Jewish World masters of slavery
Jews confirm it in their own histories. Newport, Rhode Island was the center of the slave trade and was basically a Jewish settlement and was known as such. About 95 percent of slave ships were explicitly registered to Jewish owners. The Jewish religion allows slavery. Their scripture actually commends Gentile-enslavement to Jews as an expression of Jewish religiosity and Jewish righteousness. (See the Torah and the Talmud.) The Christian religion of the Gentiles does not. The pious Christian White Europeans of the colonies had explicit laws prohibiting slavery. But Jews worked to get those laws changed so that they could sell slaves in America and enrich themselves in a highly lucrative business. In the South, slaves were a rich man’s luxury. Only 4 percent of Southerners owned slaves; the very wealthy. The vast majority of farming and working class Whites did not. Then of the slave owners of the South, a high percentage of those were — quite naturally — Jewish. After they created and profited from slavery, Jews then used slavery to engineer “White guilt” in young White people. For example, although slavery was a Jewish enterprise the Jewish propagandist Stephen Spielberg takes pains to present slavers as “Christians” in his White-guilt fest “Amistad.”
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