(JTA) A Jewish man named Richard Levine — despite apparently suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder which appears to have caused him to believe that he is a “woman” named “Rachel” after having had his genitals removed — first “made history” in March when the U.S. Senate went along with his delusion and confirmed him as the new assistant secretary for Health and Human Services — and has now been promoted to the rank of “admiral”:
…Levine, who is Jewish, is the most senior transgender person in the uniformed services, after she was sworn in on Tuesday as the admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, one of two nonmilitary U.S. uniformed services. The other is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps.
The swearing-in also makes Levine the first known transgender four-star officer in U.S. history.
The public health corps, established more than 200 years ago and numbering 6,000 workers, is deployed to assist in national health emergencies, most recently in helping to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Levine, in her previous position as the health secretary in Pennsylvania, earned accolades for stemming the spread of the virus in that state.
Levine told The Washington Post that she plans to wear the uniform immediately.
“This is a momentous occasion and I am honored to take this role for the impact that I can make and for the historic nature of what it symbolizes,” she said in a video message after the swearing-in. “I stand on the shoulders of those LGBTQ+ individuals who came before me, both those known and unknown.”
Levine, 63, was born and raised in Massachusetts. Speaking to the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle upon becoming Pennsylvania’ physician general in 2015, Levine noted that though she grew up attending a Conservative synagogue, she became more inclined to Reform Judaism as an adult, in part because of the movement’s embrace of transgender people.
If you go to Levine’s Wikipedia page, any mention of his male birth name has been scrubbed — removed like his male genitalia — to perpetuate this delusion that he has “always” been a female since the day he was born.
Luckily for Levine, the “authoritative” World Health Organization — which gave its kosher stamp of approval to the fake COVID pandemic — no longer considers transgenderism a mental health disorder.
And if you object when a prominent transgender Jew admits that he and his kind are coming after our kids, you will soon find yourself in jail.
That said, according to Jewish mental health “experts,” Jews admittedly suffer from much higher rates of mental illness compared to the non-Jewish general public — which they’ve attempted to blame on “Nazis” — and generations of “persecution.”
We often hear Jewish “experts” claim that antisemitism is an actual mental illness — and those “suffering” from it should be either jailed for forcibly medicated.
Jews have a habit of gaslighting every society they live in — by convincing the “goyim” that Jews have nothing to do with the subversion and destruction of our nations — that we are “crazy” and “dangerous” antisemites if we catch them with their hands in the cookie jar.
Jews — through their complete control of the media — truly have a svengali-like ability to convince non-Jews that what they are seeing in front of their very eyes is not real — and to trust their “experts” who will explain what is “really happening.”
As the late Edgar J. Steele once incisively observed, “Antisemitism is a disease — you catch it from Jews” — such as when Jews convince us that if we oppose them in any way, we are “terrorists.”
An essential aspect of mental illness is that those who are mentally ill do not believe they are mentally ill — and Jews, in this respect, are experts in gaslighting themselves — that they blend in “just like everybody else” — that there’s “nothing different” about them.
And those who see through the Jewish gaslighting are always smeared as “antisemites” — and the embodiment of evil.
When the German people saw the Jewish hand in the destruction of their nation — and broke the spell to see the Jews for who they really are — the Jews did what they always do — they orchestrated the wholesale murder of 6 million German Christians who refused to go along with their lies under the guise of a legitimate war.
This is exactly how we’d expect mentally ill people to react when their lies are exposed — homicidal rage — and then blaming their victims.
No wonder Jews spend their entire lives looking over their shoulders wondering when the other shoe is going to drop.
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