Agenda 21… ALERT!… Obama Implementing Agenda 21 Policies Through Latest Executive Order


On March 15, 2012, President Obama has released Executive Order – Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities
in accord with the United Nation’s Agenda 21 objective to turn America
into a controlled country under their global governance. ~ Susanne Posel – Videos

Obama plans
partnership with local communities and the US government to “provide
them with comprehensive technical assistance to use and compete for
Federal resources”.

The US government will then “enable them to develop
and implement economic strategies to become more competitive,
sustainable, and inclusive”.

UN Agenda 21′s Sustainable Development is defined as the integration
of economic, social and environmental policies to ensure a reduction in
consumption, social equity and preservation of biodiversity. Some
examples are:

  • Smart Growth

  • Wildlands Project

  • Resilient Cities

  • Regional Visioning Projects or Local Visioning

  • STAR Sustainable Communities

  • Green Jobs/Building Codes or “Going Green”

By creating a welfare state of dependence, the government’s assistance
claims to be able to lift America out of its economic distress. This
perversion of the actual plight of the average American is insulting.

has been the lack of prosecution of the central banking cartels that
created the economic devastation we all face each day. The Obama
administration has ignored this truth.

As a big brother control, this
executive order will not help to alleviate our decaying cities, but
simply place them under government regulation.

Obama claims that only with regional collaboration and comprehensive
planning with the US government will stabilize economic growth, create
jobs, and lead to sustainable redevelopment of our American cities. This
rhetoric is nearly copied directly from the Agenda 21 documents from
past Earth Summits.

Obama wants to gain governance over resources and implement US
government objectives under the guise of suggestive communication with
state and local governments.

Simply put, when the US government provides
the financial backing, they can create any outcome they desire. By
using the cloak of sustainability and economic growth, the Obama
administration is seeking to obtain voluntary control of our towns and
cities from our local governments.

Obama has established the Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities
(Council) within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to be
chaired by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to oversee
the implementation of governmental control over our communities.

bodies already have strong influential power. This action simply
strengthens their reach into our lives.

The Strong Cities, Strong Communities Council will implement technical
assistance, planning, and financing tools and implementation
strategies. These will be coordinated and aligned across agencies to
assist communities in building local capacity to address economic
issues, engaging in comprehensive planning, and advancing regional

As with Agenda 21, this governmental intervention will
take all the power out of the local residents of towns and cities. The
US government will have supreme control by way of financial

As the local level is forced to change independent
strategies, the government will assist the supposed flailing local
governments with predetermined and sustainable economic opportunities… as long as the local government’s do as they are told by the Obama

This governmental reach extends to the local laws, non-profit
organizations, business, labor organizations and enforcement of these

State and local governments will be forced to adopt policies of
the Strong Cities, Strong Communities Council in our school districts,
elected officials, faith and community based organizations,
philanthropies, institutions of local importance, and relevant persons
of expertise.

All these avenues will be under the control of the US
government and Agenda 21 methods. Mayors and city employees will be
forced to participate in this initiative under financial duress.

power control is most effective in securing governmental policies are
implemented, regardless of the public’s wants or needs.

It is at the local level that citizens can still stop Agenda 21. The
Obama administration knows this is true and is seeking to take that
power away with this executive order.




While we still can, we must contact our local governments and voice
our disdain at the Obama administrations power grab and takeover of our
private lives with this intrusive executive order.

Write to your local
elected officials, attend community meetings and vote against
Sustainable Developmental plans whenever you can.

The more attention we
bring to this hidden goal of the UN, the less likely we will face a
totally controlled future by an international body under the power of
global governance.

The time is now; but our time to effectively halt the UN’s takeover is dwindling.


Susanne Posel – March 18, 2012 – BeforeIt’sNews


Source OccupyCorporatism



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One Response to “Agenda 21… ALERT!… Obama Implementing Agenda 21 Policies Through Latest Executive Order”

  1. Thank you so much for re-posting my article. Please feel free to email me for any information on any additional articles you find appropriate for your site.

    Susanne Posel

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