Agenda 21… Taxpayer-Funded Gun Control?



Gun rights advocates recently discovered that the gun control group
Mayors Against Illegal Guns has burrowed its “gun violence prevention
coordinators” (read “anti-gun lobbyists”) into city payrolls from
Augusta, Maine to Seattle, Washington, at taxpayer expense.

MAIG is the brainchild of New York City’s zealous anti-gun
billionaire mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who formed the group at a 2006
gun control summit held in Gracie Mansion and co-hosted by Boston Mayor
Thomas Menino.

MAIG touts an agenda of “commonsense reforms” that gun
rights advocates see as being somewhere on the far side of repealing
the Second Amendment.

With a membership that started at 15 and now approaches 600 mayors,
MAIG’s agenda has expanded from tracking “illegal” guns used in crimes
to promoting outright gun bans in Congress. But the tactic of slipping
anti-gun operatives into municipal governments looks like something

Florida blogger Sean Caranna stumbled upon these gun control
termites about a month ago while researching another project. The
Orlando city council’s website showed a contract renewal notice for a
city employee with the job title, “Mayors Against Illegal Guns regional

Caranna was stunned by the job description: to “play an integral
role in the coordination and planning of gun crime prevention and
illegal gun-related initiatives, events and media opportunities in the
city and in the region.”

In the real world, that meant holding
city-sponsored meetings to recruit anti-gun constituencies to undermine
Second Amendment rights. Their slogans blared “gun crime” and “gun
violence,” misdirecting attention away from the real problem of gang

Orlando taxpayers footed $24,000 of the job’s $60,000 annual salary,
prompting Caranna to look further. He turned up about a dozen other
cities with a similar position and a similar burden on the city’s
general fund — including Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Seattle.

Caranna called blogger Dave Workman in Seattle, who jumped on the
story and found himself wondering about Orlando’s $24,000 payment
toward the salary’s $60K total — where did the other $36,000 come from?

He contacted Thomas L. Taylor with the City of Seattle’s budget
office, who confirmed that a now-discontinued position for a ‘gun
violence prevention coordinator’ in the Office of Intergovernmental
Relations had been “largely funded” by MAIG.

Workman found two grants for the position totaling $75,000, but the
money was actually funneled through something called the United Against
Illegal Guns Support Fund. Its president in 2010, when the grants were
disbursed, was John Feinblatt, a close adviser to Mayor Bloomberg.

Where did UAIGSF get its money? The Foundation Center’s huge grant
database showed that it got $2.4 million in foundation money from 2008
to 2010, with $1.3 million coming from Chicago’s rabidly anti-gun Joyce
Foundation, where Barack Obama was once a board member.

Workman continued to shed light on the funding of MAIG, which was
originally supported by Bloomberg ($3 million), insurance mogul Eli
Broad ($750,000), and the Joyce Foundation ($1.1 million). When the
Support Fund opened shop in 2008, Broad’s private foundation and the
Joyce Foundation continued as anti-gun donors.

Joyce incubated the idea of joint government and foundation funding
for gun control activists in 2008 with a grant of $375,000 “To support
four diverse ‘mayors against illegal guns’ coalition members in hiring
city coordinators to act as regional point persons for the coalition.”

Workman’s database-surfing found $32.2 million in tax-exempt money
pouring into various gun control pockets during the past decade. George
Soros’ Open Society Institute, for example, gave $600,000 to the Tides
Foundation in 2002, “To support the donor advised fund for the
Funders’ Collaborative for Gun Violence Prevention.”

Workman said, “Gun control has its donor advised funds and funders’
collaboratives and city-funded parasites, but I rarely see such
coordination among gun rights donors.”

Perhaps conservative donors need to regroup their constitutional priorities.


Congress Obama: No Small Arms Treaty. The United Nations wants to
make all weapons come under the CONTROL of international law – and
Obama is eager to give away our gun rights to them.


Ron Arnold – June 1, 2012 – ConservativeActionAlert


Ron Arnold is an author and columnist who is executive vice president of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, and author of Undue Influence: Wealthy Foundations, Grant Driven Environmental Groups, and Zealous Bureaucrats That Control Your Future.  Follow Ron at @Ron_Arnold



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