian security services inspect the entrance of an intelligence agency building targeted by a suicide attack in Damascus

Rocked: Syrian security services inspect the entrance of an intelligence agency building targeted by a suicide attack in Damascus

The United Nations said the uprising had left 5,000 dead and thousands more detained.

The Syrian authorities immediately pointed the finger at possible Al Qaeda involvement.

Within hours, government officials
took the observers to the scene of the explosions outside intelligence
service buildings in the upscale Kfar Sousa district.

Mutilated and torn
bodies still lay amid rubble, twisted debris and burned cars.

Shell: The wreckage of a car believed to have been used in a suicide attack in Damascus

Shell: The wreckage of a car believed to have been used in a suicide attack in Damascus

Blown apart: Syrian state TV shows citizens searching through the rubble at the site of a suicide attack in Damascus

Blown apart: Syrian state TV shows citizens searching through the rubble at the site of a suicide attack in Damascus

The officials said the outrage backed
their long-time claims that the turmoil is not a popular uprising but
the work of terrorists. A Syrian foreign ministry spokesman said Lebanon
had warned it two days ago that an Al Qaeda cell had entered Syria from
its territory.

But an opposition leader raised doubts
over the authorities’ version of the events, suggesting the regime was
pitching its case to the observers.

Omar Idilbi of the Syrian National
Council, an umbrella group of regime opponents, called the explosions
‘very mysterious because they happened in heavily guarded areas that are
difficult to be penetrated by a car’.

Bloody: A dead body is carried away from the site of a suicide attack in Damascus

Bloody: A dead body is carried away from the site of a suicide attack in Damascus

He said: ‘The presence of the
observers pushed the regime to give this story in order to scare the
committee from moving around Syria.’ He stopped short of blaming the
regime for the blasts.

David Hartwell, Middle East analyst at
IHS Jane’s in London, said the timing of the bombs ‘is certain to be
viewed with suspicion by the opposition’.

The Syrian government escalated its
crackdown on protesters ahead of the Arab League observers’ arrival on
Thursday. More than 200 were killed in two days this week.

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Could be double, triple or quadruple bluff. You can never tell in the ME. Look at who benefits, sure, but then look at who benefits when the world is considering who benefits.

Someone is trying very hard to destabilise Syria – the old Al Qaeda blame game is now a bit discredited when we see how they are convieniently used in many places as the bogey man and we know they are just not that good. This sort of thing has to be state sponsored – the question is which state?

Call me cynical but hasnt this attack come at the right time for Assad?

Yes thats right State TV controlled by the state controlled by the western governments and another reason to fight the so-called Al-quaeda network in another country. People, Y don’t you take the time out and look into religion and U will find that there is a “coming” not 2 far off and this is what the west R preparing for. They have been preparing for this “coming” for many many years. FREEMASON/BUILDERBERG SOCIETY. heres a tip 4 U folks that don’t believe. Check out, on the tinterweb, THE ARRIVALS VIDEO. This should put U straight. Happy Viewing Folks or r u afraid of the truth.
– UseUrHed, Manchester, UK, 23/12/2011 13:41—————————– Oh no! Not another ‘coming’! PHEW, thanks for so generously taking your valuable time to issue us all with the warning! Tell me, how did you find the time for us unaware ones in between reading the runes, scoping the ides of March, tesselating the time-capsules? As the wise person once said, “The clear fool is foolishly clear!”

this is absolutely the work of state. i hope you all remember how Gaddafi also blamed alqaeda. its a total lie its the work syrian regime.

Yes thats right State TV controlled by the state controlled by the western governments and another reason to fight the so-called Al-quaeda network in another country. People, Y don’t you take the time out and look into religion and U will find that there is a “coming” not 2 far off and this is what the west R preparing for. They have been preparing for this “coming” for many many years. FREEMASON/BUILDERBERG SOCIETY. heres a tip 4 U folks that don’t believe. Check out, on the tinterweb, THE ARRIVALS VIDEO. This should put U straight.
Happy Viewing Folks or r u afraid of the truth.

ZAK…obviously an supporter!! Get your facts right! Al Qaeda blamed within half an hour??? No service/military personnel killed in a very high security facility???? Yet another try by the dictators to engineer explosions and blame others!!

Typical denial in that culture. It wasn’t Al Qaida. It was Iraqi’s. They are too embarrassed to admit it. At least they didn’t blame the Mossad or the CIA.

Everyone in truth knows that it’s Al Qaeda and associated Salafist Islamist terrorist gangs behind the current violence in Syria which has the aim of overthrowing the current secular government of President Assad through violence and terror. They have the full support of some powerful Western countries in doing so. However, NATO and many elements of the Western press insist on describing the Islamist terrorists as “peaceful protestors” and as being “un-armed.” I wonder how NATO will try to spin the latest atrocity by their Al Qaeda allies.

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